Category Archives: Duck Dynasty

“What Hath God Wrought?”

“What hath God wrought?”

It’s the anguished question from the fourth book of the Old Testament.

It was the astonished phrase that opened the first telegraph line between Baltimore and Washington in 1844.

It could also be used to express complete disgust at a current HOA news story from Detroit.

Waterford homeowner Natalie Forte bought a Chevy Volt which she charged from an outlet in her shared HOA garage. She had no problem with paying an extra charge for the power. But she says her HOA demanded four times the amount of power that her Chevy Volt actually used.

What did the HOA do? LOL! They just disconnected all the power to Natalie’s garage, forcing her to use a 100 foot extension cord to charge the Volt from her condo.

Really? Can HOA vindictiveness get any more ridiculous than this?

What hath God wrought?

(link to WXYZ-Detroit story)

(link to Green News)


Something Stinks In This Washington State HOA!

guest blog by Deborah Goonan

Ruth Crompton and her neighbors recently discovered that 7,000 gallons of raw sewage has been discharged into their storm sewer vault over the past 9 years. It seems that someone, presumably the defunct developer, mistakenly connected Crompton’s black sanitary sewer pipe to the white storm sewer drain. Big “Oops!” The error was recently discovered by the County’s Surface Water Management Division.

Crompton and her neighbors want to know why the County inspector signed off on the plumbing project at the time of construction. Not willing to accept responsibility, the County claims that perhaps a bad repair was made sometime after the County inspector approved the work.

Snohomish County officials insist that Crompton and five neighboring homes belong to an inactive HOA, and that homeowners are now responsible to pay for the cleanup, at a total cost of $15,500. If owners do not comply, they could face additional fines up to $5,000 each. The crazy part is, Crompton and her neighbors never knew about the small HOA. It was never discussed prior to sale, and, without a Board, they have never paid any assessment fees. County records indicate that the community was created as Starlight Park Condominiums. The six homes share a driveway, and, even though the now-bankrupt developer never funded the HOA, owners are just discovering they must share the cost of maintaining their common drainage system.

Ms. Crompton plans to fight against paying for what she believes is the County’s error and responsibility.

Never mind the apparent inspection blunder at the time of construction. Since this HOA never got off the ground, shouldn’t the County step in? And why did it take the County 9 years to discover the problem? Obviously, the County and water management authorities approved construction permits for the developer, who turned out to be somewhat of a dud. Why should the owners – who are truly victims of circumstance – pay for the errors and incompetence of the parties who were responsible for construction from initial permitting to issuance of a certificate of occupancy?

The Ombudsman’s explanation: well, if these owners don’t pay for the cleanup, the County will face sizable Federal stormwater fines, and the taxpayers will have to foot the bill. Sounds like someone is passing the buck – literally.

I predict that County taxpayers WILL pay for the inevitable lawsuit brought by Crompton, and they may also be unable to avoid the federal fines. Wouldn’t it be less expensive, easier, and fair for the County to simply take care of the problem it helped to create?

(link to Herald Net article about sewer system cleanup)

A Nod To Robin Williams

I’ve frequently said on this blog that our fight against HOA abuse is not a liberal/conservative fight, or a Republican/Democrat fight. It’s a fight by any patriot who believes our Constitution is a document worthy of the utmost respect. So if I tip my hat here to a performer at the 1982 convention of People For The American Way, I am not endorsing the organization.

I do think the performance by Robin Williams should be watched by everyone, especially in view of the vulgar meanness of many HOAs toward homeowners who want to display the American flag. In the video linked below, Williams takes the stage to become The American Flag and shows once again the comic genius that we all will miss.

(link to Robin Williams, 1982)

Indiana D.A. Threatens Lawsuit Against HOA Over Flag Dispute

guest blog by Deborah Goonan

Finally, some common sense prevails in an Indiana flag dispute, thanks to intervention by Hancock County Prosecuting Attorney Michael Griffin.

In an October 23rd letter to the Fieldstone HOA Board of Directors, Griffin strongly urges the Association to resolve its dispute by November 1, or face legal suit to stop enforcement of penalties against the Willits household.

Check out the link to Griffin’s letter below, in which he states, among other things: “In summary, the association does not have a legally‐sufficient “substantial interest” invoked by the Willits’ display. Under the Flag Act, without a “substantial interest,” the association cannot regulate the Willits’ flagpole and American flag.”

And, furthermore, that “Aesthetic preference is not a legally‐sufficient “substantial interest” of the association with respect to American flag display, and I know of no other reason for an association to distinguish between flagpoles attached to the facade of a home and free‐standing flagpoles.”

By October 29, the matter was resolved. The Willits’ flag can stay; pole and all, including the POW-MIA flag. Fox 59 news reports that a compromise deal has been reached. The Willits will have to remove the flag and flagpole in the future when their house is sold.

The dispute dragged on for months. Griffin became involved after the story received national attention in the media.

Although the dispute is officially resolved, and the Willits received hundreds of phone calls of support, some of their neighbors have sent them anonymous hate mail, and Board members have also received threats.

What price, happiness in your HOA?

ps: Perhaps in Florida, Duval County Prosecuting Attorney can follow Griffin’s lead, with regard to Larry Murphree’s flag dispute with Sweetwater by Del Webb Master HOA?

(link to Fox 59 television news report on flag dispute)

(link to letter from Prosecuting Attorney Griffin to Fieldstone HOA Board)


The Death Of Common Sense

Living in Colorado, I know there’s a big problem in this state with coyotes killing pet cats and dogs. Driving up and down suburban boulevards you see countless posters asking for people to help find a missing pet. In almost every case the pets have been killed by coyotes. And it’s not just small pets, either, it’s German shepherds, boxers, even pit bulls and mastiffs. When a pack of coyotes starts ‘harvesting’ there’s no breed of dog that can’t be easily taken down.

Some communities in Colorado have populations of mountain lions that exist primarily on household pets. In fact, the Division of Wildlife says Colorado has a population of between 5000 and 8000 mountain lions. The attacks are bold. It just amazing that more humans haven’t been killed by wildlife.

Nevada’s KTNV Hall of Shame report by Darcy Spears shows there’s an easy way to end backyard pet killings. But Homeowners Associations across the southwest refuse to recognize the solution: a four inch high fence top roller that prevents predators from jumping fences. It’s easy. It’s inexpensive. It’s certainly not a threat to power-hungry HOA board members.

But in HOA Amerika, self-interested board members don’t seem to be interested in welcoming sensible solutions to neighborhood problems. Their personal power trip is sometimes just beyond reason.

(link to KTNV story on solution to pet killings)