Tag Archives: HOA Abuse

“Wrong Way, Lady!”

A Democratic State Legislator in Virginia is crowing about getting a law passed in her state. The new law will allow HOA officials in self-managed communities more time to answer written requests by homeowners for information. Current Virginia law requires HOAs to provide paperwork or answers to inquiries within five days. The new law Ms. Filler-Corn loves so much doubles that time to ten days.

Delegate Eileen Filler-Corn brags that this will help ease the burden on HOA officials. She says the five-day requirement is too much of a burden for neighborhood volunteers.

Listen, Lady! You’ve got it exactly backwards. Virginia HOAs are just as mean-spirited as those in other states. Your law does NOTHING to help beleaguered homeowners. How about actually pushing for some real reform? How about a two-point law that will really make Filler-Corn a household name.

First, you mandate that all neighborhood paperwork is posted online and available at all times! Then no homeowner would have to beg and plead to see HOA budgets, and how much board members were soaking the community with their hotel food-and-booze tabs. And no resident would have any questions because everything they could possibly need is instantly available.

Second, forget the First Point. Just abolish all HOAs as being fundamentally flawed. They’re all constructed to purposely allow agenda-driven ‘volunteers’ to get their claws into their neighbors’ throats. Actually, this law might make you a statewide hero!

What do you think, Del. Filler-Corn?

(link to Virginia story)


Guts in California, No Guts in Florida

If an award could ever be given to the most irresponsible organization in America, top consideration would have to go to CAI, the Community Associations Institute. The institute has essentially clawed its way to the top of the political food chain, deceiving thousands of Legislators and millions of homeowners into believing it’s a benign organization meant to benefit homeowners. In reality, it’s a massively wealthy parasitic lobbying industry which is sucking the lifeblood out of 335,000 American neighborhoods. CAI is no friend of homeowners. But it, along with other huge lawyer referral agencies like Senator John Carona’s Associa, are throwing billions of dollars into the fight to keep legal control of the HOA racket.

In California, a state which is facing an epic drought and the stark reality of looming food shortages, the simians at CAI have tried to argue that the Legislature has no business ordering homeowners to obey emergency drought restrictions. No, those HOA homes have lush green lawns while the state’s Central Valley is no longer able to supply the food needs of the nation.

Thank God that there’s a God. Because the California Assembly has overwhelmingly voted to ignore the ranting of the CAI primates.

Things are much more difficult in Florida, where it appears the attempt to reign in the horrible abuses of homeowners has again been quashed in the Legislature.

On second thought, maybe critics like me should begin to admire the sledgehammer lobbying tactics of the HOA industry. After all, it takes some talent to disembowel and skin an animal after a deer hunt. Those chops aren’t learned easily.

(link to Associated Press story on drought)

(link to death of Florida legislation)


Flight Safety Instructions???

Nine million YouTube hits in three days! Wow!

The Australian cast of The Lion King boarded a flight to Sydney and let fellow passengers get a real taste of flying. Yes, we all value the flight attendents and pilots who get us safely to our destinations. But on this flight it wasn’t the safety briefing that got all the attention!



A Second Look At Fire Safety

guest blog by Nila Ridings

Wow! $20 and a canister the size of a tuna can proves to be a life saver.

Hardware stores sell them. Installation is simple. Buy one for you and one for a gift…far better benefits than another pair of slippers or a chotsky for the bookshelf.

(KCTV5 story on fire suppression device)

And…Don’t Let The Dryer Start A Fire!

Clean the lint trap with every use. And keep the exit lines cleaned, too.

Sometimes this might require hiring a professional. I found a company that cleans heating and cooling duct work that also cleans dryer lines. I had this done when I bought my townhouse and was shocked when I saw the pile of lint outside. The technician said from his experience I was lucky I did not have a fire. And from the volume of accumulated lint it probably had not been cleaned since the place was built twenty years earlier!

(Consumer Reports story on dryer fires)


OMG! Is Jill Schweitzer Trying To Kill The Phoenix Cash Cow?

guest blog by Nila Ridings
She’s a real estate broker on a mission and armed with a new website (www.hoasavers.com).  She sat on her HOA board and got her eyes opened to all the waste by property managers.  But her board was able to save her HOA $40,000 by getting their own bids, minus the “guidance” of any property manager.   
HOLY COW!  Michael Latz of Golden Valley Property Management says Jill needs to get away from the HOA herd.  He’s runnin’ this ranch and got this biddin’ business under control! (Wink, wink.)
Come to think of it, wouldn’t Jill make a stellar replacement in the Legislature for The Bimbo? State Representative Michelle Ugenti has made a mockery out of the legislative process in Arizona. Can we talk Jill Schweitzer into running?
That would actually be a legislative race that would be fun to watch!