Category Archives: HOA Issues

Oh What A Tangled Web We Embezzlers Weave

Texas Senator

Texas SenatorYes, folks, it’s another million dollar embezzlement from trusting homeowners in California. At least the Feds are finally taking action. A Federal Grand Jury has indicted Chris Barna for stealing $950,000 from Homeowners Associations that once trusted him. Although he hasn’t been convicted yet, I have no problem calling him a dirtbag. Prosecutors say he misappropriated 342 checks, spent the money on nice things for himself, and manipulated the records for M&C Association Management.

He’s currently free on $200,000 bond, which is a crime all by itself. But heck, California is so broke they can’t pay to feed one extra prisoner.  And with state finances in such bad shape, does anyone really think Barna will get any kind of prison term?  Ah yes, it’ll be a federal prison, not a California prison. But then again, aren’t the Feds about to “go over the financial cliff” in the current parlance?

Mark my words, Barna will get to keep the 950,000 bucks, he’ll get little or no prison time, the court will order restitution, and Barna won’t pay back a dime. The homeowners will be on the hook, though. Each homeowner who lives in a Barna-swindled association will be hit with a special assessment to make up the stolen money. Ain’t California great?

Oh, and I almost forgot. The owner of Barna’s company is Associa. Who or what is Associa? Well, Associa is owned by Texas Senator John Carona. Ask anyone from Texas.

Or better yet, let me link you to Jan Bergemann’s website where he discusses Associa in detail. And God bless you, Jan Bergemann!

Read the original article here …

HOA Problems Are International!

Although this blog is mainly aimed at an American audience, I’ve been getting international email about Homeowner Association problems around the world! Most of you already know it, but most other countries don’t use the terms “HOA, POA, CID”, etc.  For them it’s “Strata”, or high rise vertical real estate. And don’t think for a moment that strata are exempt from dictatorial and arbitrary management, revenge foreclosures, denial of rights, embezzlement, corruption, extortion and Mafia-like control.

The latest email directed me to a newspaper article in Malaysia. And it’s well-worth reading!

God Bless Those on East Coast

I trust God will bless and protect those on the east coast, who’ll be dealing with Hurricane Sandy.  Many years ago, I went through Hurricane Hazel while at Newport News, so I can identify and sympathize.

Here’s a helpful hint about stored goods and how to know they’re safe to consume.

Is Your HOA Racist?

Treading where angels fear to go, a columnist for the Press-Enterprise in Inland Southern California wades into the swamp of HOA racism. He ponders whether a Sun City HOA there is racist, because it wouldn’t allow the NAACP to use its meeting house.

Certainly, racism is an oft-documented problem in American HOAs. There are too many such cases to even count. And subtle racism is even harder to measure. But many HOAs across the country have either no minorities at all, or percentages as small as one or two percent. While that’s no way to measure racial divides, it can make one pause and reflect.

In any event, this column by reporter Peter Surowski, is well worth reading.

LOL! Free Speech and Clint Eastwood’s Empty Chair

This is hilarious! A Homeowners Association in Debary, Florida, refuses to let homeowners post political signs in their front yards. As we all know by now, the right to free speech in the Constitution’s Bill of Rights is not recognized by the American Homeowners Association movement.

Now, homeowners throughout the neighborhood are placing empty chairs in their yards where they could have placed their political signs.  It’s an obvious reference to Clint Eastwood’s empty chair speech at the Republican National Convention.

Presumably, Republicans and Democrats in Debary ought to be concerned about their  lack of access to free speech rights.