Tag Archives: HOA Abuse

Getting Screwed for Putting Up Posties

Whew! Put up any kind of lawn sign in an HOA neighborhood and you’re going to get “rode hard and put away wet.”

These poor folks in North Carolina put up a small sign on their porch to tell burglars that they believed in the Second Amendment. No sooner did the sign go up than they were they smacked up alongside the face.

“Illegal sign!  One hundred bucks a day!” This is one HOA that knows how to play cards and lay down a phony flush. “We own your butt, Big Boy! And you’re goin’ down hard.”

If you’ve EVER considered living in an HOA neighborhood, wander over to Amazon.com and buy my book, Neighbors At War! Or borrow a freebie from your next-door neighbor. And definitely….read the link posted below!

(link to story on illegal security sign)


Another Day, Another Stolen HOA Dollar

The unfortunate folks in this neighborhood are only missing $20,000. That’s peanuts compared to the millions and millions of dollars lost in other crooked HOAs. But when you buy into a glorified ‘investment club’ (which is technically all a Homeowners Association really is) you shouldn’t complain when you get ripped off.

Still, for the record, here’s a link to another story on homeowners who feel they’ve been cheated.

(20,000 bucks missing!)




LOL! HOA Problems Are International!

Yep, I’ve said in the past that the out-of-control HOA movement is an international problem. The American HOA movement is outrageous, of course. But the newspaper article linked below shows some parallel problems in South Africa. They don’t have the Bill of Rights that we do. But it appears their HOA leaders are just as vicious.

Have fun reading!

(link to article on South African HOA speeders)



Are You Kidding Me? Nevada, Are You Nutz?!?!?!?

I would have made a rotten fiction writer. Just about the time I dreamed up the wildest possible plot, some actual news story would break that wrecked my work of fiction. And Ladies & Gents? It’s happened again and this one’s a whopper. But it’s all true.

This month, the U.S. Attorney is scheduled to go to trial in one of the biggest public corruption cases in history. Thirty crooks have already pleaded guilty. And they’ll be testifying against nine of their former friends in the HOA corruption case. Organized crime involving racketeering, money laundering, mail fraud, election fraud and about fifty other federal charges. There are even some hints about connections with a Mexican drug cartel! The bad guys are police officials, attorneys, politicians, a TV star, well-known public figures.

Now, two of the most prominent politicians in Nevada (who are also under investigation for public corruption) are going to monkey skip right under the limbo pole. “How low can you go? Everybody limbo, now!”

Yep, the Department of Justice has decided it’s not going to prosecute or even investigate Nevada Senators Harry Reid and Mike Lee. One Democrat and one Republican. It apparently doesn’t matter what they did, they’ve been declared off-limits and the FBI has been ordered off the case!  

There are lots of honest people in Nevada. I have some very good friends who live in Nevada. But it’s time to let you know, folks, the stench rising from your state is beyond polite description. You folks need to pay attention to the headlines. Your state’s economy is based on tourism and tourists don’t want to get pummeled and robbed. Home buyers don’t want the value of their vacation homes to drop 80 and 90 percent. A lot of Vistana homeowners were made penniless by these criminals.

Get with it, Nevada! Sniff the air!

(sniff the air here!)




AZ GOV Committee Burns While Chairperson Ugenti Fiddles For Campaign Funds

guest blog by George Staropoli
The Arizona House Government Committee is chaired by Rep. Michelle Ugenti.  Why hasn’t she held her House GOV committee meetings for the past 3 weeks, 4 in total (just under 50% not meeting)?  
Here’s a copy of the latest Ugenti flyer to raise funds for her campaign   Does her personal agenda –  campaigning for re-election – come before the work of the Legislature and her committee?  Before the people?  Is she so indispensible to the Arizona Legislature that she must be re-elected?  Or is she so desperate to get re-elected in the face of past acts and actions?
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Please Join Congressman David Schweikert and Host Jim O’Connor

For A Meet and Greet In Support Of:

Representative Michelle Ugenti

Contributions to Michelle Ugenti’s Reelection Campaign Are Encouraged and Accepted

Registered lobbyists cannot contribute at this time

The maximum donation is $2000 dollars per individual and $4000 for couples with joint bank accounts. PACs can contribute up to $4000. Corporate contributions are prohibited
  =    =    =    =    =    =    =    =    =     =     =     =     =     =    =
Last session she attached her twice defeated HOA omnibus bill, HB 2371, in the waning hours of the last meeting of the session causing Senator Griffin’s SB 1454 to violate the Arizona Constitution and House Rules. A law suit was filed and the attached Ugenti amendments were declared invalid.  However, ARS as posted on the Legislative website, ALIS, still shows the invalid laws without any annotation as to their unconstitutionality.
See:  HOA SB 1454 progeny: passing SB 1482/HB 2695 would be an act of tyranny by the AZ Legislature and view the important reference links to other posts.