Tag Archives: California

Your Voting Rights Really Are At Risk!

There’s no better homeowners rights advocate in the country than CalHomeLaw.org., in California. I wish they’d let me link directly to some of their blog posts, but they are a paid-only subscription website and I understand and respect that. In the meantime, I have to re-purpose some of their material, while giving them full credit.

CalHomeLaw.org has been vigorously lobbying against Internet voting for Homeowners Associations. The reason is obvious. The Homeowners Association industry is a wasps nest of fraud and once they get Internet voting passed, you and I as private property owners are toast.

Nasty, Nasty, Nasty

I never gratuitously toss around the word ‘fascism’. My parents grew up in the era of German and Italian fascism and it was a devastating word to them. But I still remember how they regarded the fascist totalitarian governments that were wreaking havoc on the world.

So, as I monitor Homeowners Association stories around the country and see stories like the one I’ve linked below, I’m just stunned at the parallels.

The Best HOA Bill Of Rights

Jonathan Friedrich is legendary in Nevada. He’s a longtime and tireless Homeowners Rights advocate and lobbyist who’s fought the HOA movement, led anti-HOA demonstrations, and has frequently proved to members of the news media that organized crime in the HOA movement is not a fiction. And by some miracle, he found himself appointed by Governor Sandoval to the Nevada commission that oversees the managers and management of Homeowners Associations.

In the past few years several people and organizations have tried to compose a Homeowners Bill of Rights. Excellent proposals have been made by Arizona’s George Staropoli and Illinois Professor Evan McKenzie. But in the opinion of this blogger, Jonathan Friedrich’s version is the most aggressive.

The Worm Turns…. (Henry VI – Wm Shakespeare)

The victories are precious and few, but once in a while homeowners win a small victory against the fascists in HOA Amerika. An appeals court in California has issued a ruling that’s making the lawn Nazis twist in their graves.

The court ruled that all Homeowners Associations, when holding elections, must give homeowners with opposing views equal access to association media, when and if the board itself is taking a position in the election.

Good, Good HOA Site

I always hate to send my readers away to another link. It’s supposed to hurt my SEO ranking. If you don’t return, my overall SEO score goes down and I get fewer followers.

Still, I feel it’s my obligation to occasionally send you to links that I feel are not only valid, but are important as we try to articulate what’s wrong with the National HOA scam. I read this one and was impressed with the way they analyzed the current HOA system and why this supposedly extremely ‘local’ government entity is not really local at all.