Category Archives: lawyers

Your HOA Protects Your Property Values

What a hoot! Impossible as it seems, there are still homeowners who believe that bit of nonsense. When you buy a home in an HOA or Condo Association, you’re essentially pooling your net worth and life savings with a bunch of strangers, people you wouldn’t dream of inviting to lunch. Just go to any annual meeting of any HOA and listen to the yelling, the sarcasm, the accusations.

The eBook is out!

In case you hadn’t noticed, look at the left-hand column. You’ll see that our eBook is now out. If you’re a Kindle person, Please check it out! Click on it, enjoy! Then tell everyone you know that’s it’s now online.

The Worm Turns…. (Henry VI – Wm Shakespeare)

The victories are precious and few, but once in a while homeowners win a small victory against the fascists in HOA Amerika. An appeals court in California has issued a ruling that’s making the lawn Nazis twist in their graves.

The court ruled that all Homeowners Associations, when holding elections, must give homeowners with opposing views equal access to association media, when and if the board itself is taking a position in the election.

Zimmerman NOT GUILTY for Trayvon Murder! Told you so!


Trayvon Martin

A young man is dead, and that certainly is a massive tragedy. But another man’s life was ruined with all the racial allegations connected with the ‘murder’ of another man, and possibly ruined by a vengeful prosecutor who went to the bar with no evidence.

My big question is, should the prosecutor have charged Zimmerman in the first place? I’ll speak to some of the reasons he should not have, but first let’s look at a case of prosecutorial misconduct that happened at Duke University. Yes, the Duke Lacrosse team.

Please Excuse the Blatant Hustle

All this talk about lawsuits and collapsing HOA property values leads me once again to encourage you to get a copy of my new book, “Neighbors At War! the Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association.” I don’t care if you buy it, check it out at the library or steal it from your next door neighbor. There’s information in this book that you NEED TO KNOW!  All the five-star reviews on my Amazon page show that lots and lots of readers feel the same.