Tag Archives: corruption

Are They Finally Starting To ‘Get it’?

Not too many years ago you couldn’t get any reporter anywhere to take a critical look at the national HOA mess.  Even when the U.S. Attorney started getting guilty pleas in the Las Vegas organized crime/HOA scandal, you couldn’t find many news stories outside of Nevada, itself. And there was almost ZERO coverage by the national networks. (BTW, as a long-time reporter I plead guilty of neglecting the subject)

But these days it’s not uncommon to find several probing stories a day. Some in the news media, like the one linked below, are slowly beginning to realize there really is some dirt under these HOA sheets. Someday they might even begin recognizing how deep this dirt really is. 


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Yet Another Embezzlement

Yikes! 10 Years For A Prank?

Lots of animosity in Homeowners Associations. But for any homeowner who thinks he should fight back in novel ways, the link below is incredibly important. This person is facing ten years in prison for retaliating against an HOA tormentor


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Another Embezzlement, Ho Hum

It must seem like embezzlement from Homeowners Associations is the most unreported crime in the country. These crimes happen with stunning regularity.

Why, oh why, do America’s homeowners allow their neighborhood banking accounts to be handed over to board members and management companies who have no financial accountability?


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Excellent Reporting on Vegas HOA Scandal

Jeff German of the Las Vegas Review Journal is one of the few who’s done ongoing stellar work in reporting on the massive Nevada HOA scandal. If there are still any skeptics in America who think I’ve been exaggerating about the American HOA Movement being rife with old fashioned organized crime, then please follow German’s reporting.

Here’s his latest: 


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