Category Archives: discrimination

More Segregation In This Economy

There’s a fascinating article in the Washington Post about how the foreclosure crisis is leading to increased segregation in American neighborhoods. The article is worth reading, even though it doesn’t directly target Homeowners Associations.


There are interesting implications, though. The big irony is that the modern homeowner association movement started in 1964 shortly after the Civil Rights Act was passed. White homeowners and developers recoiled at the thought of minorities moving into white neighborhoods and made sure subtle racial controls were woven into the HOA system.


Timberlake Management, aka “The Condo Crime Family”

guest blog by Deborah Goonan

Former FL Representative Julio Robaina calls the Timberlake management company run by the Duggers the “Condo Crime Family,” in this special News 10 report by Bob Norman. Take a look at the video of some of these communities that the Duggers manage – clogged storm drains, flooded streets every time it rains, trash all over the place. Exactly all of the blight that HOAs are supposed to prevent, right? Have these HOA property values been enhanced over the years? Not on your life!

Not In My Back Yard!

David Evans, guitarist in the rock band U2, owns some view acreage overlooking Malibu. He’s now into his 9th year trying to get approval to build five luxury homes, one of which he plans to live in himself. For all those years, opponents have complained to zoning officials that those five new homes will bring in way too much noise and traffic and spoil their view.
Now, it looks like zoning officials are moving closer to approving the project.

HOA Water Stupidity & California Drought

Homeowner Association bullies continue to show their utter stupidity in the face of the horrible southwest water drought. I have two links for you. The first is the idiotic treatment of a homeowner by theĀ Aviara Master Association in northern San Diego County.

The second link is even more fascinating. It’s about the mind-blowing drought in the Middle East and what happens when you don’t respect Mother Nature.

(link to story on HOA drought idiocy)

(link to story on Middle East drought)



New Web Design

There are always a few bumps in the road when a website is re-designed. The new look of the Neighbors At War website makes it more friendly to mobile devices, so I hope you like it. Google required this re-design to make websites retain their searchability rankings. My site designer and webmaster, BTW, is one of the best in the business. Shannon Parish of Illustrating You is pretty busy with all her clients, but I’ll put her name out there anyway. Just don’t hire her away from me. I’d be lost in the woods without a compass!