Tag Archives: Neighbors At War: The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association

“That’s One for You, Ten for Me, One for You and Ten for Me.”

The number of embezzlements by HOA officers is almost laughable. I’d say unbelievable but that’s not the right word. Greed is part of the human condition and has been around since Cain and Able.

Still, you’d think that some embezzlers would feel a little bit guilty.

Enter Elizabeth Mills Wilson, treasurer of the Manor at Harmon Lake Homeowners Association in Forsyth County. Now I’m not saying she’s guilty. That’ll be determined by a jury, or by a guilty plea. Her Sheriff’s booking photo makes her look a little bit arrogant. 

But then, you’d have to be a little arrogant to steal $40,000 from your neighbors. A judge will give her a suspended sentence and maybe a tongue lashing. What this country really needs is some real lashings!


In A Million Years, Never Thought I’d See This Happen

Colorado is a ‘cool’ state. The University of Colorado was named by Newsweek Magazine as the nation’s ultimate party school. People are healthy, alcohol abuse is low, but this is the first state that legalized recreational marijuana. There are hundreds of ‘maryjane’ stores all over the state.

In Colorado politics, as you can imagine, the heavy population centers are solid blue, the agricultural areas are red. And about the only thing that causes riots and tear gas battles is when crowds of young people are celebrating an end-of-season victory by the Broncos, the Nuggets or the Avalanche. On those nights, damage to store windows and police cars can run into the millions. A ‘cool’ state with an edge.

Our early history had an ugly side, it was the second home of the reconstituted KKK back when the Klan promised it was no longer opposed to the presence of the Negro race. Our history is checkered with 156 lynchings. Interestingly, the Klan only lasted about five or six years here before being run out of the state in the late 20s. And most of the lynchings were of white gold miners who’d gotten involved in fatal confrontations over bar girls, or the ownership of gold claims.

These days, Colorado is racially diverse and probably more tolerant than most other states. Here, we really recognize only two races, those who ski and those who don’t.

Oh, I should tell you there’s lots of population growth and private homes are being built by the hundreds of thousands. For many years, all new development has been in mandatory Homeowners Associations. As a result, we are the de facto “Homeowner Association Central” for the Western Plains. And HOA abuses here are legendary. Everything you see happening in Florida, Arizona, Nevada and Texas is happening right here in Colorado. Some of the largest embezzlements from HOAs in history were right here in the Denver area. In fact, it was here that I first started to write my book, Neighbors At War!

Since our gun laws are pretty loose, and since HOA neighborhoods are so angry, we keep waiting for the first gun violence to break out during the annual HOA meeting. It hasn’t happened yet. With our cowboy mentality, it’s only a matter of time, I suppose.

Meanwhile, I was really stunned to see a new group arise which is trying to get some common sense laws past a legislature that can sometimes do some pretty stupid things. A press release on a proposed HOA law is linked below. The proposal makes so much sense that I predict another eruption from the folks at CAI (Community Associations Institute). The CAI knows our state well, and in the past they’ve screwed up some pretty good proposed legislation.

But see if you don’t think this proposal is based on common sense.

(link to HOA proposal in Colorado)


Crooked Pennsylvania Judges

All too often among people who frequent this blog, we’ve seen injustice by virtue of actually having been dragged into a court of law to argue one side or another of an HOA case. I get lots of email from homeowners who feel they’ve been looted, not only by an abusive HOA but by judicial rulings as well. And I’ve spoken with attorneys who feel their homeowner clients did not seem to get fair and balanced rulings from the bench. Indeed, only a tiny fraction of HOA court cases ever come down on the side of the homeowner. Logic would tell you that such rulings would favor approximately half of those who stand before the bar. Instead, rumor has it that homeowners have about a one percent chance in court against an HOA.

The massive impact of the CAI (Community Associations Institute) cannot be underestimated. True, the CAI lobbies legislatures on behalf of Homeowners Associations. This is kind of a half truth, since CAI really lobbies on behalf of the vendors of Homeowners Associations, e.g., the lawyers, the property managers, the suppliers of HOA services. And they blatantly lie when they testify, as they often do, that they represent homeowners. But judges, many of whom, are well-connected and live in Homeowners Associations, cannot possibly be ambivalent about their support of the HOA system. Judges are human beings, and human beings are all ‘little walking bundles of bias.’ And many of those same judges are closely linked to law firms where fellow attorneys make a great deal of money from suing homeowners who live in associations.

So, when our friend in Pennsylvania sent us the following link about the spreading scandal among judges in her state, the immensity of the scandal set us back on our heels. Cash for kids, child porn sent from one judge to another, it just takes your breath away. We, as homeowners, want only to have a chance of fairness when we enter a court of law. If we’re forced to stand before the bench, while feeling contempt for the lack of human decency sitting there in judicial robes, well, it just demolishes our faith in the system.

(link to news story of scandals in robes)


Embezzlement Arrest In Aloha State

Ah, that island paradise where everyone would someday like to be. Warm breezes, exotic fragrances, tropical birds, macadamia nuts and pineapples. White kukuis, cottage roses, and yellow hibiscus. Yellow ilima, red ohia and Pele’s sacred lihua blossoms. It seems that Hawaii has just about everything. Even HOA embezzlers.

Yes, Toni Ann Floerke-Politsch is a bigtime condominium manager. She heads a management firm on Oahu. Prosecutors in Honolulu have charged her with stealing more than $100,000 from condo owners who trusted her to manage their properties. She’s now charged with fourteen counts of felony theft.

You’d think that once you make it to Paradise, you’d be able to have a little faith in the people around you.

A message to Toni: Kapakahi, keke’e donkey pilau haole basuda. Many wish you uku pile ukus in jail.

(pidgin-english-hawaiian word translator)

(link to KITV-News story on Toni Ann Floerke)


Health Problems, Computer Problems, & a Dash of Old Age!

In complaining the other night about health problems, age problems and computer problems, I completely forgot the main point of bringing all of this up in the same post. It was a way of directing you to one of the funniest commentaries on old age that I’ve ever seen. It was a speech to the Conference on Aging done by a well known California weatherman.

You may end up with some laughter-related medical problems of your own.