Tag Archives: HOA Abuse

Texas Ain’t No Rain Forest

guest blog by Nila Ridings 

Effective September 1, 2013.  No more wasting the H2O!
The votes have been counted and the legislators of Texas have made it clear.  No more water is to be used on flowers from Japan or the Netherlands.  Plant what grows naturally and be happy with it! 
Across America billions of gallons of potable water is used for landscaping every single day!  Are we really this stupid?
It doesn’t make sense to process water through a water treatment plant and run it back out to the golf course sprinklers.  
“Don’t Mess With Texas!” And don’t run up the HOA legal bills fighting those who comply.  Ya hear?
BTW, this bill was sponsored by State Senator Kirk Watson and State Representative Dawnna Dukes (both of Austin).

“He fought for the flag and we’ll die for the flag!” ~Louise Helton

guest blog by Nila Ridings
This story has reduced me to tears!
I hold a special place in my heart for aviators, veterans, and the American flag.
In the course of his 92 years, Mr. Helton of McDonough, Georgia has VOLUNTEERED to fight in 3 wars for the United States of America.  He fought for my freedom and yours. He fought for these ungrateful, insensitive, and brain-dead board members, too!  Today, He sits in his chair with his aviator’s shirt on. He is devastated. And he can’t hold back the tears.
Because four board members from the Village At Spring Creek HOA marched themselves to his front door and ordered him to take the America flag off his house or they will fine him $25 per day.  And one of them said, “If you don’t take it down, I’ll take it down!”
If you’ve read this far please think about what I am about to say.  Do we really and truly want the last years, months, days, or hours of life on this earth for those who have sacrificed so much for each of us to be spent in the greatest battle of their lives to be with their Homeowners Association?  The Helton’s have lived in this HOA hellhole less than one year. President George W. Bush signed into law the RIGHT to fly the American flag in 2005 so any of us who wish to fly it could freely do so.
This story makes me feel more and more like our enemies are not on foreign soil. They are right here living next door and down the street.  Every single story I read about HOAs cements that belief for me. 
Please join me in our efforts to stop this insanity by flying your American flag today.  
United we can and will make a difference!

Georgia Marine Loses Right To Fly The Flag

A patriotic member of the U.S. Marines tried to fly both the American Flag and the Marine Corps flag outside his home in Atlanta. But the Sun City Peach-Tree Homeowners Association says he’ll be fined, sued, liened and foreclosed if he does so. Seems that Sun City will only allow one flag at a time (Southern Homeowners Associations have been consistently losing their fight to ban all flags).

The Griffin Management company thinks it has total control over its homeowners and can micro-manage every aspect of their lives.

Former Marine Captain Jim Lowe still has the spit and fury of a U.S. Marine in his heart and says he’s going to fight. But his Homeowners Association is fining him 25 bucks a day each time they spot the reviled Marine flag on his flagpole.

Captain Lowe and his wife say they plan to move out of the community. Apparently they’re just now realizing that Amerikan Homeowner Associations are not really part of America. And he wants to move back into the country that he loves.

BTW, it’s not about this man’s right to fly which ever flag he chooses. It’s about the equity in his home. No HOA fines a guy unless it first checks public records to see how much equity there is. Follow the money, folks. Never follow the ideology or the reasoning behind stupid board decisions. Follow the money. It’s all about the equity and how much can be seized and transferred to the HOA’s operating budget.

Believe me.

Just believe me.

(click to read article in the Atlanta Free Beacon)


You’re Crazy, Ward!

LOL! It’s pretty easy for somebody who follows my blog to think I’m stone-cold crazy about some of the horrible things that go on in the typical HOA environment. That’s why it’s fun to have YouTube in the mix.

The link below is to an outraged couple who discovered that their HOA micro-manages each and every person who spends a night under their roof. HOAs typically insist that no unrelated people live in the same house. That means a micro inspection of the relationship between every unmarried or yet-to-be-married couple spending a few nights in the same home. You have to get advance permission if someone is staying over, complete with their name, date-of-birth, Social Security Number and source of income.

HOAs have the right to determine who is an illegal resident and they can literally shut down the gate code for any homeowner who violates the policy. But figuring out who’s related to whom involves a massive amount of spying on your personal habits and the personal habits of every one of your guests. 

What country are we living in, again? Just curious.



Are Homeowners Rights Advocates Left, Right Or Libertarian?

Well-known anti-socialists have have compared tightly controlled neighborhood governance with being the kind of radical socialism from which they escaped. But does that mean that anti-HOA activists are right-wing, left-wing, or libertarian? 

For the life of me I can’t understand how you can tie protection of a homeowner’s rights to any political faction.

Under the U.S. Constitution you have the right to be free from invasive government in your home, your person, your private papers. There are people in every single political faction who don’t want the cops kicking in their doors, even if the cops are wearing HOA armbands.

Sure, you’d like to control the next door nutcase who intentionally damages surrounding property values. But city and county codes do a pretty good job when properly enforced. And to restrict that nutcase’s rights you have to limit some of your own.

The bigger problem is not political beliefs, but rather the fact that agenda-driven people who suddenly discover themselves in a position of power very often have trouble controlling their own tyrannical compulsions. Those power-mad compulsives don’t represent any particular political party.

So those opposing that kind of tyranny aren’t necessarily tied to any political faction.