Tag Archives: George Staropoli

Power Blog From Arizona!

George Staropoli, one of the nation’s leaders in the homeowners rights movement, has an excellent blog post we should all commit to memory. If his five proposed legislative changes are ever enacted, this would be a far different country; a country of neighbors instead of embattled homeowners and power-tripping board members.

(click here for 5 proposed changes in law)


Sometimes,the Good Guy Wins!

Florida’s Jan Bergemman is one of the early heroes of the homeowners’ rights movement. For many years, he’s had his sights set on putting rules in place that would stop the mindless unregulated tyranny in Homeowners Associations. Jan describes himself as a “retired chef from Germany.” But he’s worked tirelessly in his state to try to wake people up to the organized crime syndicate behind the Homeowners Association Movement.

This blogger was skeptical, at first, when reading about proposed new anti-HOA laws in Florida. “Impossible!” I thought, when finding that common sense laws were being suggested in the original ‘tyranny state.’

But Bergemann & Company came through and beginning July 1st, the state began regulating and trying to control some of the wildly out-of-control fascism that rules many Florida HOA communities.

First step: registration of all HOAs.

Second step: No homeowner can lose his home to HOA foreclosure when his dues are late!

Third step: Homeowners actually get the right to inspect documents in their own HOA. Sadly, this had to be legislated. It shows how outrageously out of control secretive Homeowners Associations have gotten.

Fourth step: Husbands and wives on the same board are a conflict-of-interest! Wow!

Fifth step: HOA board members and managers cannot personally profit when awarding contracts. If this one sticks, it’s huge. A first in the entire nation.

This is all what Arizona’s George Staropoli has long termed “The Enlightenment Movement.” I like that term, but I don’t have the guts to steal it from George.

Whatever term is used, this is like changing the course of a wayward ocean liner. It can’t be reversed immediately. It takes time, effort and risk to right the ship-of-state.

But Jan? Congratulations! I never would have predicted your victory on behalf of all homeowners. Jan’s website is  http://www.ccfj.net

The Orlando.com article is linked below.



The Bimbo Outwits Blondie, But the People Catch On!

A slimy piece of legislation in Arizona is finally making it’s way to the mainstream media. We began discussing this ugly bill on June 24th. What it means is that Representative Michelle Ugenti, who was soundly rejected when she tried to introduce an HOA bill that among other things would allow convicted felons, child molesters, etc. the right to move into HOA crime free housing, sneaked her bill into law anyway!

Remember…she was voted down twice!

Also remember that the Arizona constitution mandates that every bill contain only one subject, and that one subject has to accurately depict the contents of the bill.

Silly Dilly Ugenti waited until just a few moments before Governor Jan Brewer was scheduled to sign the annual budget bill, and she slipped in a bill named ‘campaign finance’, which along with a few finance matters, also included the mandate to provide HOA housing for thugs.

Governor Brewer signed it, obviously believing that legislators who take an oath of honesty would somehow all be honest. Such gullibility. Brewer ought to be furious! Actually, Brewer should be at Ace Hardware buying a hangman’s noose.

Anyway, the inevitable lawsuit’s been filed. Ugenti’s character can now be considered ‘officially trashed’ and the matter now goes to the courts.

Really, you shouldn’t miss clicking on the first mainstream news media story linked below.




Wise, Wise Words

One of the early founders of our movement who’s perhaps one of the top three homeowners rights advocates in the country is Arizona’s George Staropoli. He has testified before legislatures, he’s a devout Constitutionalist, he’s perhaps one of the most articulate people standing up for downtrodden victims of the national HOA scam. To say he was a huge inspiration to me is putting it mildly.

His website, pvtgov.org, has tens of thousands of fans. In fact, his was the first site I discovered when I was trying to learn what was wrong with the basic nature and structure of American Homeowners Associations.

But his post linked below is exceptionally powerful, and should be spread to every legislator in the country. It should be a guest editorial in every newspaper. It’s not negative, but is actually a positive critique of HOAs because it points us to an escape route from the current HOA system.

Read it! Learn it! Do it!



Words of Great Wisdom

These words were once penned by one of the mightiest men in our movement. Understand, of course, there are still miles to go before we sleep. But read, Dear Friend, and take heart.

And the  Land Shall Be Made Good Again

George K. Staropoli

copyright 2006 George K.  Staropoli

 In the  beginning

There was  the land,

And the  land was good

And the  people were happy.


Soon upon  the land

Came the  moneychangers

In the  guise of builders

Of the  community.


And the  moneychangers said

Behold,  the covenants, conditions and restrictions

Were  sacred and holy works,

And the  people shall flourish and prosper.


And the  legislature looked upon these CC&Rs

And said  they were sacred and holy,

And that land values shall multiply ten-fold,

And the  people shall flourish and prosper.


But the  moneychangers were not content,

Seeking  laws that forced the people

Against  their judgment and wishes

Into mandated planned communities.


Soon, the  multitude became angry at their plight,

Yet the  moneychangers and legislature

Cast the  people into involuntary servitudes

With  continued tithes while disputes went unresolved.


The  child-like people, seeking paradise

on earth and the gates of heaven,

Were not permitted audiences

With the  magistrates.


And so  the multitude suffered

A long  and terrible time,

Praying  for a savior one day

To  deliver them from their existence.


One sect  sought the accommodation

With the  ruling powers and moneychangers.

Another  sought a cleansing

Of an  unworkable oppression upon the people.


Those  seeking accommodation held fast to their desires

To see  their fortunes on earth multiply ten-fold,

And that  all such plans were good and just,

For the  land values increased for all the community.


But many  saw the desecration of the beliefs, values and ideals

Of the  founders of the Great Nation that covered the land,

Saying  behold the society that thou hast created,

Where Me First has replaced Love Thy Neighbor.


A babble  of communities arose

By the  followers of the moneychangers,

With  beliefs, values and ideals of the Old Ways,

Once  rejected by the Founders of the Great Nation.


Woe unto the followers of the  moneychangers

For the  sins of the fathers shall be cast upon the sons.

Repent  now and restore the beliefs, values and ideals

Of the  Great Nation and make the land good once again.