Tag Archives: Neighbors At War: The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association

Wacky Trayvon Martin Juror

Actually, he was only a potential juror who was tossed out of the jury pool when defense attorneys discovered some prejudicial FaceBook postings.

But this goofball, Jerry Counelis, had apparently posted a comment that said, “Justice for Trayvon” two weeks before George Zimmerman was arrested for Martin’s murder. Then he lied about it during voir dire.

When Counelis was ousted from the jury pool he came back into the courthouse and tried to get into the jury room. He was yelling that his anonymity had been taken away from him. And this is the kind of nut case who could have gotten onto the jury? Dear Lord God!

Counelis was finally arrested and jailed for trespass. His mug shot will ensure that he has no anonymity. Ever.

Zimmerman was an HOA crime watchman for the Retreat at Twin Lakes Homeowners Association in Sanford, Florida. He says he shot and killed Trayvon Martin after the teenager attacked him. Zimmerman was on a cell phone talking to police when the shooting happened.

This Homeowners Association has already paid Martin’s family more than a million dollars to settle a lawsuit against the HOA. But homeowners there haven’t begun to see the real costs of their gated neighborhood zeal. If Zimmerman is found ‘not guilty’ (as is probable), he’ll have a heck of a lawsuit against his own HOA. They put him at risk. They didn’t support him when he got into trouble while serving his official crime watch duties.

I would not want to be a member of that HOA when the special assessments start arriving.

That’s one HOA that could be going down the drain.


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My Book’s Declining Price

LOL! I have no idea how Amazon used book sellers work. But it’s only fair to note that TSC books apparently feels my book isn’t as saleable as it was a few weeks ago. Initially, TSC said a used copy of my book (in perfect condition) was available for 735 dollars.  That made me laugh, of course. Sadly, they’ve downgraded the price of a used copy of Neighbors At War to just 555 dollars.

Funny. For that price I’d still fly to your city, drive to your home, and personally autograph the book!

Ah yes, I’d also personally feed your dog and water your lawn!

Have a great Father’s Day!

Bieber Bashing!

This one is actually kind of funny. Justin Bieber is apparently not well-liked by many of his neighbors. The singing sensation lives in the ritzy neighborhood of Calabasas, California, where homeowners pay $1000 a month in HOA dues.

But the teenager’s antics, including loud and late parties, driving like a maniac and threatening other homeowners are causing  a neighborhood revolt. Neighbors have repeatedly demanded that HOA officials take some kind of action.  Even Sheriff’s deputies are demanding that the D.A. charge Bieber with assault and battery.

Now, the revolt has escalated to the point that a number of homeowners are refusing to pay their thousand-buck-a-month dues until the HOA takes action.

It’s amusing. Not paying your HOA dues is a serious crime in HOA Amerika, even more serious than late parties, speeding and assault. So these neighbors have all decided to become even worse criminals than Bieber is.




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HooRay for Florida!!!

Boy, howdee folks, this here Colorado cowboy never thought he’d see this day. But it looks like another fascist HOA state has just dipped its little toe into the waters of a free man’s land.

Governor Rick Scott has just signed HB-7119 into law! This law isn’t terribly radical. It just requires that all Homeowners Associations (or common area maintenance communities) in the state get registered. They have to report their federal tax I.D. numbers, the number of parcels within their subdivison. Most radical of all? They have to report their mailing and physical addresses. Ah yes, and they have to report their annual revenues and expenses for each association.

Sounds suspiciously like Open Government, doesn’t it?

Guess who viciously opposed this bill and demanded that the governor veto it? Two guesses? OK, three guesses. It’s the HOA board members and the industry that manage the HOA scam. Somehow, financial transparency scares the crap out of these people. Somehow, transparency unravels embezzlement, extortion, kickbacks, and pay-to-play schemes.

There are some heroes who stood up to the many bullies in the HOA industry.

Jan Bergemann. God bless you.

Rep. Michael Larosa. God bless you.

Rep. Debbie Mayfield. God bless you

Sen. Alan Hays. God bless you.

And God bless the American people who are slowly waking up to what has to be one of the most massive financial scams in the history of our country.

Sadly, there’s still such a long way to go to bring freedom to all of our people.

Such a long, long journey.

But it begins with a step.

Getting All Snuggly In Bed with the CAI

Nobody crystallize and focuses an argument better than Arizona’s George Staropoli. Around the country property rights advocates a pondering whether to invite the CAI (Community Associations Institute) into the flock. Staropoli nails it:

Guest blog by George Staropoli

Why do people NOT mention that the attorney speaking out is a CAI member? It does help to put his comments in perspective. (Would saying he’s a conservative help clarify his statements, for instance?) Think in terms of “loyal party member” who knows enough to give the appearance, the illusion, of being fair and helping the other side with his column and website, but is a party stalwart.

His column and website are vehicles for the party line and will never deal with the fundamental defects of the HOA legal scheme, like addressing the Study Committee issues that I raised in my Proposed HOA Study Committee issues of substance. Let’s see if CAI will respond. Hell no! They can’t and won’t, and an opportunity to show what CAI really stands for fails again. (Why is CAI silent on these issues,” can be asked, demanding a response in public.)

I would think that the call for a task force would be ideal grounds for making these issues the platform for NC HOA reforms. Going to the Governor with your own agenda is the right thing to do! That might force the Governor to say, Let’s play kumbaya and set up a Task Force. Now, that’s a power play by advocates!

Asking the other side to join in admits to a lack of power, and reform legislation is a game of political power.

Read more at http://www.pvtgov.org