Category Archives: Make it Viral!

Net ‘Neutrality’ and this Website!

Well, the news this week is pretty bad for net neutrality. The White House has come up with a 332 page book of regulations that it’s going to hand to the FCC for implementation. Just as in the Affordable Care Act, they have to pass the bill so we can all see what’s in it. A lone renegade on the FCC is warning that this bill is so heavy handed that it will fundamentally change the way the Internet is governed, essentially treating it as a public utility.

Hundreds of billions in new taxes, controversial websites (like this one) may be subjected to a version of the old (and failed) Fairness Doctrine, and smaller businesses and smaller political operatives will essentially be driven off the web. Websites will be censored. Another name for the bill is “full employment for trial lawyers.”

The Internet has given us a measure of freedom that never would have been granted by traditional government. It has fundamentally changed the world, both socially and financially.

FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai says the future looks pretty grim.


Stop Building Crap!

That’s the power phrase that came out of an interview with Jon Harris, who owns a condominium in Denver’s Five Points neighborhood. Five Points leaders tried for decades to turn around its image as a run-down part of the city. Back in the 20s and 30s it was the home of some of the best jazz clubs in the country. But as Denver expanded in all directions of the compass, Five Points was subjected to typical inner city decline.

Still, neighborhoods can be reborn and Five Points leaders have worked hard to try to make the neighborhood a showplace once again.

The problem is that they mandated higher density ‘affordable’ housing which meant developers were ordered to create Homeowner and Condo Associations. To encourage developers to build such high density housing the city loosened zoning regulations and inspections.

Condo owner Jon Harris desperately wanted to buy a quality home and live in a neighborhood rich in Colorado history. Now, he says, every condo in his complex is beset with construction defects. Meanwhile, the State Legislature is trying to pass a bill that would limit lawsuits against builders.

Harris says the legislation is wrong. The only right answer is for builders to “STOP BUILDING CRAP!”

Most of us could agree with that.

(link to KDVR-TV story on construction defects)


It’s Happening All Over!

Our guest blogger, Deborah Goonan first wrote about this HOA several months ago. But it’s so nightmarish and such a good example of how damaging HOAs can be to your mental and financial health, it’s worth dragging out again. These homeowners in a collapsing HOA in Virginia’s Historic Triangle will never be able to solve their problems.


Homeowners who bought into Riverwalk Townes are beginning to learn how stupid they were. Just a few years old, the Homeowners Association is suddenly deciding that fundamentally bad construction cannot be corrected by suing the builder. Now they’re having to turn to York County to see if their unfinished subdivision can be finished at taxpayer expense.

Street lights don’t work, roads are unsafe, drainage systems are falling apart. The roads aren’t properly crowned so rainwater flows down the middle of the streets, two foot wide trenches crisscross yards which actually isn’t a bad idea if you’re a fisherman looking for worms.

But the real worm is the developer, Gary Sheppard of Sheppard, Hale & Associates, now one of Virginia’s most well-respected builders.

Didn’t anyone warn these homeowners that they were stupid to buy into the HOA concept?

Wouldn’t our founding fathers be proud? So proud.

(link to Riverwalk Townes building fiasco)


New Contest for America’s Worst Neighbor!

Please send me your submissions! ABC 20/20 did a story on these two couples on January 2nd. Amazingly bad neighbors.

I’m going to start soliciting similar nominations from you for the year’s worst neighbor…not sure what prize I’ll award for the most nightmarish neighbor…maybe a free copy of Neighbors At War, but these two couples are a prize.

God bless them. What would the rest of us do for entertainment without idiots like these?

(nightmare neighbors in New York)



Health Problems, Computer Problems, & a Dash of Old Age!

In complaining the other night about health problems, age problems and computer problems, I completely forgot the main point of bringing all of this up in the same post. It was a way of directing you to one of the funniest commentaries on old age that I’ve ever seen. It was a speech to the Conference on Aging done by a well known California weatherman.

You may end up with some laughter-related medical problems of your own.