Category Archives: Jesus

A Touching Story

Every once in a while I have to leave the HOA brain drain and just sit back and reflect. The HOA mess can make a person pretty negative. So it’s good once in a while to just rinse it all off, sit back, be amused and amazed at the good things in life. And when I run across a story like this one it needs to be shared.

(link to story of an adorable little girl and the rain)



Happy New Year!

Many of you have seen this promo before. It was a 2001 attempt by my TV station to videotape a Christmas and New Year’s greeting. As I recall we did more than a hundred takes and my Irish Setter puppy just wouldn’t cooperate. So I was blown away when our promotion team figured out a way to stitch together a promo that actually worked. I was exhausted. Here it is:



Disgusting HOA Christmas Lights Policy

Want to know how to crash an entire neighborhood’s property values? Just tell homeowners that absolutely no Christmas lights or decorations are allowed, even inside the windows of a home. Violators will be fined. Then spread the word to all Realtors who might want to list property in that area. Bam! Your home is worth tens of thousands of dollars less.

Muirfield Village Homeowners Association. Mesa, Arizona.

Yep. The board has been threatening action against any fool who puts up Christmas decorations. Most of them have been taken down. We’re not talking Dickens’ Scrooge or Suess’s Grinch, here. We’re talking about board members whose collective brain capacity is that of a pet rock. I take it back. A pet rock is probably a little smarter.

Who votes these idiots into office, anyway?

(link to KPHO/KTVK television)


Jews vs. Christians vs. HOA

Hoo-boy! I’m not exactly sure how to handle this one except to pass it along.

A former drug company executive who was fired years ago for trying to be a whistle-blower in his own company, is now trying to blow the whistle on his Fort Lauderdale Homeowners Association. The problem is that the HOA recognizes both Christmas and Hanukkah in the HOA clubhouse. Oh, for shame!

Christians and Jews have a long history of respect for each other’s religions. Sure, there have been occasional problems, but Christians revere Jesus who was Jewish. Christians have poured vast amounts of money into supporting Israel. And Jewish scientists have hired many Christian researchers in some of the most important medical discoveries in history. You’ll find many Jews and Christians working side by side at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.

In my mind it would be awful if a Homeowners Association didn’t respect both religions at this time of year, Kwanzaa, too, for that matter. How a neighborhood treats people from other religions has a profound impact on property values.