Category Archives: racketeering

Taxpayers Screwed By The HOA Movement!

This story, from NBC News and The Consumerist, really ought to get you steamed. Homeowners Associations on prime beachfront properties have figured out a way to make the taxpayers pay for their huge cost of flood insurance. It sounds like fiction, but it’s not.

Zillionaires who own oceanfront properties that get destroyed by hurricanes every couple of years theoretically should be paying a fortune for federal flood insurance. That’s the law.

But guess who figured out a way to make YOU pay for their flood insurance?

Yep. The zillionaires. They got the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to declare their constantly flooded properties as Low Risk/No Flood Zones. That means about a 95% reduction in their flood insurance costs.

So, every time you see on the news that a ritzy beachfront condo development has been destroyed by a hurricane, just remember that last check you wrote to the IRS. A good portion of it is paying for the reconstruction of the homes of zillionaires.

Now, do you feel like a sucker?

(link to story on The Consumerist)


Two Fantastic Quotes!

Sometimes, a movement, a protest, a demand for decent treatment of others can be condensed to just a few words:

And another:

“Whenever one person stands up and says, “Wait a minute, this is wrong,” it helps other people to do the same.”   -Gloria Steinem

That’s all we’re trying to do in exposing the national HOA scam. We just want to help someone.


Another Train Wreck! Headed Straight For You!

I take no personal joy in bringing you these HOA horror stories. But I have no problem being the Paul Revere of the Gated Community industry. Read the story linked below. And trust it. It’s real.
Is Your Homeowners Association Underfunded?

Is Your Homeowners Association Underfunded?

by the Real Estate Bloggers

It is one of those horrible scenarios, but you may be on the hook for a potentially large assessment from your homeowners association, and not even know it. In fact, your homeowners association may be close to being broke…

When you buy a home that is governed by a homeowners association you sign a long document that gives the association certain powers over your property. Typically you get the bylaws right around closing time as you have 100 plates spinning in the air, and you give it a quick glance at the homeowner bylaws and then sign that you agree to be bound by them.

This could be costly. These agreements govern how the homeowners association can collect their dues, including potentially foreclosing on your house to do so, how you must maintain your home, and assess special fees if the association needs to make upgrades or create new amenities.

So you may wake up one day to hear about a $10,000 assessment because the association feels the need to fix a problem or add an amenity and it will be coming out of your bank account.

Now here is the scariest part, a majority of the homeowners associations in the United States are underfunded. The housing crisis has put incredible pressure on the associations as people just can not pay their dues, or the homes in their neighborhoods are in foreclosure.

Foreclosures on delinquent properties by homeowners associations were almost unheard of before the financial crisis of 2008. Now lawyers and real estate researchers say they are becoming more common as association funding bases shrink because of previously foreclosed homes’ standing empty. About 70 percent of association-governed communities are underfunded, up 12.5 percent from 10 years ago, according to Association Reserves. The average association has financial reserve accounts — the amount required to maintain infrastructure and common areas — that are only funded at 52 percent, down from 60 percent a decade ago, its research shows. via AOL Real Estate

This is not to scare you from buying a home with a homeowners association, but do read the documents when looking at the neighborhoods and ask about potential assessments in the future, or common maintenance issues that you see. It may save you from an expensive mistake.

(link to The Real Estate Bloggers)

Open Letter On LinkedIn About The CAI

by Deborah Goonan, Ormond Beach, FL

(The oft repeated rhetoric) is that further regulation of HOAs would amount to increased “government control.” In fact, the purpose and goal of smart regulation of HOAs is to protect owners’ rights by way of limiting the power of HOA corporate Board governance through a proven system of CHECKS AND BALANCES. The goals of regulation must not be to control community choice in HOAs, but rather to provide a favorable environment where the rights of owners are balanced against the rights of the Association, to allow for all members to have a voice in self-governance, and to promote harmony rather than division in communities. 

I trust that legislators will ignore the tired CAI, status-quo rhetoric repeated over and over again on this forum, the same rhetoric that has prevented substantive HOA reform in states all over the country. To what end? How does ignoring obvious problems, and washing one’s hands of responsibility for fair and just treatment of constituents benefit communities, states, and our country? 

I trust that readers of this and similar forums will seriously consider the cumulative negative effects that have resulted from limited respect for the rights of owners, in favor of special interests. Those of you who “get it,” please let your legislators know that you support positive reform and consumer protections for millions of owners and residents in over 300,000 community associations across the country.

Blondie & The Bimbo Ride Again!!

And here comes the magnificent trio, Blondie, the Bimbo, and now the Wack Job! The newcomer is Sen. Gail Griffin. (Wiki definition of a griffin: “a legendary creature with the body, tail, and back legs of a lion; the head and wings of an eagle; and an eagle’s talons as its front feet.” Actually, a griffin sounds like one screwed-up animal! But that’s beside the point.)

All this time I thought Republicans were smarter than this! Aren’t Republicans generally for smaller, less intrusive government? Preservation of Constitutional rights? Maybe there’s something in the water in Arizona to make Republicans stupider than the rest of the country. But this trio is something else, bringing back a fundamentally unconstitutional and illegal HOA bill, over, and over, and over.

Representative Michelle Ugenti (the cute young thing) is somehow getting her strings pulled by the powers-that-be in the HOA industry. Remember, politics is about nothing more than who gets how much of the pie. Looks like these three might be carving out a larger slice for themselves than anyone else in office. If Ugenti’s proposed law ever gets passed and signed by Governor Blondie it’ll be challenged in the courts. And once again it’ll be rejected.

Hopefully, Republican voters in Arizona will realize how off-the-wall this trio is and try to get more responsible legislators into office, people who will carefully consider the legality of the bills they try to get passed.

Just remember, the outrageous tyranny of the out-of-control Homeowners Association industry has nothing to do with political parties. You don’t have to be left, right, or center to be mightily offended at the trampling on the rights of all homeowners.

George Staropoli is the expert on HOA politics in Arizona, and his blog should be part of your must-read material tonight.

(link to Staropoli’s current blog)