Whew, the webs we weave when first we practice to deceive (Sir Walter Scott, 1808).
Now that marijuana for medicinal AND personal use has been legalized in several states, grow operations are bound to be taking place very near you. A next door grow-op will certainly affect your property values, right? And a Homeowners Association will make sure that never happens to you, right?
Wrong, Bunky. One of the biggest lies in American life is that your Homeowners Association protects your property values. There’s not a scientific study in the nation that shows HOAs protect property values. And there are lots of studies that show HOAs crash property values (think Trayvon Martin’s neighborhood!).
But the growers of grass, weed, Hawaiian black, Indian hemp, jolly green, wacky weed, are looking for a safe place to grow theirs. The safest place in the world is a private home right smack dab in the middle of a Homeowners Association. They’re usually pretty safe. And if they’re not growing ‘skunk’, you’d probably never even notice.
Surely your HOA will protect you against such things as illegal next- door grow-ops. But…if they don’t? How are your property values will do once the police raid gets publicized?