Tag Archives: HOA Abuse

CAI Organizes to Lobby Congress!

One of the most articulate, knowledgeable Homeowners Rights advocates in America is Arizona’s George Staropoli. When he makes a prediction you can bet on it. In his current blog, linked below, he says the Community Associations Institute (CAI) is turning its massive lobbying arm into a lobbying effort specifically targeting the U.S. Congress.

CAI is an extremely deceptive organization that turns George Orwell’s Animal Farm on its head. Up is down and down is up, good is bad and bad is good, all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. CAI is drowning Congressmen and Senators in the blatant lie that it represents the ‘collective’ rights and interests of all homeowners.

CAI’s website has a more honest depiction of its own organization. It says it represents 44 billion dollars worth of American real estate. What CAI will NEVER tell you is:

     the billions of dollars in fines against homeowners it has encouraged or precipitated,

     the hundreds of thousands of American homeowners it has helped bankrupt,

     the massive numbers of embezzlements from Homeowners Associations by HOA insiders,

     the numbers of murders and suicides precipitated after raw harrassment of homeowners,

     the billions and billions of dollars in HOA dues and homeowners’ legal fees it helped divert to private pockets,

     the complete fabrication that HOAs protect and preserve property value.

During the years of prohibition, Al Capone and his cronies made a fortune in illegal activities surrounding the illegal importation of alcohol. His corruption and his ability to corrupt public figures led to the explosion of La Cosa Nostra. Our Thing. The Mafia. It would be outrageous to think of such an organized crime effort creating a legal lobbying arm to twist the arms and the minds of the dimwits in Congress.

But anyone who takes a closer look at the Community Associations Institute will see how it got its start as a public ‘education’ organization, and then twisted itself into a private lobbying group that made massive profits referring HOA matters to its own ‘preferred’ phalanx of lawyers and service providers. If you’re anywhere close to the CAI, you’re going to get rich. Money from the pockets of dismayed homeowners will pour directly into yours.

CAI won’t tell you that dozens of its members or affiliates were indicted, arrested, committed ‘suicide’, or are facing racketeering charges in the current federal investigation in Las Vegas.

CAI won’t tell you that.

But I will.

And our movement is growing.


The Best HOA Bill Of Rights

Jonathan Friedrich is legendary in Nevada. He’s a longtime and tireless Homeowners Rights advocate and lobbyist who’s fought the HOA movement, led anti-HOA demonstrations, and has frequently proved to members of the news media that organized crime in the HOA movement is not a fiction. And by some miracle, he found himself appointed by Governor Sandoval to the Nevada commission that oversees the managers and management of Homeowners Associations.

In the past few years several people and organizations have tried to compose a Homeowners Bill of Rights. Excellent proposals have been made by Arizona’s George Staropoli and Illinois Professor Evan McKenzie. But in the opinion of this blogger, Jonathan Friedrich’s version is the most aggressive.

The link is below. Print it out, save it, distribute it to neighbors. As you read this, please understand that this one man is standing up against what may ultimately be proved to be the most massive organized crime conspiracy in the country’s history.




Sometimes,the Good Guy Wins!

Florida’s Jan Bergemman is one of the early heroes of the homeowners’ rights movement. For many years, he’s had his sights set on putting rules in place that would stop the mindless unregulated tyranny in Homeowners Associations. Jan describes himself as a “retired chef from Germany.” But he’s worked tirelessly in his state to try to wake people up to the organized crime syndicate behind the Homeowners Association Movement.

This blogger was skeptical, at first, when reading about proposed new anti-HOA laws in Florida. “Impossible!” I thought, when finding that common sense laws were being suggested in the original ‘tyranny state.’

But Bergemann & Company came through and beginning July 1st, the state began regulating and trying to control some of the wildly out-of-control fascism that rules many Florida HOA communities.

First step: registration of all HOAs.

Second step: No homeowner can lose his home to HOA foreclosure when his dues are late!

Third step: Homeowners actually get the right to inspect documents in their own HOA. Sadly, this had to be legislated. It shows how outrageously out of control secretive Homeowners Associations have gotten.

Fourth step: Husbands and wives on the same board are a conflict-of-interest! Wow!

Fifth step: HOA board members and managers cannot personally profit when awarding contracts. If this one sticks, it’s huge. A first in the entire nation.

This is all what Arizona’s George Staropoli has long termed “The Enlightenment Movement.” I like that term, but I don’t have the guts to steal it from George.

Whatever term is used, this is like changing the course of a wayward ocean liner. It can’t be reversed immediately. It takes time, effort and risk to right the ship-of-state.

But Jan? Congratulations! I never would have predicted your victory on behalf of all homeowners. Jan’s website is  http://www.ccfj.net

The Orlando.com article is linked below.



The eBook is out!

In case you hadn’t noticed, look at the left-hand column. You’ll see that our eBook is now out. If you’re a Kindle person, Please check it out! Click on it, enjoy! Then tell everyone you know that’s it’s now online.

Frivolous. Idiotic. Probably Partially Insane.

Yes, sometimes I like to take my mind off of the national scam known as Homeowners Associations. But this is one of those rare departures you may always remember. You’ll make fun of me, of course, but it’s just a weird thing that occurred to me during a recent long, boring spell.

You’ve heard all the stories, of course, of Homeowners Associations that try to restrict your rights in incredible ways:  A Miami condo association that will sue you for ‘improper and offensive cooking odors’, e.g., cooking in a wok. And there are all those HOAs that have fined, liened or foreclosed upon homeowners who’ve tried to set up a backyard barbeque.

So, yes, you really can lose your home because of the wrong kind of cooking.

Which all leads to one of the most bizarre dinner parties I’ve ever had. Fortunately, the guests were mostly family. But if you ever try the following recipe, you’ll never do it another way!

Get two slices of aluminum foil about 24 inches long.

Take a fresh salmon steak, about a half inch thick and place it on one of the pieces of foil.

Squeeze an entire half of a lime over the salmon steak.

Put a pat of butter on the salmon.

Liberally sprinkle the salmon steak with salmon seasoning, garlic powder, salt, pepper, lemon/dill, chili powder, oregano.

Wrap the salmon steak, envelope style, in the aluminum wrap.

Turn the packet upside down, and wrap it again, envelope style, in the second sheet of foil.

Put however many salmon steaks you’ve prepared on the top rack of your dishwasher. Run the dishwasher through its entire regular cycle.

When the cycle is done, open all the foil envelopes and serve to your guests. It’ll be the best, most tender salmon you ever tasted!

Just don’t use that nasty wok. Or the barbeque. They’re too ethnic.