Tag Archives: HOA Abuse

Time To Design Your HOA Dron-E-Ports

guest blog by Nila Ridings
We knew it was coming sooner or later.  Remember Ward’s predictions?  How will drone deliveries be handled in your HOA?  William W. Sleeth III is offering his insight and advice.  Get ready…he’s an award winning HOA attorney!
He’s suggesting that homeowners associations start discussing these drone landing ports now.  You know, so they can plan for where the Dron-E-Ports will be located, what sort of fencing will be erected, and what the hours of operation will be.  He failed to mention that HOA boards and property managers will conger up landing fees, fines for violations, liens, and lawsuits that will land the homeowners in the witness seat in the courtroom.  Ultimately, they will lose their home over a new pair of black tap shoes drone-delivered for their daughter’s dance recital.
And of course, while townhomes have rotten siding, condo roofs are leaking, units are mold-infested, paint is peeling, and dues are being spent on increased insurance premiums, Mr. Sleeth wants the HOAs to start running up billable hours discussing the legal aspects of drone landings!  
He’s thinking if drones aren’t allowed to land, the younger home buyers and tech savvy folks won’t buy in the community.  I’m going to give that group far more credit than that.  I predict they won’t buy in HOAs because they have heeded the warnings of those sounding the alarm about the nightmares of living in an HOA!  Drone landings will be the least of their concerns.
Drone HOA1178A is on the ground at Dron-E-Port Valley View 2.  Let the newest source of the HOA legal battles begin!!!

How To Dump A Homeowners Rights Activist

Ah, dear Rancho Santa Fe. All eyes are on ye.

What happens when a board president tries to represent homeowners in a dispute over millions of bucks going into the pockets of managers? Well, you just slap her upside the head. And toss that woman off.


According to the story linked below, Ann Boon, president of Rancho Santa Fe Homeowners Association just wanted to raise a few questions about the unusually high salaries going to HOA managers. The salaries were approved IN SECRET by a three member minority of the seven-member board. And Boon was never included in discussions of the eye-popping salaries.

No problem. The board members protecting the management company against any questions of inappropriate behavior just voted Boon out of office. It was 5-2. Majority rules.

Egads, you would never find this kind of behavior in a traditional government institution where the public has a right to know how money is being spent. But once you’re inside of the phony ‘governments’ of Homeowners Association all bets are off.

(link to story about Rancho Santa Fe HOA)


Democrats & Tea Party In Virginia???? Whoa!!!

Will wonders never cease!

A hellaciously ugly anti-homeowner bill is about to end up in Virginia law books. It essentially does away with ALL Constitutional rights of people in Homeowners Associations. And I’ve warned people all over the country to quit thinking about HOAs as Democrat, Republican, Tea Party, liberal or conservative. HOAs are about communes (communism), flavored with a healthy splash of fascism (the lawn Nazis).

Well, Glory be! Virginia lawmakers from the Tea Party wing of the Republicans are joining Democrats in trying to wake their fellow-legislators up. This bill is beyond bad. This link to the Virginia bureau Watchdog.org is worth reading! 

(link to watchdog.org)


The Virginia HOA Power Grab

There was an interesting column from a blogger a couple of weeks ago about the bizarre proposed legislation in Virginia that would allow HOAs to fine ANY homeowner for ANYTHING as long as the CC&Rs didn’t specifically ban such fines. It has to be one of the biggest proposed power grabs in history. The column is fascinating and worth reading, in that it was written by an HOA president who opposed this fascist piece of legislative work.

But what really caught my attention is this columnist’s belief that this piece of legal outrage is supported by Republicans who traditionally oppose big government.

I’ve raged on in my own blog and my book that opposition to HOA dictatorships is not a Republican/Democrat/Left/Right issue. It’s about the rights of American homeowners to be left alone. It’s about the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, the Third, the Fourth, Fifth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth… the whole danged Constitution.

If Republicans in Virginia are pushing this bill then shame on them. If Democrats don’t have the guts to stand up to this then shame on them. If the brainless center-aisle legislators don’t have the stomach look with suspicion at the bill’s content, then shame. If this bill makes its way to the Governor’s desk, then the whole stenchy lot of these politicians should be frog-walked into the U.S. Supreme Court. I wonder what the court split on the constitutionality of this law would be?

Actually, that’s a little scary to think about.

(link to Virginia blogger)


Structural Engineers Wail Warnings About HOA And Condo Design Projects

guest blog by Nila Ridings

In the same way homeowners are getting wiser and wiser to the nightmares of HOAs and condo associations so are the engineering professionals who get caught in the very early stages of this insanity. The HOA attorneys are wiping them out, too.

I love it when “insiders” open the can of worms on corruption.  This time it’s the structural engineers and their insurers sounding the alarm about working with architects and developers on condominium projects. And their insurance agents are giving them a “heads up” on how to protect themselves against the inevitable HOA lawsuit.

Reading between the lines it seems they’re saying, “Run from condo projects! HOAs and condos are a pain in the neck to deal with even in hard times when work is scarce! Don’t let the pockets of your engineering firm be the deepest ones in the courtroom” is the message I’m hearing.

It’s disgusting to see the vast numbers of people who are being harmed by this entire HOA and condo association mess. I think we should invite the structural engineers to join our activism. They can relate to the pain and suffering that homeowners are going through… and the fear of the inevitable legal battles with the HOA attorneys.

(the legal risk of working on a condo design)

(And another good link:)