Tag Archives: Federal investigators

Hogtied & Hammered By Transfer Fee!

I knew it was coming. I just didn’t realize how massive the damage would be. It’s huge.

Some close friends just sold their HOA home in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. Before they could sell their house they had to come up with $10,000 at closing, much of that for a Transfer Fee. The Realtor didn’t warn them (they rarely do). Despite me writing Neighbors At War, and doing this blog nightly, these friends just didn’t understand what was coming. It’s hard for younger folks to listen to the ‘old man.’ I’m embarrassed to say that at their age I never listened to my own ‘old man’, either.

But these friends had counted on that $10,000 to help with the down payment for a new house (again, in an HOA!). In their position I would be seething with bitterness.

Dear Readers, Colorado Realtors stood silent when Homeowners Rights advocates tried to convince State Legislators that Transfer Fees are fundamentally unjust and illegal. Just three years ago the state passed a law which actually declared transfer fees to be illegal (except in Homeowners Associations). Why the exception for HOAs? Well, just a single HOA lobbying group takes in 55 billion dollars a year. How in Hell does an insider industry group NOT use that kind of money to ‘buy’ legislation?

Shame on the corrupt HOA lobby. Shame on the greedy legislators. Shame on the Realtors who stood silent when they could have made a difference.

I really think our rising movement should take aim at Realtors. They make 7% on a home sale. On a $400,000 house that’s $28,000.  All homeowners should begin demanding that Realtors agree IN WRITING that they will pay the cost of all transfer fees. You don’t agree? You don’t get the listing.

Maybe those Realtors will join us at the Legislature next year.

Damn The Military! What The Heck Do They Matter?

As the son of a West Point graduate who was a highly decorated combat veteran and a POW of the Nazis, I’m often mystified at the rank hatred expressed by some people towards those in uniform. Who knows? Maybe those haters staged anti-war demonstrations in the 60’s and 70’s, or maybe they built bombs or lit fires.

But for someone who has five family members buried at Arlington, it just rankles when I see the viciousness of those who’ll deny any acknowledgement to the men and women who spend their lives protecting the rest of us.

Our latest story comes from the Frenchman’s Creek Homeowners Association in Lafayette, Louisiana.

A military family put up a Welcome Home sign for their son,  Anthony Marsiglia, who’s in the Navy. The HOA lawyer told them, “Nope! Not without severe restrictions.” And now they’ve been ordered into mediation.

Other military families who’ve put up yellow ribbons in support of Marsiglia had them quickly torn down.

Can you imagine if this kind of thing had happened in WWII?

Yep, damn those military creeps. They’re just a bunch of brain-dead losers anyway.

(link to Lafayette story)


Blind Man Crushed To Death In Willow Creek Condos Trash Compactor

guest blog by Nila Ridings
Roger Mirro of Palantine, Illinois thought he might have accidentally thrown his cell phone in the garbage bag he dropped down the trash chute in his four story condo building.  He was given the key to access the compactor by Larry Boni, a board member.  Since Boni was waiting on a phone call he allowed Roger to take on the task of searching the trash unsupervised. But he failed to mention the equipment was activated by an electronic eye which had no emergency safety shut-off mechanism.
Roger fell into the compactor, tripping the automatic mechanism for compaction and died.  He was blind.  Regardless of that, there were no signs or warnings posted around this dangerous piece of equipment.
Did Roger know this was an electronic crushing device?  Or did he think he was going to be searching through a standard trash receptacle?  I suppose these questions will be answered in the wrongful death, pain and suffering lawsuit that has now been filed in Cook County by his wife, Donna Mirro.
I wonder?  Do the condo owners in this association realize the massive liability they could be facing simply because a board member handed over the key to the compactor?  This widow deserves compensation for the needless loss of her husband and the attorneys will dig deep into everybody’s pockets to get it.
This tragedy should raise the awareness that something as simple as handing over a key can change the lives of everyone when you live in an HOA or condo association.

Taxpayers Screwed By The HOA Movement!

This story, from NBC News and The Consumerist, really ought to get you steamed. Homeowners Associations on prime beachfront properties have figured out a way to make the taxpayers pay for their huge cost of flood insurance. It sounds like fiction, but it’s not.

Zillionaires who own oceanfront properties that get destroyed by hurricanes every couple of years theoretically should be paying a fortune for federal flood insurance. That’s the law.

But guess who figured out a way to make YOU pay for their flood insurance?

Yep. The zillionaires. They got the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to declare their constantly flooded properties as Low Risk/No Flood Zones. That means about a 95% reduction in their flood insurance costs.

So, every time you see on the news that a ritzy beachfront condo development has been destroyed by a hurricane, just remember that last check you wrote to the IRS. A good portion of it is paying for the reconstruction of the homes of zillionaires.

Now, do you feel like a sucker?

(link to story on The Consumerist)


Jerry Brown! Jerry Brown!

Governor Jerry Brown! In what orifice is your head hopelessly lodged?

California is in the middle of a horrible drought, even the drought of a lifetime. Farmers who generate most of the nation’s food are going broke. Governor Jerry has asked homeowners to quit using so much water on their lawns. In fact, he’s even declared a drought emergency.

A Republican State Senator has even proposed a law to force HOAs to quit fining residents over their brown lawns.

How impotent! And ignorant

Homeowners Associations are merrily fining, suing and foreclosing on homeowners who’ve followed the governor’s water rationing requests and have allowed their lawns to turn brown.

You see, Homeowner Associations are private non-profit corporations which are beyond the control of state and federal laws. After all, Americans have a Constitutional right to make contracts, even if those contracts are counter to decency and common sense.

Despite the efforts of the governor and other California legislators, Kentucky Bluegrass will continue to decorate the grounds of Homeowners Associations.


(link to Democratic Underground story)

(link to CVT HOA story on drought emergency)

(link to KTVU-TV news story)