Tag Archives: Las Vegas HOA

Great Column in Las Vegas Newspaper

Rana Goodman

On My Soap Box

The Mess Continues, The Government Does Nothing!

For the past two months, I have been telling you about the issues of the Crossroads III Condominiums homeowners. Unfortunately, nothing has been resolved as of this date, since the wheels of the Nevada Real Estate Division (NRED) move painfully slow – even in the face of this emergency situation.

Terry Williams, Public Information Officer for the Nevada Department of Business & Industry, did speak to me about the case and promised to see what she could find out. She wrote me a long email ending with the following which I found very troubling:

“When an intervention affidavit is filed, the case is considered the state’s case. It is not the complainant’s case. The state has no further duty to report the status of the investigation until the investigation has been completed. The Division caseload is extremely heavy and while a complainant may feel a particular sense of urgency for resolution, the division can only complete an investigation as resources and circumstances (including responsiveness of the other parties named in the complaint, etc.) of individual cases allow.”

Perhaps that is why I have another homeowner incident on my desk that is now going into the fourth year. It has simply languished (or perhaps, been ignored?) by NRED’s bureaucracy.
And perhaps that is why Jerry Marks, who is a Supervisory Community Association Manager, (licensed by the NRED) turned to Channel 13 TV for help when he ran into problems with the HOA he lives in, rather than go through the tedious steps of “going by the NRED book.”

Jeez, the new forms alone would give you angina.

In my attempt to help the Crossroads III board and homeowners, I reached out to their Las Vegas Councilman, former Senator Bob Coffin. I sent several emails via his web page, as well as the previous Vegas Voice editions. I also enclosed a cover letter listing the problems and contact information for the board. The Councilman did not even have the courtesy to respond. No email, no phone call – nothing!

With no end in sight, Crossroads III homeowners cannot even get simple repairs made. The common areas are simply neglected by Sherryl Bacca, the community manager, even though she is paid by the “other” group that claims to be the “rightful board.”

There is now a 4 page recall petition for the “second board” that has been signed by many owners in the complex. Now that they have the required amount of signatures, by law, management has 90 days to hold that election.

If they refuse to do so, the homeowners would have to go back to the Real Estate Division to force compliance. However, as previously stated, no help has been forthcoming from NRED.
Believe me, I am very familiar with the cliché: “If you don’t like living in a HOA, why did you buy a home in one?”

Well, let’s be realistic. The largest percentage of homes built in the Valley over the last 15 or 20 years are in HOA communities. There is very little choice. Reading your governing documents only tell you the rules; you do not have any idea as to the type of board or management you are going to get.

When I was first introduced to the NRED Ombudsman’s office around 2007, a homeowner’s first “HOA problem-solver”, they were happy to give help and instruction. These days, that office is tied up for unlimited amounts of time with bureaucratic layers of forms and rhetoric that lead nowhere.

At the 2011 legislative session, few legislators wanted to talk about presenting HOA bills. However at the last session, there were hundreds of HOA bills, since legislators were besieged by homeowners who were having so many types of problems and needed help.
Things are only going to get worse and help will not be available since while “a complainant may feel a particular sense of urgency for resolution, the division can only complete an investigation as resources, circumstances… allow.”

Suffice to say, any homeowner wishing to sell and bail out of Crossroads III might as well forgetaboutit. There are disclosure laws in this state and sellers must “show and tell” if there are law suits pending, defects they are aware of, and/or “trouble in “River City.” A potential homeowner would have to be out of his/her mind to buy into that mess.

Unless of course, they are into war games!

Rana Goodman is The Vegas Voice political editor and a “trouble shooter, advocating for seniors.” She also maintains a community web site, Anthem Today; a forum for residents in Sun City Anthem. She can be reached at: rana@thevegasvoice.net.


Las Vegas HOA Mob

As I’ve said repeatedly on this blog, never in my forty year career as an investigative reporter have I seen forty percent of the suspects on a federal indictment list suddenly ‘commit suicide’. But in the Las Vegas HOA scandal, of the first ten indictments, four suspects died in somewhat weird ways. Yes, I’ve read the coroner’s reports and the police reports. But still….

Attorney and HOA TV star Nancy Quon had supposedly tried to commit suicide before…WITH the help of her police officer boyfriend who supposedly had the Las Vegas police lab mix up some illegal drugs which she would use in her ‘suicide’. That cop is one of those under indictment in the HOA scandal. The coroner ruled it was a legitimate suicide. OK, I understand, it’s Las Vegas.

But even the family of attorney David Amesbury doesn’t believe he committed suicide. He was found hanging from a rafter in his brother’s barn. Just shortly before his ‘suicide’ he was found inside the locked gates of his gated HOA community, badly beaten, ribs broken, both knees bashed inwards. And somehow he’s able to climb a ladder in a barn and hang himself? Give me a break.

Folks, you haven’t even seen one percent of this scandal as it’ll unfold in next year’s federal court case in Nevada. This is Organized Crime in capital letters. And it’s the same kind of Organized Crime that permeates the entire structure of Homeowners Associations across America. Have I seen it personally? Yes, as documented in my new book, Neighbors At War, I was once hit with a $75,000 extortion demand by a local HOA official. He was stupid enough to issue that demand through my personal attorney, who took extensive notes. Then, this HOA official was stupid enough to ‘confess’ to the HOA board in writing that he actually had such a communication with my attorney and he was sure it was tape recorded. Strangely enough, his memo was not produced during discovery as required by law. It was ‘accidentally’ included in a box of material that I was never supposed to see. Those records suddenly vanished right before my court trial, but he couldn’t get rid of that memo.  These people may be organized criminals, but they’re really not very smart.

Homeowners Associations are a dangerous institution. Any phony or quasi governmental institution that’s not required to abide by the restrictions of the U.S. Constitution is dangerous to your personal and financial health. They do not protect your property values. They do not protect your family’s privacy or safety. Thousands of Americans have discovered over the past few years that by agreeing to live in an HOA, they’ve signed a Devil’s Contract. If I appear to rant and rave, it’s just my way of trying to issue the warning that I wish someone had once issued me. Reading your real estate paperwork is the customary advice. But there’s nothing in your real estate documents that talks about what’s actually happening in HOA Amerika.

You know, I’d just love to cover those Las Vegas trials in person.

Just my rant of the day.



Another Creepy Vegas HOA

Las Vegas homeowners are lucky in one respect: They have Darcy Spears of KTNV-TV, who does frequent investigative reports under the “HOA Hall of Shame” moniker. Her latest report involves a dysfunctional HOA called the First Light Homeowners Association.

The board of First Light  is apparently somewhat vicious to many individual homeowners. They hate the spying, the discrimination, the retaliation, the indiscriminate towing of cars. People are afraid to go home. They’re afraid to open their mailboxes because of the threats, the fines, the foreclosures. 

I should also mention the massive decline of property values in Las Vegas Homeowners Associations.

Caveat emptor, buyer beware.

First Light is a neighborhood you might not enjoy living in.


original source:



Nevada has some slimy creatures. But this one has finally been nailed by the U.S. Attorney. Las Vegas huckster Leon Benzer has at long last been indicted for leading the organized crime ring that bled untold tens of millions of dollars out of that state’s Homeowners Associations.

Benzer has claimed innocence all along. In fact, he’s now saying that he got personal approval for running his racket by the Nevada Attorney General. While that’s totally believable, the HOA scam was totally unbelievable. More than two dozen participants have already pleaded guilty to rigging HOA board elections so they could put phony straw men on the boards and divert millions of dollars to Benzer, a bunch of lawyers, a few police officials and a politician here and there.

Oh, and this is the case where forty percent of the first ten suspects accused ‘committed suicide,’ at least one of them in impossible circumstances. But that’s the Vegas way.

The real tragedy here is that the FBI may be winding down its investigation. But with all they’ve learned during this four year investigation, they could transplant this team of federal agents to any city in the country and they’d find just as much corruption. HOA scams are going on all over.

And on that, you can depend.


original source:


Yet Another Embezzlement