Tag Archives: Florida

“One Small Step For A Man, One Giant Leap (still to come)”

Wow! Jan Bergemann, you are somethin’ else! I didn’t think your proposed legislation had a ghost of a chance of even getting out of committee. But Jan, my brother, you have accomplished a miracle. Just remember it’s only a small step, and you’re up against a massive HOA tort industry that will do anything in its power to ruin you, your reputation, your health, your bank account. Remember, you’re threatening the income stream of a very powerful and unscrupulous monster.

Hilarious! An Anti-HOA Drone Hoodie?

As readers of my book and blog already know, I’ve long been predicting that HOA boards would begin buying surplus military drone aircraft to spy on homeowners to ensure nobody in the neighborhood had installed an unauthorized hot tub in the back yard.

LOL! There’s already a prankster out there in the cyber world who occasionally pops up with a phony HOA-drones-for-sale website. His last posting was on April 1st, which might give you a key to his mindset. He even provided his phone number and it must be a hoot to answer calls from HOA board members who are actually serious about buying a drone to cruise for covenant violations.

We’re Back! Wobbley, But Back!

My Webmaster is my personal hero/heroine. By some miracle she has restored most or all of my blog posts that were trashed in this most recent hack attack.  Although my posts might not be in chronological order, that’s OK. It may actually mean that you get to read some things you otherwise might have missed because they were written some time ago.

In the meantime, if you ever need a genious as your own personal Webmaster, please let me know. I kind of hate to refer her to you because I don’t want to ever lose someone with her Internet talent and knowledge. But if you email me at Ward@NeighborsAtWar.com, I will (reluctantly) give her your name and contact number.


Yes, I’ve moved this blog over to my main website, NeighborsAtWar.com   I appreciate everyone’s help and comments on this blog over the past year, but please put your comments on the new website. You’ll see a lot more content there, and your own comments will have a much wider audience.