Tag Archives: HOA Hell

Nuclear Power: Coming To A Homeowners Association Near You

With the burning of fossil fuels being blamed for global warming, scientists are madly scrambling to come up with new ways of generating energy to power the planet and its massive population growth.

Nuclear power has long been predicted to be the only real escape from the current energy crisis. The problem is that nuclear power plants are horribly expensive, terribly dangerous, and used fuel rods can remain radioactive for millions of years. But changes are coming.

The June issue of Popular Mechanics has a brief article about plans by Westinghouse to produce a miniature nuclear power plant that can produce 225 megawatts, enough to power more than 200,000 homes. This is a completely new kind of plant that can actually be buried underground in a ‘cooperative’ and ‘understanding’ community. It’s been more than three decades since the last approved reactor in the United States. Westinghouse promises that this reactor is different: It’s only 89 feet tall, it can be buried underground to minimize radiation release, and if it goes into shutdown (meltdown?) mode it doesn’t need electricity to cool down.

The word ‘meltdown’ is still pretty frightening to folks who remember Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. So there’ll be massive resistance by the public to bringing a mini-nuclear reactor to their neighborhood. Which brings up Homeowners Associations!  They’re a perfect fit. HOA neighborhoods are private non-profit corporations which do not have to follow most governmental restraints in the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights. HOA boards pretty much do what they want to do, and three votes out of five on a board can control neighborhoods of thousands of homes.

Since a great many HOA board members are ethically challenged (as repeatedly documented in my new book, Neighbors At War), it would take almost nothing for a nuclear power producer to ‘buy’ the swing votes on an HOA board. Those board members could be slipped a few thousand shares of company stock. Or better yet, they might be given nice annual salaries as the Neighborhood Utility Technology Spokesmen, or N.U.T.S..

In any event, Westinghouse hopes to get federal approval for its first project in 2014.

Darcy Spears Pitches A No-Hitter

Yes, it’s one, two, three strikes you’re out…..

And for a third time, Darcy Spears of KTNV TV has gone to the Southern Highlands Country Club area and learned it’s a community of frightened homeowners with a leadership of gangster-minded bullies. Maybe that just comes naturally for people who move to Las Vegas: Find out how to join the Mob! In her latest HOA Hall of Shame report she tries to locate the skunks who are trying to chase a black man out of the neighborhood.

Even though Louis Washington is one of the original residents of Southern Highlands, the HOA is demanding that he plant a couple of trees in his yard. Never mind that the country club just behind Washington’s house, has a few trees that clearly look like they’re dying, this monstrous HOA tyrant wants the homeowner to plant a tree right in front of his picture window, or they’ll fine him out of existence.

Darcy says this is the third time Southern Highlands has been on her Hall of Shame report, Readers of my book, Neighbors At War already know about Southern Highlands for the way it treats black families. Just go back and re-read chapter eight where I document the shameful history of Homeowners Associations and minorities. Southern Highlands is featured. In 2006, Troy McMullen, a reporter for The Wall Street Journal Online did an investigative story on how blacks are treated at Southern Highlands. It was called “Trouble in Paradise: Minorities Report Bias in Vacation areas.”

Some people just have no shame.

They’re too ignorant to have shame.


 One footnote: the management company which runs Southern Highlands brags that it sends out a thousand violation notices per month. Am I wrong, or does that sound a little fascist to you?


The Worm Turns…. (Henry VI – Wm Shakespeare)

The victories are precious and few, but once in a while homeowners win a small victory against the fascists in HOA Amerika. An appeals court in California has issued a ruling that’s making the lawn Nazis twist in their graves.

The court ruled that all Homeowners Associations, when holding elections, must give homeowners with opposing views equal access to association media, when and if the board itself is taking a position in the election.

Amazing! This is one court in the nation that now says homeowners have rights. They cannot be shut out of the neighborhood newsletter or website. They cannot be shut up when trying to speak at the local board meeting when a campaign is in progress. The really stunning thing here is that a lower court ruled the exact opposite. But the Court of Appeals overturned the junk ruling from the lower court.

The Adams Kessler law firm, representing the HOA boards, adamantly opposed the Constitution’s Free Speech provision arguing that HOA boards have the right to stifle dissent during campaigns to amend the association’s by-laws. It argued that the HOA board was only “providing information” when it stomped on equal access provisions in California law.

The Appeals court essentially ruled that an association “board” is only a “member” of an association and does not have greater rights of access than any other member of the neighborhood.

Yes, it’s a subtle distinction, but no so subtle as to dodge the outrage of the Adams Kessler law firm. The Community Associations Institute routinely holds training seminars (think brainwashing) of the officers of HOA boards, during which it trains its puppets to always deny homeowners any access in newsletters, community bulletin boards or common areas if they hold an opposing view.

The Community Associations Institute is going to work its little black heart out to get this decision modified or overturned. CAI makes billions of dollars for its lawyers, its managers, its contractors, and its ‘training’ of board members. It simply cannot allow homeowners to regain any rights they lost to these fascist empires known as gated neighborhoods. And those billions of dollars will be thrown into the fight against this decision.

Still, my thoughts towards Adams Kessler: On this day, my friend, you lost.

The homeowners won.


While Humans Fight, Dogs And Cats Are The Peacemakers?

guest blog by Nila Ridings
When it comes to squabbling neighbors, is it possible that dogs and cats have found the moral high ground?
Witness the surprising discovery made by Michelle Smith, animal control officer for Anderson, South Carolina. She heard some pitiful yapping coming from a ravine behind the Home Depot store. It turned out that a little Shih-Tzu was making the ruckus to attract some human attention to her predicament.
This Shih-Tzu was tiny, but she must have a huge heart. She had apparently discovered an orphaned kitten and was trying to keep it warm. The Shih-Tzu was actually nursing the kitten.
Wow! Talk about good neighbors. Remember, this was in South Carolina where each and every day humans torture one another with their stupid predicaments.
There must not be any lawyers in the dog and cat community.
Oh, that’s right. There aren’t.

Walling out Detroit Negroes

They won’t tell it like it is. But I will!

Detroit is bankrupt. All but the shouting is over. Now, the city councilman of a relatively prosperous Detroit suburb is urging some radical steps to keep his community safe.

Richard Fabiszak is a popular man in the community of Hamtramck. His community is surrounded by the failed city that is Detroit. But his proposals are raising eyebrows. He wants Hamtramck to build a wall, 12 to 14 feet high, completely around the community of 20,000 people. Most of the population is white, polish and Middle Eastern.

The community would have gates, of course, with armed guards who required state-issued I.D. to get in.

Detroit is a hell hole, right now, and not many people would deny it.

But doesn’t this idea of a walled-in city sound like the script for a new vampire or zombie movie?

Dear Lord, forgive us!
