Category Archives: HOA violence

Your HOA Protects Your Property Values

What a hoot! Impossible as it seems, there are still homeowners who believe that bit of nonsense. When you buy a home in an HOA or Condo Association, you’re essentially pooling your net worth and life savings with a bunch of strangers, people you wouldn’t dream of inviting to lunch. Just go to any annual meeting of any HOA and listen to the yelling, the sarcasm, the accusations.

People in the Orlando, Florida area are talking about a neighborhood of elderly folks whose HOA went bankrupt in the housing bubble. An investor bought all 16 homes in the neighborhood. And now he’s jacked monthly dues up from 180 to 500 dollars. Obviously, these seniors are living on little more than Social Security. But if they don’t ante up with the monthly dues, well the investor just forecloses. There’s a killing being made in Florida, and Pennsylvania, and Northern Virginia, and Harris County, Texas, and Nevada, and California.

Yes, folks, you are looking at the future of HOA Amerika, where traditional Constitutional government has made a passive transfer to fascism and tyranny.

But my HOA protects my investment, doesn’t it?

If you say so.


The eBook is out!

In case you hadn’t noticed, look at the left-hand column. You’ll see that our eBook is now out. If you’re a Kindle person, Please check it out! Click on it, enjoy! Then tell everyone you know that’s it’s now online.

Walling out Detroit Negroes

They won’t tell it like it is. But I will!

Detroit is bankrupt. All but the shouting is over. Now, the city councilman of a relatively prosperous Detroit suburb is urging some radical steps to keep his community safe.

Richard Fabiszak is a popular man in the community of Hamtramck. His community is surrounded by the failed city that is Detroit. But his proposals are raising eyebrows. He wants Hamtramck to build a wall, 12 to 14 feet high, completely around the community of 20,000 people. Most of the population is white, polish and Middle Eastern.

The community would have gates, of course, with armed guards who required state-issued I.D. to get in.

Detroit is a hell hole, right now, and not many people would deny it.

But doesn’t this idea of a walled-in city sound like the script for a new vampire or zombie movie?

Dear Lord, forgive us!  


Our National Tragedy

With all the madness surrounding the George Zimmerman verdict Americans are having to deal with a whole series of tragedies. First and foremost is the death of Trayvon Martin. The second tragedy is that the Sanford Police department, inexperienced at handling complex crime scenes, just did a poor job of thoroughly processing the area of the murder. They should have canvassed the entire neighborhood looking for every possible witness. They simply didn’t have all the evidence that could have been gathered and presented to prosecutors.

But there were more tragedies: The political involvement of Florida Governor Rick Scott, who was pressured to appoint a special prosecutor, Angela Corey.

Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, in an interview with CNN, said Angela Corey has a horrible reputation in Florida for overcharging suspects. And there’s now plenty of evidence that Corey intentionally hid important evidence from the defense, a massive violation of legal ethics. It took a whistle blower to come forward and produce the evidence that Corey was illegally holding back. And she has now fired that whistle blower. In fact, Professor Dershowitz says Corey’s misbehavior borders on “criminal conduct.” Dershowitz is certainly no fan of George Zimmerman or of racial profiling. But he notes that all the racial profiling in this case was done by the news media.

And that’s the greatest tragedy of all. In a country where racial sensitivities are raw, a huge opportunity is being lost. The search for mutual understanding is being drowned out by the activists and the noisemakers and by those who have no understanding of how our legal system works. The Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman trial was not the place to have those conversations. The ‘show trial’ just ginned up more disrespect for the law on both sides of the fence. 


Don’t Be Too Quick To Praise Colorado HOA Law

Colorado legislators are very much like those in other states: “Pass a law to make the voters shut up and go away.”

And the new Homeowners Association laws in Colorado just aggravate the problem. All HOA officers and managers must now be state licensed. Hmmm, who provides the testing and licensing? Well, the largest organized crime syndicate in the country, of course!  I don’t need to provide you with their three initials.

No more HOA mandates for Kentucky bluegrass. That’s not a bad change, although most Colorado homeowners don’t use it anyway.

The new law requires all HOAs to pay a small registration fee to the State HOA office. This one is more than laughable. Over the past three years only about half of Colorado HOAs have even bothered to register. They just mock this idiot who was appointed to the office. Oh, and there’s no penalty for not registering. Legislators are idiots, too.

The head of the new HOA office is supposed to recommend to Legislators how much power over HOAs his office should have.  This is more than pathetic. I met this guy once. A man without a clue. A body in search of a brain. Mark my words, he’s married to the HOA industry and will never propose anything, aside from going outside for a smoke.

Anyone who knows anything about the Colorado HOA Ombudsman’s office just mocks it. An e-coli bacterium has more influence and power.

At least the e-coli bacterium can interrupt functions of the colon.

Colorado’s HOA Ombudsman doesn’t have a colon.

Just a salary.