Category Archives: California

Another Day, Another HOA Embezzler

The former treasurer of the Summit Ranch Homeowners Association in Chino Hills, California is going to jail for up to a year for embezzling more than 128,000 dollars.

For every one they catch, there are ten thousand others getting away with it.

(how to get rich quickly…Just embezzle)



Some Much-Needed Humor!

Please, please forgive me for this. But tonight’s post has nothing to do with Homeowners Associations. OK, maybe I can stretchhhh to make it fit. It happens inside a home. The star is a dog. Now, many readers know that I occasionally refer to certain lawyers as dogs.

But I love dogs…a lot. And I miss my Irish Setter who I lost a few years ago.

Also…the dog in this video is a heck of a lot smarter and more honest than many HOA lawyers.


(link to the world’s best-trained dog!)


Drought Arrogance in Bel Air, California

Ah, the arrogance of those Los Angeles elites.

CBS-LA reports that one homeowner in the ritzy Bel Air area used 12 million gallons of water in a single year during the worst drought anyone can remember. TWELVE MILLION GALLONS! The water bill was 90,000 dollars.

I have no idea what it costs to fill an Olympic sized swimming pool, but I would bet you could fill a swimming pool at least once a week with that budget.

The real stench, though, is that public officials won’t release this person’s name or address “for privacy reasons.” This one homeowner needs to be targeted and his name and address publicized. With a drought so severe it really threatens our national stability (agriculture), there’s no need to respect privacy. Drought shaming. Someone should do it.

(link to story on 12 million gallon ‘star’)



Second Arrest in HOA Embezzlement

They got him! A couple of days ago a longtime HOA manager in San Mateo, California was arrested and accused of stealing 2.8 million dollars from the Woodlake Homeowners Association. Now they’ve arrested her partner, a man who allegedly wrote fake invoices for construction work that was never done. It sure sounds like a copycat of the decade-long swindle of homeowners in Las Vegas.

And it sounds a lot like the multi-million dollar organized crime racketeering swindle of Homeowners Associations in Colorado.

And Homeowners Associations in Florida.

In Alabama.



And every other state.

Still, you keep hearing from Realtors, and Congressmen, lawyers, city officials and state representatives that this kind of swindle is extremely rare. What are these guys smoking, anyway?

(link to arrest story in San Mateo Daily Journal)