Category Archives: Arizona

And We All Give Thanks

By coincidence the celebration of Hanukkah and Thanksgiving begin in the same few hours this year. And I am thankful for all my friends in many faiths… and even those who are skeptics. But you can all have faith in this: I respect you and am thankful for all of you.

Ward Lucas

The Bimbo Outwits Blondie, But the People Catch On!

A slimy piece of legislation in Arizona is finally making it’s way to the mainstream media. We began discussing this ugly bill on June 24th. What it means is that Representative Michelle Ugenti, who was soundly rejected when she tried to introduce an HOA bill that among other things would allow convicted felons, child molesters, etc. the right to move into HOA crime free housing, sneaked her bill into law anyway!

Remember…she was voted down twice!

Also remember that the Arizona constitution mandates that every bill contain only one subject, and that one subject has to accurately depict the contents of the bill.

Blondie and the Bimbo

Explosive!The initial news was stunning. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer had just signed a campaign finance bill that radically changed the powers of Homeowners Boards and HOA managers. That little contradiction should raise your eyebrows. A campaign finance bill that allows untrained HOA managers to appear in Small Claims and Administrative Law Courts playing like make-believe lawyers on behalf of Homeowners Associations? A Campaign Finance bill that regulates whether Homeowners Associations can have on-street or off-street parking?

A Mess In Mesa

While this blogger continues to be hypercritical of uninformed reporters, sometimes they actually do get it right when it comes to rogue HOAs.

At the links listed below, reporters and anchors with the ABC affiliate in Mesa, Arizona, knew how to ask the right questions and expose the contemptible HOA president of the Superstition Lakes Condos.

Seems that president Michael Cassady has asked his treasurer for lots of unusual ‘reimbursements’ supposedly for HOA board meetings. Things like vodka. Laundry detergents. Big restaurant bills. More liquor. In two years, $38,000 worth.