Category Archives: Handicap

How Can We React?

It has dawned on me several times over the past few years that HOA outrages are most often reversed when a rogue HOA gets a ton of phone calls and email from angry people across the country. If you know that you, as a board officer or manager, are being watched by the whole country, you might be a little less rotten to your neighbor. In a well publicized case where an HOA official’s viciousness is widely publicized, would that official be more willing to step back and mull over the action he or she is planning to take? Certainly, when you lift up a big rock the vermin tend to scatter in the light of day.

We currently have more than 31,000 people regularly reading this blog. That means an army of folks in every state. Should we begin publicizing home phone numbers, HOA phone numbers, email addresses and management phone numbers whenever we hear of the actions of a rogue HOA board?

I’d like to hear your thoughts publicly or privately. And if we ever began such a policy it would require your help to look up and verify any numbers or addresses of those we publicize.

Your thoughts?

HOA Sticks It To Pet Lovers!

guest blog by Nila Ridings
Sandra Thomas bought a condo at the Wyckford Mews in 1997 and agreed to the by-laws, which include a pet clause. Only two pets per unit. But this board is fining her, claiming she was given the wrong CC&Rs SIXTEEN years ago and only one pet is allowed! 
Sandra pleaded her case for grandfathering. Oh no! They don’t do that at Wyckford Mews. So, pick your favorite; dog or cat, and take the other to a shelter or wherever…Wyckford Mews could care less!  Until you comply, the fines are $100 each.
Forget about calling your board members, Gerald Rowan or Josh Quinn. They don’t return calls.  (Since every HOA story seems to have board members who don’t answer phone calls or knocks at the door, I am wondering if that instruction is written in the CAI HOA-101 class syllabus?).
Running to the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s office won’t do you much good. You’ll no doubt get the same response as homeowners get in the other 49 states.  Expect to hear, “This is a civil matter! Go hire a lawyer!”
Some Wyckford Mews condo owners are fearful, but think they have figured this HOA scam out.  Absurd fines for things like parking your bicycle over time, (Have I been out to lunch? Do they have meters for that now, too?) leaving your shoes in the hallway, or for no reason at all, place the condo owner into the “not in good standing” classification.  Therefore, they cannot run for the board or vote in the board election. 
Sandra, vote with your feet and paws!  Pack up your dog and cat, and GET OUT while you still can!  The torture by the rogue HOA board members has just begun!  And it won’t get better with time!
P.S. With Halloween just around the corner, DO NOT BUY A PUMPKIN to display.  You could end up with another $100 fine.  Of course, in the language of HOAs that would be considered a “treat.” Compliments of your HOA board goblins!

What’s In The Box?

guest blog by Nila Ridings 
Options for living in anything outside of an HOA always catch my eye!  This one is built to withstand a hurricane, can be made livable in one day, has a reduced carbon footprint, and a price tag affordable on a fast food income.
These Canadians are coming across the border with a new version of a concept that has been around for a few years.  This time with a basement option.
Looks like they truly have learned to think outside the box while making the inside quite attractive!
Just for fun, I’m wondering how would an HOA foreclose on a shipping container when it could disappear with a quick lift on the cable of a crane overnight?  That would give board members something new to sue over!

Latest On Blondie & The Bimbo

Ah yes, we need an update on this one. These ‘gal pals’ in Arizona pulled a fast one a number of months back. Governor Jan Brewer signed into law an anti-homeowner law which had been introduced twice in the Legislature, and had failed twice. So Representative Michelle Ugenti (no fan of homeowners rights) introduced it a third time. But the third attempt was as disgusting a move as you could expect from a well-recognized Bimbo.

It was introduced at 12:59 AM just as the Legislature was closing out it’s last day of the session. Even worse, the bill permitted HOA management companies (professionals at appearing in court) to represent Homeowners Associations whenever a homeowner tried to take a dispute into Small Claims Court. It was a maddeningly putrid move against all homeowners.

Longtime homeowners rights advocate George Staropoli filed a lawsuit. He pointed out that Arizona State Constitution law mandates that the contents of a bill must be reflected in its title. The purpose of the law is obvious. It’s to keep corrupt politicians from jamming corrupt legislation down the throats of citizens before anyone knows what’s it’s all about. In this case, the HOA secret was hidden inside a bill that pertained to state elections. Remember the line from a certain leader of Congress: “We have to pass the bill so we can all see what’s in it.” 

Well, George Staropoli was right. Most of Bimbo Ugenti’s law was struck down in court and Staropoli was awarded legal expenses.

But Staropoli went further: He asked that Ugenti be officially sanctioned for sneaking in a patently illegal special interest amendment which had failed twice before. His request was denied. So all you Bimbo watchers be forewarned: She’s gonna do it again!

If you live in Arizona, please spread my blogsite far and wide.

(click here for AZ Central news story)


Live, Love, and Laugh In HOA-Free Housing

guest blog by Nila Ridings

Many people have been made homeless after HOA foreclosures. A degree in one hand, school loan in another, and living in a nightmare HOA with their parents has yet another age group seeking housing with no debt and no CC&R’s. Others find it’s time to downsize, keep only what’s necessary, and find a way to live without an HOA. Still others want to live in cooler summer and warmer winter climates…taking their house-on-wheels along with them.
Housing is achievable for all of the above.

The Tiny House Movement is rapidly growing. The designs have gotten very creative. For some, the economic factors are thought-provoking for working less and living more. The obvious reduction in the carbon footprint tiny houses is also appealing.

Needless to say you can’t park one of these in the backyard of your HOA-restricted Granny’s house. But there are current efforts to start developing Tiny House Communities. Hopefully, they’ll keep the HOA concept out of their plans!

How about it, would you live in a custom-built Tiny House?