Category Archives: beekeeping

Starting a New Month

OK, some straight talk, here. We have a ton of people coming to this website. Those people are reading an average of 250,000 to 300,000 pages of our material each month. BUT THAT DOESN’T CUT IT!

Those of you who’ve read my book, Neighbors At War, know that it has a tremendous amount of important material that never makes it onto this website. You also know that my book is important for all homeowners, inside and outside of Homeowners Associations. (It’s also a fun read!) I happen to know that a lot of libraries carry my book and it’s frequently loaned to other libraries across the country. That’s pretty good traction. I know, however, that I haven’t sold my book to all of you yet.

Stupid, Stupid Legislators

We’ve talked in this forum about some very stupid legislators, idiots in Arizona, California, Virginia and Florida who thought they were doing the right thing when their actions were absolutely against the interests of homeowners. But wait’ll you hear this one.

With all the emphasis on energy conservation and carbon output would you ever believe that an entire state would begin penalizing homeowners who install solar panels or rely on wind energy? Would you ever think such penalties would pass through a Legislature without debate?

Me, neither.

But welcome to Oklahoma.

Murdered By Swans, HOA Sued

I’m not sure how far this lawsuit will go, but homeowners in this HOA will end up with special assessments to pay all the lawyers.

Have you ever heard of someone being murdered by swans? Me neither. But according to this Illinois lawsuit mute swans are capable of breaking a man’s leg. That probably makes them as dangerous as a vicious dog. And we all know that HOAs which use vicious dogs in their common areas are not immune to lawsuits.

Nasty, Nasty Duck Dynasty!

A&E’s TV series, Duck Dynasty, is truly one of the most remarkable shows on television. Yes, it’s been controversial at times, but members of this West Monroe, Louisiana family appear fearless as they deal with personality differences, and walk viewers through the intricacies of their lives.

I also know, after a lifetime of working in television, that almost all of these ‘reality’ shows are heavily choreographed and orchestrated. Sorry if that pops your bubble, but those are the facts of life.

Deck Collapses At Wolf Lake Homeowners Association In Indiana

guest blog by Nila Ridings

Homeowners Associations, beware! The Wilt Family Christmas gathering, on December 22nd suddenly ended with the family photo gathering on the clubhouse deck.  Their lives were changed forever in a matter of seconds when the deck collapsed out from under them.  3 of the family members are still not able to walk.  

The deck had no center supports.  No bolts.  Just nails to support it and the weight of all who walked out onto it.  A family member has taken the time to post a video on YouTube revealing these undeniable facts.  The builder of the deck says it’s been ten years since it was constructed and he has no liability.  The president of the HOA, John Karaffa has not returned calls to the television reporter…don’t hold your breath, he never will.  But, very soon everybody will be talking under oath in the courtroom! 

If you live in an HOA with a clubhouse and balcony, I strongly encourage you to watch the video.  And then watch the videos included in the context of the article.  Insist on an inspection of your clubhouse deck.  As a homeowner in an HOA you hold liability for injuries or deaths.  The risks are too great not to demand an inspection by a professional.