Category Archives: Humor

I Feel Like A Little Kid!

Retirement can be boring. That’s why I spend so much time on YouTube and other sites. Over a week ago I was researching HOA rules against any and all use of solar energy and came across an amazing device, so amazing I immediately bought one. It’s a solar oven that operates on a vacuum tube principle that concentrates the sun’s rays into a cooking tray.

Every meal I’ve had during the past week has been cooked in this oven. Every meal! It’s tiny, it’s portable, it can get over 500 degrees in the tube but is completely cool to the touch outside. I just started the NutriSystem diet a couple of weeks ago and the NutriSystem meals fit perfectly inside the tray; soup, pizza, veggies, omelettes, all the other good stuff. Yesterday I even made a couple batches of chocolate chip cookies. 26 minutes in the Colorado sunshine and the cookies have an amazing taste and texture. Ugh! Despite my diet, the cookies have mysteriously all vanished.

And despite the oven’s hot temperatures it traps moisture inside the tube. It’s a taste you can’t get in your regular oven. My regular stove and microwave haven’t been used even once! When the national power grid goes down, I’ll be the one down the road eating all the hot meals! And, yes, I’ll leave the door open for you!

I’m so glad my house is outside the ugliness of the two neighboring HOAs. They’d have me thrown in prison, for sure.

Ah yes, a link to the solar oven:

GoSun Stove

I have absolutely no connection to this company, but I love their product!

BTW, if you buy one let me know. I’ve discovered some unrelated products that work perfectly with this device.

Tuberculosis Sniffing Rats!

I subscribe to all the science magazines, and I love this story!

For many years I’ve read and reported on cancer-sniffing dogs, and African Giant Pouched Rats that can be trained to sniff out just about every kind of disease. In East Africa they’re now using the trained rats in prisons to sniff out tuberculosis. Their accuracy rate is almost 100%.

LOL!  If these rats are so good why can’t we train them to sniff out HOA scumbags?!?

(link to story on TB sniffing rats)


Denver Snow

Sorry about getting behind on my Neighbors At War blogs but I have been slogging through this Denver blizzard. At first I didn’t think it was such a big deal, but that was before I got my Blazer and my snowplow stuck in ditches. Oh, and trying to dig out neighbors has been a huge stress producer. This really wasn’t much in terms of a Denver blizzard. We had one in March of 2003 that left snowdrifts up to twenty feet high. But this one, despite being just a couple of feet, is the wettest snowfall I’ve ever seen.

Ah well, there’s always tomorrow.

A Touching Story

Every once in a while I have to leave the HOA brain drain and just sit back and reflect. The HOA mess can make a person pretty negative. So it’s good once in a while to just rinse it all off, sit back, be amused and amazed at the good things in life. And when I run across a story like this one it needs to be shared.

(link to story of an adorable little girl and the rain)



Some Much-Needed Humor!

Please, please forgive me for this. But tonight’s post has nothing to do with Homeowners Associations. OK, maybe I can stretchhhh to make it fit. It happens inside a home. The star is a dog. Now, many readers know that I occasionally refer to certain lawyers as dogs.

But I love dogs…a lot. And I miss my Irish Setter who I lost a few years ago.

Also…the dog in this video is a heck of a lot smarter and more honest than many HOA lawyers.


(link to the world’s best-trained dog!)