Tag Archives: Homeowner Association

Sexual Abuse of a Peacock???

Sexually abused peacock

Sexually abused peacockSorry, this has nothing to do with goofy Homeowners Associations, it’s just about a goofy neighbor. And it’s so bizarre I can’t pass it up with comment.

Yes, there are unbelievably crazy neighbors out there. And they live just down the block from you! In a million years, you wouldn’t be able to predict how crazy they are.

LOL! I’ve been around peacocks. They’re nasty-tempered birds with a huge beak that can severe a man’s finger if not something else. It’s just a horrible shame this peacock didn’t have better aim against his owner.

Read the original article here …

Ah! The Whiners!

In days of old, when a neighbor was having a problem and couldn’t maintain his property because of disease, disability, aging, family emergency, bankruptcy, all the other neighbors would pitch in and help out. Well, don’t expect that in HOA Amerika.

No, these days it’s all about humiliating, fining, suing and foreclosing on the properties of the less fortunate. And the new leader of the anti-homeowner rights movement may be Gary Walsh, president of the Meadow Walk Homeowners Association in Sarasota County, Florida. His story is linked below.

Yep, ten percent of Meadow Walk’s homeowners are in the process of losing their homes in this ongoing recession. But whatever fast is, it’s not fast enough for Walsh. He wants the Florida legislature to fast-track the ability of HOAs to seize the homes of scofflaws. Damn their Constitutional rights, just take their homes, auction them off and put the proceeds into the HOA budget.

While Walsh complains that defaulting homeowners aren’t paying their fair share of the HOA budget, note carefully that Walsh complains about weeds on his neighbor’s property. Yet he has a tractor that he can use to help maintain his bankrupt neighbor.

What a guy!

What a guy!


original source:



On Bashing Celebrities

Oh, we just seem to love it when we can celebrate the crash and fall of celebrities. I’ve never really understood that. When I come across a celebrity-bashing during my web browsing, I generally skip over it without looking.

But I did click on the link below while googling celebrities and Homeowners Associations. Seems that rythm and blues star, Chris Brown, has tried to express himself with graffiti on the exterior of his home. His Hollywood neighbors don’t like it.

It’s funny, the huge HOLLYWOOD sign that’s become an international landmark for the movie community, is one of the trashiest plywood items to ever endure the rages of local Homeowners Associations. But if the HOLLYWOOD sign ever came down would that raise or lower property values in the area?

Just sayin’.


Original source:



What? A Dishonest HOA? Nawww!

The story linked below is more than confusing. But I’ll try to boil it down.

A dishonest developer (imagine that!) creates a planned community with all its customary HOA rules, doesn’t provide the promised amenities, goes bankrupt the day before going to court; now the community is stuck with HOA regulations and dues created by this creepy developer.

Welcome to HOA Amerika.

Kenneth and Linda Anderson developed the Arcadian Springs Village Property Owners Association in Andersonville, Kentucky. Now dozens of homeowners are whining that they got duped. They didn’t get the Utopian neighborhood they dreamed of.

Yup. You got duped from the second you heard the phrase “Homeowners Association.” You should have run away from the Realtor. You should have demanded that the Realtor only show you homes OUTSIDE of Homeowners Associations. Now you’re stuck with covenants, controls and restrictions, created by a dishonest developer, that will be there forever. And you’ll be paying dues forever on amenities that will never exist.

That’s the way it works, folks. Utopia was a fictional paradise in the mind of Sir Thomas More in his 1516 book about a magical paradise on a gorgeous island in the middle of the ocean. His dream of the ultimate future society was just that. A dream. You can’t have a Utopian society unless every member of the community is brain-dead.

Then again, to buy into a Homeowners Association with all the negative stories out there… you’ve gotta be brain-dead.

I’m just sayin’.


original source:



A Powerful Interview!

One of the best and most powerful interviews I’ve heard by someone on the national HOA mess just aired on Shu Bartholomew’s internet radio show. Dr. Karin Huffer is from Colorado, but that’s not why I love  her. In fact, I’ve never met her or spoken with her. But she is an articulate advocate for homeowners against HOA scams. If you haven’t heard her interview, it’s your loss.

Shu does a wonderful job interviewing anti-HOA experts. But Shu is a star for discovering Dr. Huffer’s work. Do yourself a favor and listen to Dr. Huffer. Nice to know that our movement is growing!
