Category Archives: Duck Dynasty

A New Sign of Discontent

I’m not smart enough to know if anti-HOA activist Jonathan Friedrich will win his HOA lawsuit in Nevada. He claims he bought the house before the developer included it in an adjacent HOA. Friedrich says his home and several others were missed, and the paperwork was only recently filed. But more than anyone else I know in the country, Jonathan has chutzpah.

GetAttachmentIf your picture is a little grainy, it’s a 50 foot long banner that says, “Rancho Bel Air is Stealing from us and Breaking The Law!

Reminds me of the old advertising saying that goes:

“He who has a thing to sell and goes and whispers in a well is not so apt to get the dollars as he who climbs a tree and hollers.” Keep hollering, Jonathan. We hear you!


When it comes to collection of HOA liens, it’s all about the money!

guest blog by Deborah Goonan

The latest controversy in HOA Land: in Nevada – and by extension 21 other states with similar legal status – the HOA super priority lien can now extinguish an outstanding mortgage backed by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA).

It’s ironic, because when CAI was founded back in 1973, it was with cooperation from FHA. Their agreement to back mortgages in common interest developments was the glue that held disparate CAI interests together.

But after years of mortgage deregulation, followed by out-of-control real estate price increases, and the ensuing mortgage default crisis, things have certainly changed.

Now it’s very difficult to obtain mortgage financing for condos, and not that easy for detached single family homes either. In the 22 states that have enacted priority lien status for HOA assessment liens, mortgage financing just became a great deal more difficult to obtain.

In early December, CAI boasted about its Nevada Supreme Court victory, where the court ruled that the FHFA backed-mortgage lien is extinguished following the HOA’s non-judicial foreclosure to collect unpaid assessments.

But a few weeks later, FHFA has fired back, vowing to fight in court to invalidate HOA foreclosures that wipe out taxpayer-financed guaranteed mortgages.

CAI claims that FHFA is “bailing out mortgage servicers” and vows to fight for the rights of HOAs to maintain super priority lien status.  CAI’s statement presents the usual argument that the owners that can afford to pay assessments have to cover the costs for owners who cannot or will not pay.

But at issue for FHFA is the fact that HOA foreclosures can now wipe out entire mortgage interests, at dollar amounts that far exceed state super-priority lien allowances of 6, 9, or 12 months unpaid assessments.

The super-priority lien, CAI argues, is a means to motivate mortgage servicers to either speed up the foreclosure process or pay the HOA’s lien prior to or at its assessment foreclosure sale.

It is interesting to note that the Nevada Supreme Court was split 4-3 on whether a judicial foreclosure is necessary in an attempt to wipe out the mortgage lien, citing due process rights to redemption for owners and mortgage lien holders.

It seems clear that FHFA will not sit idly by, allowing HOAs to beat them to foreclosure and wipe out mortgage interests. FHFA has filed action in Nevada Federal court because, in its own words, it “has an obligation to protect Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s rights, and will aggressively do so by bringing actions to void foreclosures that purport to extinguish Enterprise property interests in a manner that contravenes federal law.”

Will FHFA challenges lead to statutory mandate of judicial (vs. non-judicial) foreclosure of HOA liens? Will increased legal costs and lending risks lead to higher costs for borrowers, including escrow of 6 – 12 months assessment fees?  Or will FHFA push for elimination of HOA super priority lien status? These are interesting times.

Given the history of more than a few HOA attorneys to abuse the foreclosure process in order to evict owners and acquire homes with high equity (little to no mortgage balance owed) at the HOA’s auction sale, the recent NV Supreme Court decision is unsettling, to say the least.  If first mortgages can be wiped out following HOA foreclosure, doesn’t that create additional moral hazards?

CAI-HOA corporate interests will duke it out in court with FHFA. And while HOA homeowners may “win” the relatively small battle for collecting a portion of unpaid assessments upon mortgage foreclosure, they will probably lose the war for preserving property values, if homes are allowed to sell at HOA auctions for pennies on the dollar, or if FHFA pulls the plug on favorable financing terms.

CAI press release – Win on Priority Lien Case in NV

Statement from FHFA on Super-Priority Liens

CAI press release – FHFA Move Threatens Homeowners and their Communities

SFR vs. US Bank, NV Supreme Court Decision

Another Nomination for America’s Worst Neighbor!

LOL! These actually are getting pretty funny. There’s nothing that works better than a camera to reign in stupid neighbors. But this is a case of a couple who put up so many cameras, they were eventually charged with stalking.

(bad neighbors in New York)


It’s Happening All Over!

Our guest blogger, Deborah Goonan first wrote about this HOA several months ago. But it’s so nightmarish and such a good example of how damaging HOAs can be to your mental and financial health, it’s worth dragging out again. These homeowners in a collapsing HOA in Virginia’s Historic Triangle will never be able to solve their problems.


Homeowners who bought into Riverwalk Townes are beginning to learn how stupid they were. Just a few years old, the Homeowners Association is suddenly deciding that fundamentally bad construction cannot be corrected by suing the builder. Now they’re having to turn to York County to see if their unfinished subdivision can be finished at taxpayer expense.

Street lights don’t work, roads are unsafe, drainage systems are falling apart. The roads aren’t properly crowned so rainwater flows down the middle of the streets, two foot wide trenches crisscross yards which actually isn’t a bad idea if you’re a fisherman looking for worms.

But the real worm is the developer, Gary Sheppard of Sheppard, Hale & Associates, now one of Virginia’s most well-respected builders.

Didn’t anyone warn these homeowners that they were stupid to buy into the HOA concept?

Wouldn’t our founding fathers be proud? So proud.

(link to Riverwalk Townes building fiasco)


New Contest for America’s Worst Neighbor!

Please send me your submissions! ABC 20/20 did a story on these two couples on January 2nd. Amazingly bad neighbors.

I’m going to start soliciting similar nominations from you for the year’s worst neighbor…not sure what prize I’ll award for the most nightmarish neighbor…maybe a free copy of Neighbors At War, but these two couples are a prize.

God bless them. What would the rest of us do for entertainment without idiots like these?

(nightmare neighbors in New York)