Tag Archives: Texas

Kind Of Funny, When The News Media Begin To ‘Get It!’

Yep, nobody’s guiltier than this long-time reporter. So many times over the past four decades the real import of a story has just  sailed over my stupid fuzzy head.

But it’s fun to be a witness when a reporter suddenly has that head-thunking moment when he or she realizes that they’re actually reporting on a story that has real national significance!

Wow! Another 5-Star Review!

You just can’t imagine how much these 5-star reviews on Amazon lead to increased book sales. Thank you so much! It really does help get the word out. I appreciate the support more than you know. And I’ve promised that for every six books I sell, I can ‘bomb’ a legislator of your choice with a book and a handwritten note saying, “Your Constituent, ______   ______, insisted that I send this book to you.” So far, I’ve kept to that promise!

A New Selling Point for the Central Park Homeowners Association

Kudos, once again, to Las Vegas reporter Darcy Spears. Her latest expose’, though, makes me want tear someone’s eyes out of their head.

Vegas is sort of the center-of-the-world for corruption among HOA boards. But the latest crimes are the ones committed against children. 10 year old Paul Busch has been banned by the Central Park Homeowners Association  from playing in any of the common areas for the next six months. His crime? A board member claims he saw Paul and a friend break a sprinkler head. There’s no proof of course, except the word of this board member. Well, I take that back, there was another witness who specifically said the boy didn’t do it.

Finally, A Bill Of Rights!

Wow, it looks like Jonathan Friedrich (the best friend a Nevada Homeowner ever had) has been busy since his appointment to the state Comittee which oversees Homeowners Associations.

I include his proposed Bill of Rights below just because it deserves to to be talked about. My only objection is, “We have these rights already! Somebody just found a way to take them away by fiat! All we need is a frickin’ rule that says Homeowners Associations are ALL government agencies and can not organize as private non-profit corprorations. THAT’S ALL!

Anyway, here are the thoughts of a real gentleman:

They’re Fake Kops!

Egads, I get my dander up at stories like this: HOA employees impersonating police officers.

Well, the Illinois Supreme Court in its infinite wisdom recently ruled that an untrained HOA security guard could use police powers against a resident, flashing lights, siren, physical detention and a demand for a check written out to the local HOA.

Now, let’s move to Georgia where the “good ol’ boys” live. Give that man a siren and a gun and he’ll soon be in close contact with every attractive woman in the neighborhood.