Tag Archives: Eviction
Throw Christians To The Lions!
Don’t think for a moment your HOA has any sympathy for your religious views. Across the country there’ve been plenty of homeowners who were forced to shut down their Wednesday night Bible studies because it meant one too many cars parked on the street or the driveway.
In Katy, Texas, a young lady named Meagan Schmidt joined a church a few months ago. She says the church changed her life so much that she wanted to tell others. So she put up a small sign in her yard that said, “Journey Church.” But the Highland Creek Village Homeowners Association says it’s a commercial sign and blatantly violates neighborhood covenants.
The young lady is resisting and even tried to explain her side to the board members. They shouted her down. Now it’s fines and liens and pending lawsuits. The HOA has even cancelled pool permits for the family’s kids.
In days of old, Texans would have resorted to six-shooters at sundown. These days it’s all about shaming the kids until the parents submit.
Highland Creek Village HOA. Another one to avoid like the plague.
original source:
Want To Get Really Steamed Up?

John Potter, a 92 year old veteran of World War II is trying to stay in the house he built for himself 56 years ago. It only appraises for about $50,000. Several years ago, Potter signed over his Power of Attorney to his daughter Janice Cottrill. Now she wants him gone even if she has to evict him.
Potter’s granddaughter went on an internet crusade and raised more than $140,000 to shut her mom up. But even though that’s nearly three times the value of the house, Cottrill is going through with the eviction. She wants the old man on the street.
This world has all kinds of people.
original story at:
Sad beginning…Happy Ending!

Guest Blog by Nila Ridings
At ninety-one years old, a WWII veteran didn’t have a legal battle on his “bucket list.”
Thanks to his smart, love-filled granddaughter, Jaclyn and the outpouring of donations she acquired via the internet, John Potter will now get to stay in the Ohio home he’s lived in for more than half a century.
Thank you for your service to our great nation Mr. Potter. Because of you, the spirit of America has proven to still be alive.
Oh, and this time it wasn’t an HOA seizing a home. It was Potter’s only daughter! What a cautionary tale for all of us.
Another Stunned Homeowner Evicted
It’s tragic, but some members of the news media are finally discovering and reporting on the power of an HOA. Details on my website, NeighborsAtWar.com