These stories just get wilder and harder to believe. The video linked below is beyond shocking. The only good news is that newspapers and TV stations are using HOA horror stories as regular features. Yep, it’s going to be a bad, bad time for these HOA board officers.
In fairness, shouldn’t I once in a while run a post involving someone who’s all in favor of HOAs? Don’t hate me, but here it is. I imagine a number of readers of Neighbors At War can pick this one apart feather by feather and nut by nut!
The four board members of the Twin Creek South Estate Homeowners Association may be among the stupidest people on Planet Earth. These knuckle dragging hominids in San Ramon, California might even qualify for the infamous annual “Darwin Award.” Their collective IQ points could easily be totaled up on one hand.
California is in the midst of a drought so bad that smaller communities are now running completely out of water. Many Californians are paying big sums of money for water brought in by truck from other states. Reservoirs are bone dry. Aquifers are drying up or becoming too saline to use. The collective weight of trillions of gallons of missing water has actually caused land along the San Andreas Fault to rise significantly triggering swarms of thousands of mini-earthquakes. The Legislature and Governor have had to enact a law forbidding Homeowners Associations from fining residents who don’t keep their lawns green. More food crops are grown in California than in any other state, but those crops are no longer being shipped to the nation’s grocery stores. That’s why you’re seeing record prices on store shelves across the country.
Yet the Twin Creek South HOA board members have the unmitigated gall to assess monthly fines against a homeowner who tried to create a drought resistant lawn.
When a KGO-ABC news crew tried to talk to these board members they refused to comment.
Of course they did. They’re too stupid to put three words together in a coherent sentence.
“Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.” -Robert A. Heinlein
California is going through one of the worst droughts in its history, the state is massively short of water. But the city of Glendora, a suburb of L.A., is threatening to fine a homeowner whose lawn is ‘too brown.’ The couple admits they scaled back their lawn watering because of state-wide emergency orders to conserve water.
Michael Korte and Laura Whitney have been given 60 days to green up their lawn. If they don’t they’ll get bashed with fines of up to $500.
Gosh, Homeowners Associations all over California have been threatening homeowners with fines bigger than that for brown lawns. Where’s the leadership?
The Beverly Hills homeowners association where Justin Beiber has a full-time party pad has had it up to its corporate eyebrows with Beiber’s behavior. His parties get out of control, the neighbors are miserable.
But according to TMZ, they’re trying to crack down. The HOA has voted to hire a security company to work during Beiber’s party hours. And they’re going to bill Beiber’s landlord which is the way it should be.
Despite this blogger’s annoyance with the illegal activities of many HOA boards across the country, there’s no reason for people to have to put up with willful illegal activity of a resident. And this HOA is doing what HOAs are supposed to do.
Until Beiber grows up he really should live in a farmhouse way out in the country.