Tag Archives: Florida

Turnberry Board Members Get The Tides Turned On Them!

by guest blogger, Nila Ridings

Oh Florida! What are we going to do with you? Are you having a contest to see which HOA board can act the stupidest?

Eighty homeowners are now without their trash and recycling containers because the board at Turnberry Reserve hired people to steal them right off the homeowners property!

I won’t be surprised if homeowners don’t turn the board member’s yards, porches, trees, landscaping, and cars into their local landfill site. That could include dirty diapers on “Welcome” mats, used tampons hanging like tree ornaments, and smiley-faced partially-eaten peanut butter sandwiches turned upside down on Lexus IS-350 chrome bumpers.

Where is the health department going to stand on this stupidly insane stunt?

Will homeowners take a stand and sue those responsible for stealing their trash containers? From the attorney’s statements it sure sounds like this time the tides have turned and the board members are going to be the biggest losers!

The board members won the battle and lost the war!

Justice will be served!

(click here for WKMG story)


Your Voting Rights Really Are At Risk!

There’s no better homeowners rights advocate in the country than CalHomeLaw.org., in California. I wish they’d let me link directly to some of their blog posts, but they are a paid-only subscription website and I understand and respect that. In the meantime, I have to re-purpose some of their material, while giving them full credit.

CalHomeLaw.org has been vigorously lobbying against Internet voting for Homeowners Associations. The reason is obvious. The Homeowners Association industry is a wasps nest of fraud and once they get Internet voting passed, you and I as private property owners are toast.

Their latest blog cites www.verifiedvoting.org as an expert on what goes on in elections, public AND non-profit.

Now, imagine this scenario: In California, AB-1360 would allow the HOA industry to set up its own internet election equipment, count its own votes, and name the winners. There’s no paper trail, there’s no audit. Challenging election results will be absolutely impossible.

The HOA industry has poured massive amounts of money into trying to lobby for this bill and others like it.

Remember Las Vegas? Hundreds of millions of dollars were skimmed away from Homeowners Associations into the pockets of private law firms, police officials, political bigwigs, all based on the fact that phony ‘straw men’ were elected to HOA boards in completely fixed elections!

Dang it, Folks, this is ORGANIZED CRIME! This is the NEW MAFIA!

We’ve already seen gunfire break out in a number of Homeowners Associations across America. We’ve seen suicides, and we’ve watched thousands of people evicted from longtime homes. We’ve seen cases where a buddy of the HOA lawyer bought up the victim’s home at auction for pennies on the dollars a day after the foreclosure.

Heck, we’ve even seen cases where the HOA board auctioned off and then bought a homeowner’s house and put the money back in the HOA treasury! Talk about a conflict of interest!

This is ugly stuff gang, and it’s going on in neighborhoods all around the country, even in the town you thought was so benign and peaceful.

Organize Folks! Beat these criminals down at every possible chance. I’m not much of a bell-ringing alarmist, but I know this stuff is coming. I swear to you that we are in the very real situation where Constitutional rights we all thought we once had are being pulverized. When they’re gone, we have no way of getting them back.


The Idiots in Brighton Lakes HOA!

guest blog by Nila Ridings

Homeowner Carol Dietrick is handicapped but gets around great on her mobility scooter.
Now, her HOA claims her husband’s truck which is equipped with a wheelchair lift is a commercial vehicle! And they’re threatening to fine Carol’s landlord.

WFTV-TV in Central Florida reports that the HOA could be in violation of federal law. Talk about understatements!

Carol…take your camera and get some pix of the rear ends of every board member’s car. Betcha you’ll see lots of commercial logos like…. Ford, Chevrolet, GMC, Honda, Toyota, Subaru, and maybe even Cadillac. That’s all advertising. 

You’ll see stickers for places like Bob’s Buy Here Pay Here, One Minute Motors, or Kick Me To Kissimmee Auto Plaza. Those photos will be proof positive that every board member’s car is a commercial vehicle. See if those same board members wear Tommy Hilfiger shirts or New Balance shoes…. more advertising. And don’t miss the bonus shot of Florida dealer tags on license plates. Again, blatant advertising. 

Your lawsuit could be a humdinger!

I’m convinced we need a 12 Step program for HOA board members. They constantly prove they can’t help themselves when it comes to lust for power, and addiction to stupidity.

(click here for WFTV story)


Are You A Sinner?

That was just hypothetical. According to some religions we are ALL sinners. But what gives a Homeowners Association the right to determine who is a sinner and who is not?

I know, you think I’m just exaggerating again. But my regular readers know I NEVER resort to hyperbole, right?

Well, Bunky, take a look at the latest outrage in a Venice, Florida Homeowners Association. The Casa Di Amici Condo Association refuses to allow a condo sale to anybody it deems (in its own infinite wisdom) to be ‘living in sin.’ Now, if, as the Bible teaches, we are all sinners and no one is capable of judging one another, what in Hell is going on here?

Major life decisions, i.e., investing all your money in a home, is now up to a board of directors who take a vote on whether a prospective buyer is a sinner? Is there a point system? Would my war-widowed mother be deemed a sinner because she married again?  Would I be excluded because I was the second child of my widowed mother? Would a rape victim who chose not to abort a child be rated higher or lower on the Casa Di Amici Condo Association’s ‘sin scale’?

Give me a frickin’ break!

Losers, all of them. If I had their neighborhood address list I would publish it!



Sometimes,the Good Guy Wins!

Florida’s Jan Bergemman is one of the early heroes of the homeowners’ rights movement. For many years, he’s had his sights set on putting rules in place that would stop the mindless unregulated tyranny in Homeowners Associations. Jan describes himself as a “retired chef from Germany.” But he’s worked tirelessly in his state to try to wake people up to the organized crime syndicate behind the Homeowners Association Movement.

This blogger was skeptical, at first, when reading about proposed new anti-HOA laws in Florida. “Impossible!” I thought, when finding that common sense laws were being suggested in the original ‘tyranny state.’

But Bergemann & Company came through and beginning July 1st, the state began regulating and trying to control some of the wildly out-of-control fascism that rules many Florida HOA communities.

First step: registration of all HOAs.

Second step: No homeowner can lose his home to HOA foreclosure when his dues are late!

Third step: Homeowners actually get the right to inspect documents in their own HOA. Sadly, this had to be legislated. It shows how outrageously out of control secretive Homeowners Associations have gotten.

Fourth step: Husbands and wives on the same board are a conflict-of-interest! Wow!

Fifth step: HOA board members and managers cannot personally profit when awarding contracts. If this one sticks, it’s huge. A first in the entire nation.

This is all what Arizona’s George Staropoli has long termed “The Enlightenment Movement.” I like that term, but I don’t have the guts to steal it from George.

Whatever term is used, this is like changing the course of a wayward ocean liner. It can’t be reversed immediately. It takes time, effort and risk to right the ship-of-state.

But Jan? Congratulations! I never would have predicted your victory on behalf of all homeowners. Jan’s website is  http://www.ccfj.net

The Orlando.com article is linked below.
