Tag Archives: HOA Abuse

Avoid HOAs…Live In A Cave!

guest blog by Nila Ridings
This could be a once in a lifetime chance to never have to worry about the headaches of HOA living again!
17,000 square feet of natural climate control keeps it 70 degrees all year.  The latest addition of a “man cave!”  Oh yes, literally a cave of comfort away from nosy neighbors and the spying eyes of an HOA board.  
Definitely, one-of-a-kind!

(Link to KMBC story of man cave)


It’s Not About A Flag, It’s About Testosterone

I swear, I’ve gotta quit doing stories about outrageous treatment of the American Flag, there are just too many of them. I could get stuck doing 12 or 15 stories a day. Still, I feel duty-bound to at least occasionally tell you when the latest cretin is pushing around his weight after having been given new power over other homeowners.

The latest victim of a flag outrage is a retired veteran named Larry Murphree of the Tides Condominium at Sweetwater, Jacksonville, Florida. It’s actually just a small flag that he placed in a flower pot on his porch. You can barely see it. It’s sticking in the flowerpot behind the right porch rail in the photo below. He’s been fined $8000 before and he got it settled in court.

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After his court victory, Larry replaced the flag. And once again he’s being sued for $8000 and confiscation of his home. Here’s a very tight shot to show you a real good closeup of this tiny flag.

“It’s worth fighting for,” says Larry. “It’s a small flag but it stands for a big thank you and it shows the love and respect I have for my country.”

Larry, a little advice here from someone who knows. It’s not about the flag. It’s about a brain chemical called Oxytocin. If you don’t know about it look it up. When a chimpanzee of either sex is placed in a cage with a bunch of other chimps at the zoo, there’s an immediate disturbance. The new chimp races around the enclosure showing off his or her ‘equipment’, spraying the cage, making other chimps a little frightful of his or her prowess. Jane Goodall spent a lifetime studying this kind of behavior in all kinds of primates.

Larry, you’re being victimized by a new board member who thinks his or her virility is a little more chemically tinged than yours. Or maybe this board member wants you to think his or her influence among the weaker members of the tribe will carry more weight on the evolutionary scale. Whether you’re an evolutionist or not, you cannot deny that chimpanzees share approximately 96% percent of their DNA with humans. They (and orangutans) are our closest relatives. In so many ways, they’re a lot like us and we can learn from them. Your flag fight is not about patriotism. It’s about simianism. It’s about oxytocin. It’s about sex.

All science aside, there’s perhaps a bit of usable truth here. Spread this blog far and wide around the Tides At Sweetwater condominium complex. Without putting yourself in a slander trap, figure out which tiny dickensonian creature has been causing you all this misery. The good women of the Tides at Sweetwater know that as a veteran you probably came from good genetic stock. They’ll respect you. Then gather the whole community’s support as they publicly and visibly show this ‘little’ simian how ‘little’ they think your challenger’s virility really is. Each hour of each day when those community members greet that simian they should hold up their fingers about one inch apart. It’s just a guess. Just to show how much that person is regarded in the community.

Most journalists won’t tell you all of this. But since I know a little about science I will.

(Fox News story (ignore the ad, they’re getting harder and harder to skip))

Please reach out to Larry and let him know this blogsite address so he can spread it throughout the neighborhood.

And here’s a quick link from him:

(let me fly the flag)




Real Tragedy Developing in the Las Vegas HOA Scandal

In four decades of investigative reporting, what always burned my butt was the sweet sentences given to white collar criminals by Federal Judges. A little personal confession here, one I probably shouldn’t make, but once I became good friends with a major white collar criminal who should have been sentenced to ten years, not ten months! I like this guy. I like him a lot. I consider him a great friend. But he’s an admitted crook who’s made that same confession on national TV. And he knows he skated with only a fraction of the prison sentence he really deserved. He took great delight in talking about how easy his sentence was. He considered it a vacation, a temporary escape from a difficult domestic situation and had the benefit of an admiring Federal prison warden who occasionally took him to town on weekends to meet women! In fact, he says he got more straight sex as a federal prison inmate than he did as an outsider.

Cut to the current Federal Organized Crime Syndicate in Las Vegas which has raped and pillaged Homeowners Associations up and down the valley. 39 suspects, four of them dead in highly suspicious ‘suicides’.  And the federal judge in the case is beginning to hand out what the crooks all call “pussy” jail sentences for their involvement in this hundred million dollar scam. The first prison sentences look like they’ll be about a year in federal prison. Easy duty. Over before you know it. And if you’re a good crook and keep your mouth shut about your confederates there’ll be a few handfuls of big bills to get your new life started on the other side.

This Organized Crime syndicate stole a hundred million dollars from Las Vegas homeowners. As a homeowner, all you have to do is look at the current value of your home to know how much money they stole. But even today, the powers that be who won’t be named are two of the most prominent political names, men who made millions and millions of dollars for ‘ignoring’ or even participating in this vicious scam.

Folks, just believe this crusty, hardened, wizened 40-year investigative reporter: some very big people are being overlooked in the Las Vegas RICO investigation. The Feebies (FBI) are intentionally hiding their eyes. There are at least two names who, if indicted, would be huge.

One or two of these names could actually change the political balance of an entire country!

(link to latest from las vegas review journal)



Rootin’ Tootin’ Bootin’ At Ridge Creek Condos

guest blog by Nila Ridings

Boy, Oh Boy! Is Heritage Property Management and Ridge Creek Condos in Clarkston, Georgia trying for the Georgia State Stupidity Award???

Kayla Holland is a condo renter. Her car got booted because her landlord didn’t pay  the HOA dues. She out-smarted them, she had the tires, boot and all removed! An unidentified owner has his dues debited from his bank account but he got the boot, too.

But we sent them a letter, says the goofball property manager! Did the letter say we have no right to do this but we are? Did it say we are going to hold your personal vehicle hostage and act like the “repo man” even though this debt has nothing to do with your car? Even though our CC&Rs don’t list your car as part of the contract you signed when you bought into this lousy loser of a condo complex, we are using every method we can dream up to collect our dues? Does it say our next step to collect will be kidnapping your children? What does that letter and their CC&Rs say? I want to read them!

What happens if an owner or renter gets called out? Let’s say it’s a doctor or a surgical nurse… and they race to their car and find it’s booted? And some innocent accident victim dies because they can’t get to the hospital. Or, they damage a tire or rim with that boot and the driver has an accident at 75 MPH and it’s determined to be caused by damage to the tire. Or, some guy gets a six pack and a few shots of tequila under his belt and decides to wait in his car for the “boot man” to arrive… and he has a loaded pistol. What, then, Heritage Property Management and Ridge Creek Condo Board of Directors? What then?

Here’s “what then!” All the condo owners are going to be liable for a multi-million dollar settlement from a nice, big nasty lawsuit. All over a boot that should never have been placed on the vehicle in the first place!

Good Gawd! Where does it stop? HOAs can take your home, wipe out your bank account, destroy your health, and now they think they can lock up your car!!!

A special THANK YOU to Amy Napier Viteri for reporting this story!

(link to WSBTV news story on booted cars)


Another American Flag Outrage

Yes, I know I’m harping, but every time I see one of these outrageous stories about homeowners not being allowed to display the Stars and Stripes I’m going to erupt.

As I’ve said before, I have five family members buried in Arlington, another war hero family member buried in a National Cemetery in Portland, Oregon. These men and women stood for a principle, that the American ethic means something. It means we’re courageous in the face of evil. It means we stand up for what’s right and against what’s wrong. It means that when we realize we’ve made a mistake we have a Constitution that allows us to correct it. It means if our leaders in the White House, the Congress, the Senate or elsewhere are too wimpy or too cowardly to stand up for what’s right, we have the right as American voters to toss their butts into the street.

For this Vietnamese hero fighting for his right to fly the American flag in a Houston apartment complex, I say we support him in every way possible.

(link to latest flag outrage, this one in Texas)