Tag Archives: FBI

From The Belly Of The HOA Beast

Community Associations Institute (CAI), the organization that ‘pretends’ it helps HOA homeowners while in reality it’s a referral agency for lawyers, managers and others who insist that fines, lawsuits, liens and foreclosures are good things, is showing some ‘distressing’ news to HOA insiders. It’s a graph that shows a slowing in the growth of people living in Homeowners Associations.

There’s an obvious reason to like this graph. HOAs have done themselves no favors by getting aggressive against homeowners they don’t like. As many reading this forum know, many HOAs have turned neighborhoods into seething battlegrounds where neighbor fears neighbor, and the act of being friendly can get you sued.

Population in this country is growing, but HOAs are losing their enthusiasts. To me, this graph says that more and more prospective homeowners are telling Realtors, “Do not show me ANYTHING in an HOA!”


The Virginia HOA Power Grab

There was an interesting column from a blogger a couple of weeks ago about the bizarre proposed legislation in Virginia that would allow HOAs to fine ANY homeowner for ANYTHING as long as the CC&Rs didn’t specifically ban such fines. It has to be one of the biggest proposed power grabs in history. The column is fascinating and worth reading, in that it was written by an HOA president who opposed this fascist piece of legislative work.

But what really caught my attention is this columnist’s belief that this piece of legal outrage is supported by Republicans who traditionally oppose big government.

I’ve raged on in my own blog and my book that opposition to HOA dictatorships is not a Republican/Democrat/Left/Right issue. It’s about the rights of American homeowners to be left alone. It’s about the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, the Third, the Fourth, Fifth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth… the whole danged Constitution.

If Republicans in Virginia are pushing this bill then shame on them. If Democrats don’t have the guts to stand up to this then shame on them. If the brainless center-aisle legislators don’t have the stomach look with suspicion at the bill’s content, then shame. If this bill makes its way to the Governor’s desk, then the whole stenchy lot of these politicians should be frog-walked into the U.S. Supreme Court. I wonder what the court split on the constitutionality of this law would be?

Actually, that’s a little scary to think about.

(link to Virginia blogger)


Another Black Eye For Colorado

Colorado’s got another embarassment to swallow. Christa Ann McClure is the current director of Colorado’s Health Exchange. She’s the Colorado face of the new national health care changes.

But she was indicted (and pleaded not guilty) to charges of theft and fraud from a nonprofit housing agency she previously worked for in Montana.

What is it about being in charge of housing projects or community organizations that makes people think their hands belong in any cookie jars that are within reach.

It’s a puzzle.

(link to Denver Post story on McClure’s indictment)


HOAs And Electric Cars. Whew!

You just never know what to expect when you start writing about the outrages of HOA Amerika. But I suppose I could have predicted this one.

It happened in Venice, Florida. The owners of a brand new Chevy Volt discovered one of their neighbors was cutting the cord of their plug-in vehicle.

Now I’m no fan of the Volt. I actually think it’s a little stupid-looking and wouldn’t hold the boxes from any of my recent trips to Costco. But not in a million years would I think of intentionally damaging someone else’s plug-in car. Let them live in peace. It saves more carbon-based gasoline for me.

But intentionally wrecking someone else’s car?

Beyond idiotic. And I hope some Florida cop can figure out a way of sending this creep to jail.

(link to Venice, Florida story)


Which Has The Greatest Risks? Owning In An HOA or Casino Gambling?

guest blog by Nila Ridings

I’ve heard it so many times.  “I don’t gamble.”  “I’m too tight with my money to gamble.” “I wouldn’t know how to gamble.” “The thought of gambling scares me because I’ve worked hard for my money.”  All spoken by people who own property in a homeowners association.

Personally, I’ve gambled one time in my life at a Reno casino.  I dropped $20 in a nickel slot machine and won.  I collected my winnings and walked straight out the front door.  I don’t gamble.  Or so I thought I didn’t.

I’ve come to the realization that I’m an insane gambler.  Why?  I bought a townhouse in an HOA!  I took a far greater risk than if I’d flown to Las Vegas, Atlantic City, or back to Reno and just threw down three hundred thousand dollars on the craps table and rolled the dice.  Goodness, with a stroke of luck I could have walked out a millionaire…or maybe a multi-millionaire, but for sure I would have come out in no worse shape than I am in my HOA.

Are you scratching your head and asking how I arrived at this conclusion? 

Here’s how:

If one of the casino owners was embezzling, it wouldn’t be my responsibility to rebuild the bank account with my money.  In an HOA, there is no avoiding it.  They steal, you lose and get hit with covering the financial loss from the bad actors, liars and thieves. 

If the casino management refuses to allow a blind person with a seeing-eye dog into the casino and they sue for a violation of the ADA, I won’t be paying for the legal bills.  But, in an HOA I will be.

If the casino needs a new roof or resurfacing on the parking lot, I’m not going to receive a bill.  You can bet the HOA will slap a stamp on a special assessment and drop it in my mailbox.  Or if one of the casino managers has his Uncle Billy Bob with his shiny new hammer building decks without a contractor’s license, I won’t be hit with any liability if it falls down.

When I sign for my room at the front desk, I’m not going to become business partners with every intoxicated stranger in the 1,500 room hotel, but I sure am with my 1,500 HOA neighbors. (some sober and some not) 

And, last but not least, there is massive government oversight over the casino operations.  There is no oversight to speak of over HOAs or property managers.

And I won’t have signed away my US Constitutional Rights when I walked through the door of the casino.

Granted, the assumed operators of the casinos might very well be related to those in power over the HOAs.  But I could walk right out the door and choose not to do business with them in a matter of seconds.  I wouldn’t be locked inside the building while they are telling all the other gamblers I’m a liar and dumber than a box of rocks, and if I don’t like it I need to leave!  Similar to screaming “IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT, THEN MOVE!” which is always heard at HOA board meetings!

Yep!  I should have driven right past this dilapidated disaster of an HOA and headed north to the airport!