Tag Archives: HOA Abuse

Mama “Goes Grizzly” on HOA Bully

guest blog by Nila Ridings
Just when I think I’ve read my craziest HOA story yet…here comes another!
Burl Fluharty, head of Westfields Condominium Association in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania must be on some kind of power trip. He’s decided that kids from an adjacent HOA-free subdivision should be subjected to his dictatorship, too! The two neighborhoods share a street, and Fluharty demanded they quit riding bicycles there….or he’d call the police!
Dorene Akujobi pounced like an Alaskan Mama bear protecting her cubs.  If her kids ride their bikes on the shared street, she’ll protect them from Burl’s verbal abuse.  She growled and showed her teeth and maybe her claws, too. “Bully Burl” has no jurisdiction outside of his HOA fiefdom. And Mama Grizzly stood her ground.
Fluharty, realizing his threats to call the cops weren’t scaring Dorene, tried another tactic. He had his HOA attorney, Robert Stewart, write a letter threatening a lawsuit. Fluharty must have been thinking “if I can’t scare her with the threat of cops, I’ll scare her with the threat of going to court! If it works on my turf, it should work on hers!” (And how nice that his HOA gets to pay this guy’s idiotic legal bills!)
As Fluharty continued to press his case, he argued that the real reason he wanted the kids off the street was because elderly drivers in his condos might not see them! It apparently didn’t dawn on him that elderly drivers who can’t see kids on bikes probably shouldn’t be driving.
But there was a lovely followup to the story as related in one of the comments below from a fellow neighbor: It seems the Township’s attorney wrote a letter to Fluharty telling him to cease and desist flinging his threats around the neighborhood. Even if he is an HOA president, there are limits to his power.   
Back to Mama Grizzly: “Way to go, Dorene!”

Paper? Plastic? Or Old-Fashioned Roasting Pan?

Yes, Thanksgiving is coming.
Since becoming the sole caregiver of a loved one a few years ago, I’ve had to spend a little time in the kitchen trying to learn to cook. I passionately hate cooking. Recipes always seem suspiciously like the semester of chemistry I flunked in high school. 
But in the past few years I’ve been amazed at the number of folks who know nothing about paper bag-baked turkeys.
My mother, God rest her soul, didn’t know any other way of cooking a turkey. You basically prepare the Thanksgiving bird in your favorite way. Open a brown paper bag, grab a stick of butter with your hand and smear it all over the inside of the bag. Then slide the turkey in and tightly seal the bag.  
No, the bag won’t catch fire. And after the appropriate time in the oven you’ll taste an incredibly moist turkey.
Speaking of shopping bags, communities around the country are beginning to pass laws which essentially fine shoppers who ask for paper or plastic. But I promise you this: You cannot cook a turkey in a canvas reusable bag. Buttered or not.

WANTED: Hair Stylist With Tree Extension Experience

guest blog by Nila Ridings

If hair can be lengthened how about trees?

Quick! We need tree extensions in River Grove at Merritt Island, Florida before Pat Fitzgerald rips his Magnolias from the earth! His HOA is fining him $5000 because a couple of Magnolia trees he planted were too short. He’s already spent $1500 in an effort to mediate this idiotic dispute. Miracle Grow doesn’t work fast enough for this HOA board.

So, kiss those trees good-bye, Pat. Don’t you know you’ve destroyed all the property values in your neighborhood?

That’s right, Richard Rahn of the River Grove HOA board says Pat’s short trees have got to go! Yes, go! Not grow! I’m thinking things were better when board members didn’t make public comments. Because now that this board member has spoken out, HOAs everywhere should change their by-laws requiring elected officers to have an IQ of at least 50!

Pat never dreamed his military service during The Gulf War was going to be matched by the danger of growing trees in his front yard. But insanity never ceases to exist in HOAs!

Oh boy! Will it ever end?

(click here for KMBC story)


“It’s Almost Like Communism!”

Yep, Lady. That’s what it is. Welcome to Communist Amerika.

These stories just make me physically ill. The Masterson Station Neighborhood Association in Lexington, Kentucky, decided that a 75 year German immigrant didn’t deserve her home. So they took it. And they sold it. Now they’re booting her out to the curb.

Ingrid Boak thought the whole thing was a mistake. An oversight. But Ingrid, you’ve learned there is a fascist, communist side to the United States. Most of us deny that, of course, and we all like to pretend it’s still a free country.

Ingrid bought her home in 2007 for $125,000 cash. She didn’t realize the Homeowners Association was mandatory. She thought the dues were for the local swimming pool which she never used. So when the notices arrived at her house she thought it was junk mail. The neighborhood was demanding $48 per year but she thought it was just solicitations for things in which she didn’t participate.

Ingrid first noticed something was wrong when she found a note taped to her door saying she didn’t live there any more, and that someone bought her house at auction for $93,500.

“How can my house be sold without my permission, or without me having something in my hand?” Ingrid asks. “It’s almost like Communism.”

Nathan Billings, attorney for the Masterson Station Neighborhood Association said they were unaware anyone lived at the house. Strange, because the whole neighborhood, including a police officer next door, all knew she was living there.

Anyway, after the auction the money was divided up among the HOA, the attorneys, and the Master Commissioner. Oh, and they kicked some of the money toward Ingrid, although it was tens of thousands less than she had paid for her house.

Now this may be way out of line, but sometimes I do say things without measuring the consequences. The thought of these guys huddling around dividing up Ingrid’s stuff just reminds me of a Biblical scene, where Roman soldiers stood around after the Crucifixion divvying up Jesus’ garments.

(click here from story from Lex18)

Property Manager, Dana 859-246-0911 

Office hours, Mon-Wed 9am-3pm, Thurs 11am-7pm 
President, Jeff Crabb 859-252-5497, jdcrabb@hotmail.com 
Vice President, Greg Stanforth, gregnmasterson@netzero.com 
Secretary, Lori Hindenlang, lhindenlang@yahoo.com 
Treasurer, Mark Treesh, marktreesh@juno.com 
Todd Cox, etatau73@hotmail.com 
Veronica Herst, Veronicaherst.msna@yahoo.com 
Jeremy Slade, Jdslade.lxms@@yahoo.com 
 For all Board Members: board@mastersonstation.org 


Great Asset For Arizona Homeowners

I like to pass along good resources and blogs whenever I run across them. Here’s another.

Roger Wood heads a law firm in Arizona which recently filed a class action lawsuit against more than two dozen HOA management companies accusing them of illegal collections efforts against homeowners. That case is still pending.

Wood maintains a website where he occasionally writes blog entries, two of which caught my attention. One is a clever paraphrase of a passage from the Book of Matthew. The second is a discussion of a ‘cone of silence’ or force field that HOA attorneys put between board officers and homeowners, essentially to shut homeowners up…and increase their legal fees to the HOA of course. I wish we had a Roger Wood in each state in the nation.

Wood has given me permission to send you to his blog.

(click here for J. Roger Wood, attorney)