Category Archives: Duck Dynasty

Cypress Woods in Palm Beach County Is Going Wild Over Wilbur

guest blog by Nila Ridings
“Lawyers representing the HOA and Banyan Property Management said in a statement that they are trying to verify the medical conditions of the Halpern children as well as to verify whether Wilbur qualifies as a service or emotional support animal.”
This comment really disturbs me.  Why is it okay for the HOA and property manager’s attorneys to delve into the medical conditions of these children? That’s what we have pediatricians for!!!  And what happened to privacy policies regarding medical records?  Exactly where is the stopping point for HOAs when it comes to invading your life and privacy?
One child has been diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome and both have ADHD.  Wilbur is part of their therapy.  He calms them.  But he sure does not calm the board at Cypress Woods!  They want the family’s pet pot-bellied pig out!
It’s been many years now since pot-bellied pigs first became family pets. I remember calling on some clients who had two of them.  Those pigs were so smart and did the funniest things! I certainly learned from that experience they can be entertaining and loving animals and just as trainable as a dog.  
Do these HOAs really think they only have cats and dogs living inside their communities? Are they ignorant enough to think people don’t have snakes, reptiles, and birds…and who knows what other living creatures inside the four walls of their homes?  I would much prefer a pot-bellied pig next door than to have a snake get out of it’s cage and crawl up into our adjoined attic!  And I’d be fine with some chickens as long as there are no roosters… especially if the neighbors shared some eggs once in awhile.  
Nobody has stated how Wilbur is disturbing the neighbors.  Or is he disturbing anybody other than the board members?  Has he chewed up the HOA’s flower beds?  Does he go wild when the neighbors are frying their breakfast bacon?  What exactly is he doing that is causing such a ruckus?  Or is it just a matter of the HOA having rules that don’t exclude pot-bellied pigs?  Mrs. Halpern was trying so hard not to break the rules.  I guess she just hasn’t learned yet that she can be fined for wearing the wrong color eye-shadow to the HOA meeting if the board decides to fine her!  HOAs have literally become about that ridiculous!
I wish the Halpern’s the best in their battle to save Wilbur, so I signed the petition in hopes it will help.  Their boys love Wilbur and he’s well-cared for so that should be all that matters!

(link to WPTV story on Wilbur)

(link to pet pig petition)


What’ll The Tipping Point Be?

Yes, once again here’s the old bloviator talking about an impending crash in the housing market.

Economists have been predicting a mortgage and financial collapse many times greater than the nightmare of 2008-2009. The indicators are there. The national budget is raging out of control. Interest rates are far too low to sustain the banking industry. Investors are losing their shirts betting on the U.S. economy. China now owns a huge percentage of America’s debt. Mortgage companies at some point will have to massively raise the requirements on all new mortgages. If this happens the value of homes, starting with all those in Homeowners Associations, will crash.

In a recent blog I mentioned that this whole cascade of events will start with a minor story, a pebble being dislodged from an already unsteady dam.

The story linked below is more than a loose pebble. And it should be read and absorbed by absolutely every person with even a minor link to the Homeowners Association industry.

(Las Vegas running out of water)


1001 Reasons Not To Buy

My Dear Friends, I’ve told you over and over that the absolute worst home investment you can make is in a Homeowners Association. Your Realtor buddy looks you warmly in the eye, puts his hand on your shoulder and says, “You know, of course, that HOAs were created to protect your investment?”

If you’ve read my book or follow this blog then you know what the truth is. HOAs were created to keep out Negroes, Orientals and Jews. The documentation goes back fifty years! In later years, HOA rules were used to keep out Hispanics, single moms, children with Down’s Syndrome and a fistful of other ‘unwashed and unwanted.’

The link below shows you another reason you’re legally and financially naked. Once again a rich investor is intentionally forcing a housing project into bankruptcy so he can scoop up the dregs and make a fortune all over again. This kind of scam is going on all over the country, wherever people were unwise enough to buy private government housing.

(link to case in Osceola County)

(link to another case in Clearwater)

If you think it can’t happen to you, you’re fooling yourself. In 2006 the U.S. Supreme Court made the seizure of private homes for private development completely legal. The landmark Kelo Case turned the U.S. Constitution on its head.

Добро пожаловать в России товарищ Komrade!




Real Tragedy Developing in the Las Vegas HOA Scandal

In four decades of investigative reporting, what always burned my butt was the sweet sentences given to white collar criminals by Federal Judges. A little personal confession here, one I probably shouldn’t make, but once I became good friends with a major white collar criminal who should have been sentenced to ten years, not ten months! I like this guy. I like him a lot. I consider him a great friend. But he’s an admitted crook who’s made that same confession on national TV. And he knows he skated with only a fraction of the prison sentence he really deserved. He took great delight in talking about how easy his sentence was. He considered it a vacation, a temporary escape from a difficult domestic situation and had the benefit of an admiring Federal prison warden who occasionally took him to town on weekends to meet women! In fact, he says he got more straight sex as a federal prison inmate than he did as an outsider.

Cut to the current Federal Organized Crime Syndicate in Las Vegas which has raped and pillaged Homeowners Associations up and down the valley. 39 suspects, four of them dead in highly suspicious ‘suicides’.  And the federal judge in the case is beginning to hand out what the crooks all call “pussy” jail sentences for their involvement in this hundred million dollar scam. The first prison sentences look like they’ll be about a year in federal prison. Easy duty. Over before you know it. And if you’re a good crook and keep your mouth shut about your confederates there’ll be a few handfuls of big bills to get your new life started on the other side.

This Organized Crime syndicate stole a hundred million dollars from Las Vegas homeowners. As a homeowner, all you have to do is look at the current value of your home to know how much money they stole. But even today, the powers that be who won’t be named are two of the most prominent political names, men who made millions and millions of dollars for ‘ignoring’ or even participating in this vicious scam.

Folks, just believe this crusty, hardened, wizened 40-year investigative reporter: some very big people are being overlooked in the Las Vegas RICO investigation. The Feebies (FBI) are intentionally hiding their eyes. There are at least two names who, if indicted, would be huge.

One or two of these names could actually change the political balance of an entire country!

(link to latest from las vegas review journal)



No More Flag Stories?

I may actually have to quit doing stories on HOAs that fine and foreclose on veterans who try to display the America flag on their homes. There are just too many of them. Despite my earlier promise to report on all these outrageous cases, I’d just end up doing several such stories a day and not much else.

So, I hereby reluctantly admit that the anti-American, anti-homeowner movement, CAI, Associa, American Bar Association, ACLU are too firmly rooted in our society to ever win back our right to display the flag on our homes. We might still be able to put flag decals on car bumpers, but that, too, is under attack.

Greed is a powerful taskmaster. When a lawyer knows he can automatically make a few thousand bucks every time he sues a flag-waving veteran like Larry McMurphree, when a morally corrupt HOA board knows it can put a few hundred extra bucks in the neighborhood kitty by fining any homeowner who even thinks displaying a flag is patriotic, then I guess that portion of our battle is lost.

The really weird thing is that if you displayed a Nazi Flag or the Rainbow Flag, or any of the flags representing the Islamic Revolution, you actually might have a stronger case in court.


The courts have long recognized that certain people groups have protected status under our Constitution and cannot be allowed to suffer the indignities sometimes shown to people of other belief systems. They’ll get free representation in court. The owner of a Stars and Stripes flag never will.

Stranger still, it’s absolutely OK to desecrate the flag, trample on it, burn it, those are all protected forms of speech according to the U.S. Supreme Court.

It hurts to say all this. It really does.

(Tampa CBS story on veteran being sued by his HOA)

(Elisabeth Hasselback talks about flag story) 

(good news for flag-flying veteran)