Category Archives: pets


Dear Friends,

Please, please consider signing the petition to restore Constitutional law to our private neighborhoods, HOAs, CIDs, POAs.  This is not a radical petition. It’s only a request that our federal government allow homeowners access to Constitutional rights that they inadvertantly signed away while signing their mortgage papers.

As stated before in the blog, George Staropoli’s petition is not radical, it’s only common sense. Protect your rights. Restore your rights. Please read George’s letter COPIED below.

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From George Staropoli:
To the national advocate leadership:
Thanks for your efforts, now and in the past.  This petition is for  all of us!
We need only 150 signatures in order to have the petition appear on the We  the People website for all to see.   The turnout is  dismal.  Once we get on the site we can then expect a large response from  those truly concerned about the state of our Constitution.
I need your help to get to those 150 petitions.  Please urge the  people on your lists to get busy and sign the petition.  Tell them in your  own words why we must get the FEDS’ attention.  This is not  democrat/republican or conservative/liberal!  This our American system  of constitutional government created by the Founding Fathers without reference  to any political party!  This support from Washington is a legitimate  function of our Federal government, especially since the long history of state  legislative failures to uphold the Constitution demands federal  intervention.
We only have 30 days to get to 25,000 petitions, otherwise we have lost a  very important inroad to Washington and the national scene.  And CAI will  be laughing its ass off if we fail.  It is extremely important that you,  the national leadership, urge support for the petition.
Please pass this on to others.

Book Is Selling!!!

Neighbors at WarBTW, most of you know, but my new book, “Neighbors At War,” has been out for two weeks and sales have already started! I duplicate this blog over on my website,  Just click on the HOA HELL button to reach all these same blog posts. You can purchase my book from the webpage, or buy it on Amazon. Just run “Ward Lucas” in the book section and it should pop up.

Sign The Petition, Dummy!

LOL! Forgive me, but I’m corrupt enough to use any kind of inflammatory headline to get you to read deeper. And no, of course you are not dummies…UNLESS you refuse to consider signing the petition to the White House composed by George Staropoli, a man who is a giant in the world of HOA reason and Constitutionalism.

The left is all abuzz about a few on the right who are proposing seceeding from the Republic because of the results of the last election. First, those well-meaning people have an absolute right to propose secession to express their opinion. Second, secession won’t work, that’s what national elections are all about. If you don’t like it, vote for someone new in the next election. Just change it.

Dumb and Dumber on Marco Island, Florida

Homeowners in the South Seas Condominium on Marco Island, Florida, may soon have to pay a hefty special assessment because of a particularly boneheaded decision by their HOA.

The Feds have consistently said that service dogs are covered under the ADA. An HOA doesn’t get to claim they are pets, if the dog is actually performing services for a disabled person. But this particular HOA obviously doesn’t ‘get it.’  They will.

Fraud? In An HOA? G’wan!!!!!!!!!

As I’ve said before, once in a while you’ll find a lawyer who may actually be given a spot in Heaven. Is this another one?

Fraud in community associations.  by: Bill Raphan September 13th, 2012 | 2:41 PM

Unfortunately, there is fraud being committed in community associations throughout the State of Florida every day.

I spent 5 years working with the Economic Crimes unit of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement in their Condominium Anti Fraud program.

The good news is that the majority of the complaints that were submitted turned out not to be fraud but were only mismanagement or misappropriation of funds.