Tag Archives: HOA Embezzlement


Nevada has some slimy creatures. But this one has finally been nailed by the U.S. Attorney. Las Vegas huckster Leon Benzer has at long last been indicted for leading the organized crime ring that bled untold tens of millions of dollars out of that state’s Homeowners Associations.

Benzer has claimed innocence all along. In fact, he’s now saying that he got personal approval for running his racket by the Nevada Attorney General. While that’s totally believable, the HOA scam was totally unbelievable. More than two dozen participants have already pleaded guilty to rigging HOA board elections so they could put phony straw men on the boards and divert millions of dollars to Benzer, a bunch of lawyers, a few police officials and a politician here and there.

Oh, and this is the case where forty percent of the first ten suspects accused ‘committed suicide,’ at least one of them in impossible circumstances. But that’s the Vegas way.

The real tragedy here is that the FBI may be winding down its investigation. But with all they’ve learned during this four year investigation, they could transplant this team of federal agents to any city in the country and they’d find just as much corruption. HOA scams are going on all over.

And on that, you can depend.


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Wise, Wise Words

One of the early founders of our movement who’s perhaps one of the top three homeowners rights advocates in the country is Arizona’s George Staropoli. He has testified before legislatures, he’s a devout Constitutionalist, he’s perhaps one of the most articulate people standing up for downtrodden victims of the national HOA scam. To say he was a huge inspiration to me is putting it mildly.

His website, pvtgov.org, has tens of thousands of fans. In fact, his was the first site I discovered when I was trying to learn what was wrong with the basic nature and structure of American Homeowners Associations.

But his post linked below is exceptionally powerful, and should be spread to every legislator in the country. It should be a guest editorial in every newspaper. It’s not negative, but is actually a positive critique of HOAs because it points us to an escape route from the current HOA system.

Read it! Learn it! Do it!



Very Important!

(Editor’s note: The following email was sent to homeowners advocates earlier today after the Community Associations Institute (CAI) decimated some pretty good proposed legislation in Colorado. This is a sneaky and litigious organization with billions of dollars in profits at stake.)

Guest Blog by Shu Bartholomew

CAI’s national headquarters are in Virginia along with the Northern Virginia chapter of CAI. These groups include many of the national folks you hear about. And they include those who are not quite seasoned enough to be on the national level, but they’re being coached, mentored and assisted by the pros. You are not going to find a more industry saturated market than Virginia.
In terms of the Common Interest Comjmunity Board (CICB), because of complaints to the legislators about abuses, especially after Koger management embezzled MORE THAN $2 Million from associations, CAI proposed licensing of managers and an ombudsman which is how the CICB came about. Believe it or not, I actually went to Richmond and testified AGAINST this charade because, as I said, it is nothing more than smoke and mirrors and of absolutely no real value to homeowners.
The chair of the CICB, Pia Trigiani, wrote the laws that established the CICB. Because they are the so called experts in HOA law, proposed legislation goes through the CICB for its input. The panel is made up of CAI affiliated attorneys, managers, developers and Realtors, time share pros and a couple of homeowners who do not have to be members in an HOA.
Where are you going to find homeowners who live in an HOA in a state that mostly mandates the damned thing?
We did get that one thing changed. Now, one of the homeowners has to have lived in an HOA. But you still have people who don’t live in these things making the rules under which they will not have to live.
The Virginia ombudsman is not allowed to do anything other than advise you about the laws. Most disputes are not about the laws but about boards exceeding the scope of their authority. Homeowners who have contacted me have told me that they had called Heather Gillespie, the ombudsman, and said she was “useless”. No no one who called me was satisfied.
If you live in Virginia and have a problem and you contact your legislator, you will be sent to the ombudsman where you will be swallowed up by the industry vortex. You see, the government has already taken care of the problem for you by making a whole panel of people “who understand HOAs and know what they are doing” available to help you.
Keep in mind the old saying, “be careful what you wish for, you might just get it”.
Read the stuff (linked below) about Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR). Just know that there have been several cases in Virginia where the homeowner has won in court by arguing the law. ADR will not protect your rights, will not set a precedent and will not be conducted in the light of day. AND, it is often as expensive, if not more expensive, than going to court. AND the homeowner mostly loses because the arbitrator knows that to get repeat business he will have to be nice to the association which is more likely to be back before them than the homeowner.
Suggestions? We need to have attorneys who are willing to represent homeowners. In Virginia the prevailing party is entitled to fees and costs, and in all the cases the homeowner collected all their costs from the association, in one case bankrupting the HOA. That case is still evolving so stay tuned.
(link to info about Alternate Dispute Resolution)
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Creepy, Creepy Drones


DronesI’ve been predicting for a couple of years, now, that Homeowners Associations would eventually begin using drones to gather private information on members of the neighborhood. And they will.

The story linked below is about a Seattle man who used a camera-equipped drone to peer through a third story bedroom window of a neighbor. It’s beyond creepy. But it’s exactly what’s coming to a Homeowners Association near you.

If your HOA president hasn’t yet used a drone-carrying camera to spy on you, your lady friend, or your kids while they’re sitting in your private backyard hot tub, just wait.

Only a matter of time.

Trust me.

Read the article here …

Ah! The Whiners!

In days of old, when a neighbor was having a problem and couldn’t maintain his property because of disease, disability, aging, family emergency, bankruptcy, all the other neighbors would pitch in and help out. Well, don’t expect that in HOA Amerika.

No, these days it’s all about humiliating, fining, suing and foreclosing on the properties of the less fortunate. And the new leader of the anti-homeowner rights movement may be Gary Walsh, president of the Meadow Walk Homeowners Association in Sarasota County, Florida. His story is linked below.

Yep, ten percent of Meadow Walk’s homeowners are in the process of losing their homes in this ongoing recession. But whatever fast is, it’s not fast enough for Walsh. He wants the Florida legislature to fast-track the ability of HOAs to seize the homes of scofflaws. Damn their Constitutional rights, just take their homes, auction them off and put the proceeds into the HOA budget.

While Walsh complains that defaulting homeowners aren’t paying their fair share of the HOA budget, note carefully that Walsh complains about weeds on his neighbor’s property. Yet he has a tractor that he can use to help maintain his bankrupt neighbor.

What a guy!

What a guy!


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