Category Archives: Duck Dynasty

Just To Make You Laugh!

Since we seem to have tens of thousands of people who log in here regularly, I try to keep a running chart of adjectives and descriptive words that embattled homeowners use for abusive HOA board members and managers. A frequent one that comes up is ‘rattlesnake’, as in “my board president is as dangerous as a rattlesnake.”

Really, that word comes up a lot in your emails and in news stories about out-of-control HOAs.

So I YouTubed the word and came across a funny video that’s been viral several times over the past few years. As you watch this, just remember that sometimes the Good Guy wins!

(link to rabbit vs. rattlesnake)



The Problem With Judicial Immunity

Homeowners have long known that if a judge makes a horrible decision in a civil case they can appeal, but they can’t sue the judge. It makes sense. That is, until you consider the facts in an ongoing divorce and child support case in Detroit.

Judge Wade McCree is somewhat famous there because of the nude ‘selfies’ he takes of himself to send out to female admirers. The Michigan Supreme Court removed him from the bench. But a current civil case against the former judge is raising eyebrows.

News reports indicate that the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that judge McCree is immune from a civil suit filed by the husband in a divorce case. Seems the judge was not only ‘sexting’ with the husband’s ex-wife, he was also having an affair with her. Ah yes, and at the same time levying heavy child support payments against the husband. This judge is one busy fellow.

(creepy, creepy, creepy)


Idaho Is Latest State To Wake Up To Abusive HOAs

As I’ve said before, the biggest avalanche begins with a tiny grain of ice slipping down the hillside. Well, beginning next week we’ll witness another chunk of ice becoming unstable. And the beneficiaries will be homeowners in Idaho.

The Gem State has a new law that will begin to reign in some of HOA abuses of homeowners. No longer can a single board member slam his or her weight around a neighborhood bullying people over minor violations. From now on each violation and fine can’t be levied unless a majority of the board approves.

Also, homeowners must have 30 days notice that the board is going to take such a vote.

Finally, and I love this part, you can’t fine a homeowner who’s making a good faith effort to correct a violation.

CAI hates this new law with a passion.

Of course they do. And it gives the lie to claims of CAI members that their organization represents homeowners.

(link to KBOI News)



We Need Their Email Addresses!

A California Homeowners Association, The Lake of the Pines HOA,  is up in arms because an old war veteran uses his garage to build furniture for military families who can’t afford to buy their own.

He’s been building and donating the furniture for a decade. He makes no profit at all. But his HOA says he’s not allowed to use any part of his property to cut wood, sand, paint, or screw. (Yes, I know I’m overlooking a fun comment about that last line, but I’m resisting the urge).

But Vietnam war veteran Dennis Kocher is facing fines of 100 to 500 bucks if he doesn’t click his boot heels together and salute these lawn Nazis. Thugs, is what they are. And I’ve got so little patience for thugs.

(link to CBS Local for more details)


Separate Doors For The Rich & Poor

This story was outrageous when we first heard about it last year. It’s even more hideous now that New York officials have formally approved it. But the builders of luxury condominiums will be allowed to send residents of ‘affordable living’ units through the back door.

I still remember the segregated water fountains in my grade school in Texas. And I frequently asked my parents questions they had trouble answering.

But when the ritzy buildings go up in New York along with the required amount of affordable dwellings, all those ‘po folk’ will have to enter the building through a separate entrance. Can we say, “separate but equal?” That sure has an ugly sound to it.

(link to article on luxury condos)