Category Archives: HOA

Is Democracy Disappearing in the U.S.?

Deborah Goonan is one of the most learned and articulate people in the country on the subject of Homeowners Associations. She, along with Nila Ridings, have expressed major concern about a wacky situation in Pagedale, Missouri, where the city has taken on the role of HOA lawn Nazis. It’s so far over the line that it has even attracted a lawsuit by the Institute for Justice. Her column on her own blog (linked below) is a critical subject for all of us.

(is democracy disappearing in the US?)



Sneaky HOA Trick in Baton Rouge

Ah, the HOA movement has some pretty sneaky moves in some parts of the country. The Times-Picayune column linked below talks about how homeowners get together to form a neighborhood crime district in Baton Rouge. Theoretically, they hire an unneeded security guard or two, then BAM! They’re suddenly in a Homeowners Association.

Pay special attention to this guy’s third paragraph.

(link to Times-Picayune article on crime districts)



Homeowners Associations vs. HAM Radio Operators

Sara Benson is reaching out to members of Congress and asking all of us to do the same. Pass the Amateur Radio Parity Act (S. 1685). National organizations that lobby to keep HOAs in business are on the opposite side. They’re telling Senators that HAM Radio enthusiasts destroy nice neighborhoods, something as ridiculous as saying that satellite dishes destroy neighborhoods.

HAM radio operators save lives when disaster hits. To forbid them from operating in a Homeowners Association is beyond the pale. When police radios and all cell phone service went down in New York during 9/11, who was getting out messages about where ambulances and rescue boats should be sent? I’d bet dollars to doughnuts it was HAM operators. Same thing during Hurricane Katrina and any number of other natural disasters. It happened in Colorado during the Boulder flood two years ago. It happened in my state in July of 1976 when a huge flood in the Big Thompson Canyon killed 143 people and trapped thousands for days. I was there. I saw it.

Big Thomson flood of 1976 washed out Highway 34. The Big Thompson Flood, Loveland, Colorado

Sara thinks it’s urgent that we overcome the cacophony of false information pouring into the U.S. House and Senate. Ask your legislators, no demand of your legislators that they pay serious attention to the Amateur Radio Parity Act. I agree.

(link to information on the Amateur Radio Parity Act)


Las Vegas Cop Corruption

There’s an excellent column in the Las Vegas Review Journal about one of the sleazy cops who took part in the massive HOA corruption scandal. It’s linked below.

(link to Review-Journal column on corrupt cop, Kim)

Also linked is an FBI press release on its long-running HOA investigation. Supposedly, this was a ten million dollar swindle, but now the FBI is using the figure $58 million. The real losses are many times that amount because the Leon Benzer HOA swindle helped collapse the Las Vegas housing market and an untold number of people lost their homes and life savings. Someday, some smart investigator will start calling it the billion dollar swindle, which it clearly was.

(FBI press release on long-running scam to take over HOA boards)


Buy Stock In Your Own Foreclosure!

Yes, you too can become a vulture.

A financial firm has just filed with the SEC to buy and sell stock in a company that forecloses on HOA liens and foreclosures. You can now invest and make a profit on the misery of your neighbors. Definitely read the prospectus. And be ashamed for a country that allows this to take place.

(link to matt Weidner Law Firm)