Category Archives: Home Assoc

Never Talk To The Cops!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is only vaguely related to Homeowners Associations. But since HOA board members love to call the cops on what they claim are rogue homeowners, this is some of the most profoundly important information you’ll ever hear.

As a lifelong investigative reporter I’ve heard this lesson many times from friends who are lawyers. Most people just don’t ‘get it.’ But you have protections in the Constitution’s Bill of Rights…only if you exert them. If your HOA calls the cops, USE the information in the video linked below, or REGRET it!



We’re Winning!!!

More and more media outlets are ‘getting it.’ There’s a growing amount of knowledge among reporters and editors about the national scandal known as Homeowners Associations. The modern movement was born a couple of months after the 1964 Civil Rights Act was signed into law. It’s so strange that HOAs were founded to keep blacks, Jews and Orientals out of white neighborhoods. Gradually, the racism and antisemitism faded as the reason for the existence of HOAs. But increasingly, HOAs are getting a sullied reputation because they’ve turned into cash cows for racketeering lawyers.

The news media are, indeed, ‘getting it!’

So it’s always fun for me to discover a new website and keep spreading the word.

Showing Support For Your Candidate

guest blog by Nila Ridings

It’s that time when signs, signs, and more signs will be seen. Signs of all sizes and colors will start to appear. The exception will be in the HOAs where the restrictions apply to size, location, lighting, and dates for display. Count on the HOA board to have their cronies watching your every move with a political sign…unless the board president happens to be supporting the same candidate. Then it will most likely be okay to have your sign out whenever and wherever you’d like. Rules seem to only apply to the supporters of the candidates the board dislikes.

We have one city in Kansas that is trying to ban candidates from campaigning in their city neighborhoods. The Kansas legislators created a bill to stop that from happening. I believe that bill is still pending. I think it is ridiculous since homeowners are not forced to open the door if they do not wish to speak to someone, anyone, political candidate or otherwise. On the other hand it gives the homeowner the chance to share their concerns one-on-one with a candidate. I know candidates get an earful about HOA nightmares when they knock on the doors in my neighborhood. Those discussions helped open the doors for our legislators to listen about the abuses that happen in HOAs. So, I say, let em’ knock and talk.

Here’s a Donald J. Trump supporter who either doesn’t live in an HOA or is willing to suffer the consequences of having a mega sign. Either way, it’s the biggest one I’ve ever seen in a residential setting.

Denver Snow

Sorry about getting behind on my Neighbors At War blogs but I have been slogging through this Denver blizzard. At first I didn’t think it was such a big deal, but that was before I got my Blazer and my snowplow stuck in ditches. Oh, and trying to dig out neighbors has been a huge stress producer. This really wasn’t much in terms of a Denver blizzard. We had one in March of 2003 that left snowdrifts up to twenty feet high. But this one, despite being just a couple of feet, is the wettest snowfall I’ve ever seen.

Ah well, there’s always tomorrow.

Why? Why?!!?!?!?!?

Why does a family with a handicapped child even have to go through this kind of a lawsuit?


Damn Homeowners Associations!

Damn them!

Sorry to be so emotional.

(link to federal lawsuit against Andover Forest Neighborhood Association lawsuit)