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HOA Crap vs Hanging Crappers?

guest blog by Nila Ridings

If the CAI sees this video they will hang their hat on this being a justifiable reason for the existence of HOAs!  Yes, HOAs would prohibit this from happening for sure.  But is putting up with the crap from the HOA better or worse than this?  
Is this revenge for a newly-erected fence?  Or is it an eye for “art” that includes a tree “monument” to honor Sir Thomas Crapper?  He’s famous for… well, he’s just famous.
After living in an HOA, I could find the humor in this if it meant I was living HOA-free.  I’d even buy the first 100lb. bag of bird feed.
But something tells me the city codes enforcement agent will be out soon to write a violation for some kind of hazard.
Under any condition will these neighbors ever be able to live in peace and harmony?

Every City Needs A Joe!

guest blog by Nila Ridings 

I can name on one hand the cities that have television reporters that will actually expose an HOA and their bad actors. Or HOAs that refuse to allow homeowners access to the financial records.  Nope, pretty much television stations have gotten the “memo” on not covering HOA stories.  Or so that’s the way it appears.  Phoenix has Joe Ducey and he doesn’t hesitate to expose the HOAs.  He actually invites homeowners to contact him with their HOA nightmares.  So, Arizonans…Let Joe Know!  And pass along a heartfelt “thank you” from all of us!
This video…intentionally blurred…hummm, I wonder why?  I’m laughing.  I know WHY and so do you.  Regardless it’s typical of an HOA meeting.  Is there any wonder why homeowners don’t attend HOA meetings?  Are they afraid of being physically hit, yelled at, and bullied?  Or do they chose to spare their nervous system the extra stress for two hours once a month?  At my HOA some of them “premedicate” from a glass bottle or an aluminum can before walking through the clubhouse door.  
Some might find it entertaining while others find it obnoxious.  Either way, “welcome” to meeting night at your lovely HOA!

Last Call…Who Gets Stuck With The Condo?

guest blog by Nila Ridings

Occasionally I talk with a condo or HOA homeowner who tells me they are working to pay off their mortgage so they can leave the property to their kids debt-free when they die.  None of us knows when we are going to take our final flight, but we all know the risks of owning in a condo association or HOA.  For those who don’t, I’d suggest spending time on this website and reading Ward’s book, Neighbors At War!
I’ve watched the results of this plan play out over the past few years.  When heirs live out of state they sell for whatever they can get or turn their new property into rentals.  Rarely, do they move into the unit.  And they have no clue what is going on inside of the HOA , who is running for the board, how many lawsuits are pending, or if the HOA has taken out a million dollar loan.  They’re clueless and have absolutely no interest in knowing more.
If they can’t get the property sold and don’t want a rental, they are stuck paying monthly dues to the HOA. While there is no water, sewer, or trash usage during that time the HOA bill continues, along with taxes and insurance.  If at some point the HOA slaps a lien on the property there is an amount to be paid that nobody knows about. Or, the lien was satisfied but the HOA never released it.  Possibly the deceased wasn’t aware of it, but it’s there and it has to be paid before the place can be sold.  Or an assessment pops up and heirs are on the hook to pay that, too.  Suddenly, this inherited real estate becomes a pain in the neck and/or a financial burden to someone who can’t afford the extra expense or deal with all the added stress.
We learned in Neighbors At War that mortgage-free HOA properties also become targets for non-judicial foreclosure.  Since corruption never misses an opportunity the dead are not exempt from HOA abuse either.
During a recent conversation with an HOA property owner I learned something that I expected was coming.  This individual wanted a reverse mortgage only to learn that isn’t possible because the HOA is not FHA approved.  The advice given was to take out the maximum amount in a mortgage, enjoy life with the money, and when the money runs out or the final breath is taken, the kids can let the property go back to the mortgage company and walk away.  If the HOA opts to foreclose, so be it. (Who needs a good credit rating to get into the cemetery?)
Bottom line is: hundreds of thousands of dollars tied up in a covenant controlled and often times corrupt HOA is not a way to leave your heirs feeling loved.  It could bring them a financial burden that could drastically change their lives and leave them feeling angry with you for leaving them in such a financial mess.
No one lives without dying.  Careful thought should be given to how we wish to be remembered.  Hopefully it won’t be that generations to come are left sitting around holiday decorated dining room tables discussing Mom and Dad or Aunt Matilda’s HOA nightmare that was “supposed” to be an inheritance!

A New Website Feature

I’m a total Rube Goldberg, so put me into a room with dials and meters and ramps and hammers and I’m quite likely to hammer together something very stupid-looking that might actually have some societal value.

On the opening splash page of Neighbors At War, there’s a category called “Resources.” Click that and you’ll find another “resources’ button. Tap that and you’ll see a list of crimes, like embezzlement, robbery, burglary, assault, and a dozen similar words. Clicking on each of these words brings up an automatic Google search. In other words, if you click ’embezzlement’…. in the background I secretly run the terms “Homeowner Association, property Association, Property Owner Association, HOA, POA, CID, CIC embezzlement.” That, hopefully, gives you some interesting numbers to show to a non-believer, someone you’re trying to rescue from ‘the dark side.’  The numbers are quite staggering…and convincing. And it’s certainly an interesting (but not necessarily perfect) research tool.

Jack English Is Loving Life Until The End

guest blog by Nila Ridings 

93 years old, living in the wilderness, splitting wood, and making violin bows.  Will that be you?  Or me?  Jack English has loved the wild areas of California since he was a young boy.  And his wife’s dying words and his sentimental heart led him back there with plans to stay until the end.
Jack mades me think of Dorothy.  She lived in my HOA.  When it was discovered the audits had not been done, and  $10,000,000.00 was unaccounted for, and the bills weren’t paid, and the houses were rotting before our eyes, Dorothy invited me in for a talk.  She was 93, frail, but with fight in her eyes.  In my mind’s eye, I can still see her sitting there in the power blue velveteen chair with her walker at arm’s length.  Her eyes were locked with mine.  As the tears ran down her cheeks she said, “Nila, if I was younger I would be fighting as hard as you are to get to the bottom of this, but I’m too old and too weak.  Something sinister is going on here; you know it and I know it.  If you don’t get this mess straightened out, I am going to figure out a way out of here!  I don’t want to spend another day of my life in this horrible nightmare of a homeowners association.”  Sadly, Dorothy ended up in a nursing home and not long ago I read her obituary.  It still makes me sad to think that Dorothy, at nearly a century old knew she was being ripped off, but she was helpless.  She could be nothing more than a victim and hand over her money every month.
It’s really refreshing to see Jack English’s story.  Knowing he was one elderly person who didn’t get caught in some HOA maintenance-provided propaganda sales pitch like so many other 80 and 90 year olds.  And, it’s a reminder that when we fight these HOA battles it is not just for ourselves.  It’s for all the Dorothy’s across this country who have no clue that when they bought into an HOA they signed away their twilight years into a hellish nightmare like they have never known in the decades they’ve lived before.  We must never forget that their silence doesn’t mean they are not fully aware of the corruption.  Father Time has just weakened them enough to make them easy prey for the HOA monster.
Now, take a look at what life at 93 and HOA-free can be!