Tag Archives: HOA Abuse

Can’t We Wake These Idiot Congressmen Up?

Well, golly gee! A small group of Congressmen have discovered that tax jurisdictions have been selling tax liens to investors who, for a tiny bit of money, can buy up properties where taxes weren’t paid and auction them off to investors. That’s been going on forever. When I was a teenager I bought a tax lien in Seattle for 70 bucks. Never made a dime from it and I ended up giving it back to the city.

But this Washington Post reporter linked below neglects to tell an even larger story. Thousands of homeowners across the country are being foreclosed on and auctioned off because of minor ‘crimes’ like late dues or assessments by Homeowners Associations which also auction off their homes after adding in unconscionable late fees, collection expenses, attorney’s fees and many other ‘random’ expenses. Tax lien auctions aren’t a crime. Stealing by Homeowners Associations really is a crime.

Some reporters ‘get it.’ Some never do. Someone should find a way to educate these two dunces.

(link to Washington Post story on tax auctions)

Citing abuses, federal lawmakers call for examination of tax-lien programs nationwide

September 19, 2013
A dozen U.S. senators are calling on the federal government to investigate tax-lien programs across the country and find ways to thwart “unscrupulous practices” that in the District alone have cost dozens of families their homes.

In a letter to the Justice Department, the lawmakers said vulnerable homeowners — the elderly, veterans and people with disabilities — should not lose their houses to companies that turn small tax debts into massive liabilities.

The senators said they were spurred by a Washington Post investigation that found that investors had bought thousands of tax liens throughout the District, then charged homeowners legal fees and other costs that far exceeded their original tax bills.

When homeowners were unable to pay, the investors took the properties through foreclosure — about 500 since 2005 — stripping families of their equity. One 95-year-old woman, Daisy Dolsey, lost a $300,000 house that had been in her family for half a century over a $44.79 tax debt.

Homeowners have been “put out on the street for a tax debt which initially amounted to less than a week’s worth of groceries or a month of cable television,” the senators wrote, citing Dolsey’s case. “While we understand that some state and local governments are struggling in the current economic climate, it is never acceptable to make up such a shortfall on the backs of some of our most vulnerable citizens.”

The push by lawmakers, led by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), marks one of the first concerted efforts by federal leaders to intervene in an industry that has been run for decades by local governments, often with little scrutiny.

“The rip-off artists very often know that something that works in one area, they can very often duplicate it somewhere else,” said Wyden, who worked for years as an advocate for the elderly in Oregon before coming to Congress. “Washington, D.C., is not the only place where seniors get fleeced this way.”

A Post analysis found that about half of U.S. counties sell tax liens or other instruments to private investors to recover back taxes, while others have programs to recoup the money themselves.

Lawmakers, including Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.) and Sen. Timothy M. Kaine (D-Va.), are asking the Justice Department and the recently created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to examine one of the most common abuses: the fees imposed by investors.

The 12 senators also want to know whether local programs ban the taking of homes from the elderly and disabled and offer payment plans to cash-strapped homeowners. The District doesn’t have those kinds of safeguards in place, although this week its leaders passed emergency legislation to add protections to the city’s century-old program.

Lawmakers also want federal officials to analyze foreclosure rates, paying particular attention to homes lost by veterans, low-income families and people with chronic illnesses or disabilities. The senators asked the federal agencies to make recommendations to Congress about whether federal oversight is needed.

“It appears that some third-party investors are cynically leveraging these regulatory gaps to maximize profits,” the lawmakers wrote.

The industry’s trade group said Thursday it “welcomed the opportunity” to work with the federal agencies but was leery of direct federal intervention.

“Every jurisdiction is so different,” said Brad Westover, executive director of the National Tax Lien Association, who met this week with the District’s tax office and D.C. Council member Jack Evans (D-Ward 2) to discuss the city’s program.

Carolyn L. Carter, deputy director for advocacy at the National Consumer Law Center, said a federal probe is crucial.

“There is a great need to reform tax-lien laws so that they promote the interests of citizens and the government, rather than being a profit-making machine for investors,” Carter said.

In their letter, lawmakers also asked the federal government to investigate third-party vendors hired by mortgage holders during the foreclosure process, citing a story in the New York Times saying that banks and their vendors were using aggressive tactics when homeowners fell behind on mortgage payments.

The letter from the senators, which seeks a response from the federal government by Oct. 31, was signed by Wyden, Warner, Kaine, Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), Jeff Merkley (Ore.), Edward Markey (Mass.), Bernard Sanders (Vt.), Robert Menendez (N.J.), Chris Murphy (Conn.), Bill Nelson (Fla.), Mark Begich (Alaska) and Richard Blumenthal (Conn.). All are Democrats except Sanders, who is an independent.


Major HOA Legal Implications!

It looks like our side won a small but significant legal battle. A federal judge has ruled that a debt collector’s law firm can be held liable when it presents false information received from the client. The debt collector had inflated its claim against a homeowner by thousands of dollars, the same thing HOA debt collectors do all over the country. Finally! Finally, a law firm gets smacked for false representation!

Now we need a case where the HOA itself is also found liable for hiring crooked debt collectors who use crooked lawyers.

(link to law firm that wins legal ruling) 


HOA Housing Craziness In Aspen!

I’ve written about this before. But here’s another great column from the Aspen Times. Wages are so out-of-control in this Eastern Hollywood Town, that the City of Aspen is using taxpayers’ money to pay for the maintenance of Homeowners Associations where all the ‘low-income’ workers live. The whole system is warped in more ways than can be easily discussed. But the columnist linked below does a pretty good job.

Homeowners Associations are a national scandal waiting to burst. But making the taxpayer pay the cost of keeping this scam going is just stretching the imagination too far.

(link to Aspen Times story on taxpayer funded HOAs)



A Homeowner-Oriented Law Firm

Many homeowners are dismayed when they start looking for a lawyer to represent them against a Homeowners Association. Such law firms are close to non-existent. Lawyers who align themselves with such organizations as Associa and CAI make a massive amount of money.  But defending individual homeowners against HOA abuse is almost always a money-loser.

So I’m happy when I can pass along the name of a homeowners’ rights law firm. The Herb Milgrim Law Firm in Fort Lauderdale is a name you Florida homeowners should keep track of. They don’t blog often but their blogsite, linked below, is worth checking every so often. And I’m still collecting names of other good law firms around the country. If you run across a lawyer or law firm that stands for the rights of individual homeowners, please email me their names.


(link to Florida Condo Attorneys)






Stoopid HOA Buyers

I have enormous sympathy for people who buy into an HOA. Heck, I was dumb enough to do the same thing. Three times! But in retrospect, I was STOOPID! I was a lamb among the wolves. Never had a clue.

The biggest unreported financial crime in America is embezzlement from an HOA. The following story isn’t even extraordinary, it happens in city after city, day after day. But homeowners (like me) are just too witless to ‘get it.’ The HOA scam is beyond any reasonable explanation. If you’ve bought an HOA property you’ve just donated your life savings to a massive national criminal enterprise that the government will never investigate, expose, or end. Kiss your life savings, ‘Goodbye.’

If you live in a non-HOA neighborhood, fall in love with those boat trailers, the purple front doors, the obnoxious lawn ornaments. Your life savings are protected. Your investment will continue to grow. And feel a modicum of pity for the ritzy people on the other side of the street.

(link to Tampa Bay News story on 300 million dollar fraud)



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