Category Archives: California

When Will These Useful Idiots Ever Learn?

Seniors, seniors, seniors! You’re supposed to have learned a few lessons in life. How the hell did you decide to turn all your assets over to the Sun City Shadow Hills Community Association?

Shadow Hills is a few miles southeast of Palm Springs, California. It’s only for older residents, a 55 and older community. But now that this Del Webb development is all built and sold out, the Shadow Hills board of directors has sold out to the infamous Texas state senator, John Carona. All of a sudden, the residents say, the HOA managers have gotten heavy handed.

There are threats, fines, liens and all the other good stuff that goes along with life in HOA Amerika. But there are also questions about how the board and management company is, without transparancy, handling its nine million dollar a year budget.

Ah yes, I almost forgot to mention. The HOA private security guards use radar guns. They have police powers.

A Home Depot truck was delivering carpet to one of the Shadow Hills homeowners, the first of several deliveries that day. And the driver was going seven miles-an-hour over the limit. When he hit the HOA speed trap the make-believe cop asked where he was going. He gave the name and address of his first customer, and who do you think got the $50 speeding ticket? The homeowner!

But folks, that’s the way you’re treated in a neighborhood where Associa is the management company. Yes, dear friends, Associa is Senator Carona’s company. Oh, he’s got lots of subsidiary companies like banks, insurance companies, businesses which he can mandate that the 9000 Homeowners Associations he manages patronize. ‘Patronize’ is too kind a word for Carona since these conflict-of-interest businesses are jammed down the throats of homeowners. They don’t get a choice.

But seniors? And I’m one, too. Seniors, why are you idiotic enough to buy into a Del Webb or Associa-managed community? Are you dumb as a box of rocks?

By the way, Senator Carona looks a little fat in his pictures. But that’s not fat. It’s just that his clothing is stuffed with conflicts-of interest, ethics problems, deceit, sneaky tactics, and some of the billions of dollars that he’s raking in.

Good luck, Shadow Hills seniors! Good luck.

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Another Crook Bites The Dust!

Somebody’s gotta write a song with that title.

Yes, indeedy, a crook who’s been stealing money from Northern California Homeowners Associations has been caught with his fingers in the graham cracker jar. Chris Barna, of Manteca, California, figured no one would be the wiser if he swiped a million or so bucks from his employer, a company that manages many HOAs in that state.

Barna saved everyone the time and money it would have taken to prosecute him. He pleaded guilty in Federal Court and agreed to pay full restitution. But that’s a laugh. If he gets the 30 year federal prison sentence, which is the maximum statutory penalty for stealing a million bucks, it’ll be a cold day in Hell before he squares up with the folks he ripped off. 

Thirty years in federal prison is way too good for creeps like this one.

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Dang Those Chickens!

Who doesn’t love omelettes for breakfast and chicken sandwiches at other times of the week? But just keep those chickens out of my backyard!

Backyard chicken coops are one of the privileges of rural living. Two or three laying hens can feed a family forever. But the astonishing growth of Homeowners Associations has led to a pathological contempt for any neighbor who dares keep a pet chicken.

We’re not talking about roosters crowing at the crack of dawn, here. Just chickens.

But for many of the growing number of condo commandos and lawn nazis a backyard chicken is about as attractive as ticks on a picnic blanket.

Oh, the omelette’s OK. Just as long as it has no connection to my neighborhood.–202352431.html


Don’t Like The Blogger? Sue His Butt!

They’re often called SLAPP lawsuits, a frivolous suit filed just to shut up an annoying critic.  The acronym stands for “strategic lawsuit against public participation.” SLAPPS were sometimes used by major companies to hush up environmentalists. Sometimes it was used the other way around. The bottom line was that lawyers were hired to cause the other side great expense and great anxiety, nothing more, nothing less.

SLAPP lawsuits have made their way into the world of Homeowners Associations, too. If you don’t like the neighborhood critic, just hammer him with a SLAPP lawsuit. But there’s a troubling little annoyance called ‘The First Amendment’, and a troubling little Supreme Court decision called ‘New York Times vs. Sullivan’ that essentially says if you’re a public figure you’ll get nailed if you try to jam up the Free Speech rights of the neighborhood critic. A public figure has to be able to prove ‘actual malice’ in a lawsuit against someone who’s just expressing an honest opinion about what’s right and what’s wrong. It’s more complex, of course, but I go into the subject in detail in my new book, “Neighbors At War!”

But the commentary linked below shows that it can be very expensive for an HOA board member to use neighborhood monies to fund a lawsuit against the local loudmouth. Nobody wins in these idiotic SLAPP lawsuits. Everybody loses, that is, with the exception of the lawyers who file and defend  such lawsuits. They always make money. That’s why there are so many lawyer jokes in the public discourse.

The wisest words in the story linked below: Get over it. Move on.

“Though the Wheels of God Grind slowly,yet they grind exceeding small,

The whole quote is:

“Though the Mills of God Grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small,

            Though With Patience He stands waiting, With Exactness Grinds He All.”

                                                        Friedrich Von Lougou

That’s one of my favorite quotes from The Retribution, and it’s been pasted on my computer since my first blue and gray Kaypro, purchased in 1985.

Yes, Heaven’s grinding mills are as vast as they are slow, but sooner or later every full circle comes about. Not soon enough, we mortal humans cry, but they do come around.

Comes now news that the Department of Justice is going to free up 39 million dollars for Overseas Service members who were shafted and ruined by Bank of America. It’s illegal to file civil actions against our military fighting on foreign battlefields, but that knowledge didn’t slow down Bank of America one whit.

No, when the Mortgage Crash and the Housing Bubble hit, Bank of America just played taps on the spines of our fighting men and women, while they forclosed on service members and kicked their families into the streets. Capt. Matt Clauer was a famous case that comes to mind, but there were many, many others.

Yeah, the Big Bank is going to refund some money, a little here, a little there. But by what means are they going to repair the many divorces, the shattered families and repair the misery of families who lost love and trust.

Bank of America, your fund is too low, your response is too weak, and you’re only doing this because you’d otherwise be facing contempt of court charges and a huge public black eye.