Category Archives: racism

Amateur Radio Saves Lives, HOAs Don’t!

Why does the America Homeowners Association movement hate amateur radio operators with such vehemence? They are banned in every community in every state. HOAs used to ban traditional satellite antennas until Congress stepped on these Nazi neighborhoods. Now there are satellite dishes everywhere and they haven’t hurt property values. It’s now time for Congress to protect amateur radio operators.

Linked below is an excellent YouTube video that explains the reasons for the new proposed legislation before Congress.




“The Right Side Of History”

Last night while watching PBS I heard an incredible quote: “If you’re on the right side of history you can make incredible things happen.”

Whew! That goes right to the heart of what those of us in this movement are trying to accomplish. And I think we really are on the right side of history. Homeowners are finally waking up. They’re discovering the fundamental corruption that infests Homeowners Associations, Condo Associations and Property Owners Associations. They’re contacting the news media. And reporters are beginning to dig deeply into the national Homeowners Association scam.

R.E.S.P.E.C.T., Aretha What You Do To Me!

Sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me. Aretha Franklin may be the greatest female jazz/blues artist in history but her Homeowners Association wants their money. And there’s nothing they RESPECT about her. Franklin admittedly has a poor record of paying her bills. And her condo association neighbors are now going after her for $11,000 in unpaid dues.

The Hills of Lone Pine Homeowners Association is trying to foreclose on her condo. Hopefully, this one will settle properly for all those concerned. But I’d hate to run up against the kind of lawyers she has access to.

HOA Radar Guns Aimed At YOU!

Regular readers of this blog know how I despise the idea of putting police radar guns in the hands of average citizens. I dislike them for a number of reasons, technological and legal.

I actually ‘possessed’ a radar gun for a short time back in 1977. It was ‘loaned’ to me by a friend in the Denver Police traffic division who promptly forgot that the ‘loan’ was for only a weekend. I ended up keeping it for eight weeks. My friend was curious about some weird readings he kept getting from the radar gun even when it was properly tuned and he wondered if I could enlist some electronics experts to sort it all out

Madness In HOA Arizona

guest blog by Jill Schweitzer

I’ve been taking HOA classes put on by the City for the last few years. I used to attend to learn, now I attend to see what I missed the first time around, what the HOA industry omits in the discussions, what blunders I am able to witness.

Recently I attended a class where the HOA attorney was discussing how he is representing an HOA which is suing an owner because he put an extra block on his block wall. He told us how the lawsuit has been a pending for a couple years and his fees are now up to approximately 22k.